TODAY'S FEATURESWhite Wine May Not Help a Woman's Skin
CLICK HERE TO READ THE MONROE DAILY NEWSPen Argyl Track.......Pen Argyl Girls compete in the hurdles during a meet with Wilson and Palmerton at Pen Argyl High School Thursday. PHOTO GALLERY (New photo tomorrow) Sbtt Photo Jennifer Trinkley Photography
Bangor - E-burg South Baseball.....Slaters' second baseman Anthony Schiavone tags a runner during Bangor's 7-4 win over the Cavaliers in a game played under the lights at Bangor Memorial Park. Records Bangor 9-4 ESS 3-9. PHOTO GALLERY (New photo tomorrow) Sbtt Photo Larry Cory.
White Wine May Not Help a Woman's Skin![]() Kathleen Doheny, HealthDay
Could that glass of Chardonnay affect the condition of your skin? Maybe, according to new research that found women with certain drinking patterns had a higher risk of developing rosacea, an inflammatory skin condition. "We found white wine and liquor were significantly associated with a higher risk of rosacea," said study senior author Wen-Qing Li. He's an assistant professor of dermatology and epidemiology at Brown University. Rosacea causes redness and flushing on the face and the neck. In some forms, acnelike outbreaks can form, and visible blood vessels can appear. Genetics can play a role in the development of rosacea. In those with acne like rosacea, their immune system may be reacting to a single bacterium, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. While red wine is often pinpointed as the beverage that can trigger rosacea flushing, Li said that that information tends to come from reports by patients who already have the disorder. The new research focused on alcohol's role in the development of rosacea. Li's team evaluated nearly 83,000 women enrolled in the Nurses' Health Study II from 1991 to 2005. The researchers collected information on alcohol intake every four years during a follow-up of 14 years. Over that time, nearly 5,000 new cases of rosacea occurred. "For white wine, compared to never drinkers, [those who drank] one to three drinks per month had a 14 percent increased risk of rosacea. For five or more white wines a week, risk increased by 49 percent," Li said. For liquor, five or more drinks a week raised the risk of developing rosacea by 28 percent, the study found. Li could not say if the link would hold true for men, as the study included only women. And, he points out that "it is just an association, it is not a causal relationship." Li isn't sure exactly why white wine and liquor seem to increase the risk of rosacea. However, the researchers speculated that the white wine and liquor may weaken the immune system and contribute to the dilation of blood vessels. For now, Li said, the message is to make physicians and consumers aware of the link. PUBLIC NOTICE The Washington Township Supervisors Meeting scheduled for 7:00 pm on June 14, 2017 at Washington Township will include a discussion on stormwater and the regulations for the MS-4 program as developed by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). DEP requires that municipalities adhere to specific guidelines for the management of stormwater. Municipalities are now required to obtain an MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) Permit. As part of this permit, each municipality is required to reduce the amount of pollutants found within the local watershed areas. These improvements include tree plantings, stormwater basin upgrades, and stream bank restoration. The improvements are designed to help reduce the amount of pollutants that reach the local streams, thus creating a healthier environment for the surrounding residents and wildlife. Topics to be discussed include water supply, riparian buffers, farms and their impact to water quality, siltation, rain gardens and how residents can help reduce pollutants. First Graders Visit Trout Hatchery.....Deer Park Water maintains two silos at Green Walk each containing nearly 30,000 gallons of water. They pump 300 gallons per minute and their trucks make 55 trips per day to their filling station on Route 512. PHOTO GALLERY (New Photo Tomorrow) Sbtt Photo Larry Cory
Junior Knights Baseball Opening Day....Green Knight Max Kukla took part in the opening day of the Junior Knights Baseball Club Sunday in Pen Argyl. PHOTO GALLERY (New photo tomorrow) Sbtt Photo Jennifer Trinkley Photography
Jacobsburg EEC Outdoor Explorers (Ages 6-8)
Tuesday, July 25 – Friday, July 28, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM & Tuesday, Aug. 15 – Friday, Aug. 18, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM “Learning to Love the Unlovables” Have you ever been frightened by a snake? Or spooked by a bat? Do you think opossums are weird or wonder what’s the point of vultures? Join us for a fun week of getting to know the creepy, crawly and just plain weird animals of Pennsylvania! You can also view and register for community programs online at If you need an accommodation to participate in a program please contact the park office at 610-746-2801 or [email protected]. With at least three days notice, interpreters for people who are deaf or hard of hearing are available for educational programs. Lehigh Valley Horse Council Meeting Lehigh Valley Horse Council Meeting Wednesday, May 17th 7:00 PM Topic: Ranch Horse Riding Speaker: Ms. Helen Guildein, clinician, trainer, world show qualifier at Timberland Acres, 512 Birch Road, Walnutport, PA FMI: 610-704-4130, 610-837-7294
Washington Vol Fire Fundraiser BINGO! Come out and support the Washington Township Volunteer Fire Company truck fund fundraiser! Friday, April 28th. Doors open at 6pm bingo starts at 7. Come early to shop with the vendors donating the Bingo game prizes. Food and alcohol and will be available for purchase. Purchase tickets in advance and save $5 per ticket!!!!
Information for the above is taken from Accuweather and Intellicast. The forecast are not always 100% accurate, but based on weather criteria, should provide valuable guidelines April 28 Regular EventsConnections for Women - Hopesprings, Market St., Bangor 10am - 1pm.
Bingo - Wind Gap Fire Co., 6:45. Blue Mountain Library - Open 10-12 Bangor Public Library - Open 1-5 Slate Belt Senior Center - Open 8-4. Blue Valley Farm Show Knitters of the Round Table - Blue Mt. Comm. Library, 10:30am. 610-863-3029 Slate Belt YMCA - Open 5:00am - 9:00pm Free Family Night Out - Community Presbyterian Church of Mt. Bethel. 6-8pm This is our calendar of regularly scheduled events. If you see any info that is incorrect or want to add a regularly scheduled event please send e-mail to [email protected].
Special Future Events - See BelowCLICK HERE FOR 45-60 DAY CALENDAREaston Electronics recycling
Electronics recycling event open to City of Easton and Northampton County residents only, Saturday, April 29 at 9 AM - 12 PM 500 Bushkill Drive Complex Easton 18042 proof of residency required. Friends of the Library Meet the Author The Friends of the Bangor Public Library will hold a “Meet the Author” event on Saturday, April 29, 2017 @ 10:00 AM at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Johnsonsville, PA. Featured Author will be Karen Shoemaker Katchur who will present her latest book: The Sisters of Blue Mountain. Main character in the book, Linnet, is owner of a Bed and Breakfast in Mountain Springs, Pennsylvania and her life has been a bit complicated lately. Hundreds of snow geese die overnight in the dam near the B&B, sparking a media frenzy, threatening the tourist season and bringing her estranged younger sister to town. A mystery evolves as a result of this occurrence and the sisters confront each other in a hidden past. There will be a discussion and book signing with Ms. Katchur. Karen graduated from Bangor High School, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from West Chester University and a Master of Education degree from East Stroudsburg University. She is an active member of International Thriller Writers and Mystery Writers of America. She lives in Eastern Pennsylvania with her husband and two children, Tickets are available for $5.00 at the Library or on the day of the event. For more information contact Karen Brewer @ 610-588-8615 or the library @ 610-588-4136. Portland Pet Parade Portland Community Events Committee will be hosting their 2nd Annual Pet Parade on Saturday, April 29th at 1pm to 4pm in the Portland Park and Walk. Parade registration from 1-1:50 pm. Parade and contest begins at 2 pm Bring your furry pal or feathered friend to strut their stuff in our parade for a chance to win a prize in one of our contest categories! All friendly pets are welcome! All animals that CAN be leashed, MUST be leashed for the safety of the people attending and the other animals. Parade participation is free with a suggested donation of only $5.00. All entries must complete an application and waiver. Pamper your pet with an animal treat from our tasty Barkery Sale (and a bake sale for their owners too!) The fun also includes a visit from The Barnyard Sanctuary with info on their sanctuary and a chance to meet a variety of the animals they have rescued! Want to make a donation to this wonderful rescue? Check here for what they need! Pose for pictures with your pet! Refiner’s Fire Ministry will be there to let you and your pet strike a pose to mark the occasion! Pet licensing information will be available! ALL children under 18 MUST be accompanied by an adult. Rummage and Bake Sale A rummage and bake sale will be held at St. John's Lutheran Church 12 N. Westbrook Avenue Pen Argyl, Saturday, April 29 from 8:00am to 2:00pm. Rain date Saturday May 6, from 8:00am to 2:00pm. FMI: Gail at 610-588-7545 Bald Eagle Nest Cam in Hanover, PA - Live![]() By clicking on the photo you can see and hear activity at an eagle nest - live.
Season three began December 28 at the Hanover nest. The cameras and audio equipment installed for the 2016 season continue to provide excellent views and audio of this eagle family. The live stream began December 17, 2016 shortly after the installation of two new cameras and audio equipment. Eggs were laid on February 18 and 21. March 28 one of the eggs hatched; the nestling died two days later, perhaps injured by a branch being moved in the nest. The other egg never hatched and remained n the nest until May 23 when one of the adults removed the remnants from the nest. Hanover is located in south-central PA about five miles from the Mason-Dixon line. Entertainment This Week
Benito Mussolini executed - 1945![]() On this day in 1945, “Il Duce,” Benito Mussolini, and his mistress, Clara Petacci, are shot by Italian partisans who had captured the couple as they attempted to flee to Switzerland. The 61-year-old deposed former dictator of Italy was established by his German allies as the figurehead of a puppet government in northern Italy during the German occupation toward the close of the war. As the Allies fought their way up the Italian peninsula, defeat of the Axis powers all but certain, Mussolini considered his options. Not wanting to fall into the hands of either the British or the Americans, and knowing that the communist partisans, who had been fighting the remnants of roving Italian fascist soldiers and thugs in the north, would try him as a war criminal, he settled on escape to a neutral country.
He and his mistress made it to the Swiss border, only to discover that the guards had crossed over to the partisan side. Knowing they would not let him pass, he disguised himself in a Luftwaffe coat and helmet, hoping to slip into Austria with some German soldiers. His subterfuge proved incompetent, and he and Petacci were discovered by partisans and shot, their bodies then transported by truck to Milan, where they were hung upside down and displayed publicly for revilement by the masses. HELP WANTED - Photographer (PT) for the Monroe Daily to shoot local events. Must have your own equipment. Call 570-688-3724 or email [email protected] HELP WANTED - Advertising Rep. for the Monroe Daily. PT. Flexible Hours. Call 570-688-3724 or email [email protected] In Case You Missed It......
Can You Believe It?
Bangor Elks Lodge #1106 Golf Tournament The 17th annual Bangor Elks Lodge #1106 golf tournament that benefits major projects will be held on Monday, June 26, 2017 at Whitetail Golf Club. It is a four person scramble format with a cost of $85 per golfer. It includes golf, cart, prizes, cookout lunch, and beverages. A hole-in-one is sponsored by Dotta Auto Sales. Please call the Bangor Elks Lodge #1106 at 610-588-3420 to register your foursome or email [email protected]. Deadline is June 19, 2017
Youth Summer Basketball League
2017 Bangor Park Youth Summer Basketball League is currently forming teams for 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. For more information regarding the league, registration forms and procedures, please contact: Phil Pinto at 610-554-5110 (Text or Call) or email at [email protected] For payment questions contact: Debbie Smith @ 610-751-7692 or email: [email protected] Slate Belt Band
The Slate Belt Band is always looking for new members. Practices are now every Wednesday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the Roseto American Legion, 143 Garibaldi Ave., Roseto, PA. For more info., find us on Facebook or call 610-588-8881 Bangor Womens Club GFWC Scholarship The Bangor Womens Club GFWC is offering a $1000 scholarship for a senior student from Bangor High School or Faith Christian School. Students interested in applying for this scholarship may obtain an application from the school guidance office. Applicants must be planning to begin their college education in September. The deadline to submit applications is April 15, 2017.
BAHS Accepting Promwear Donations Donate gently used gowns and male formal wear, shoes and accessories. Bangor Boutique, located in Bangor High School, is now collecting gently used formal wear, shoes & jewelry. Drop off donations at Bangor High School 187 Five Points Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013.
BHS Class of 1986 Scholarship A memorial scholarship was established in 1997 by the Bangor Area High School Class of 1986 to honor the memory of deceased classmates. It is named in Gary Moffett's honor because he not only served as Class Treasurer, but he also touched the lives of all who had the privilege to know him. They have since dedicated this memorial scholarship to recognize other classmates who have passed in recent years: David Pritchard, Cherry Oyer Klinger, Frank Lisovich, Melissa Fox Niceforo, and Kelly Cory.
A scholarship award of $500.00 will continue to be presented annually to a member of the graduating senior class at Bangor High School who best exemplifies the qualities which Gary embodied -- leadership, friendship, service, character, and scholastic achievement. The recipient is chosen by Gary's wonderful and loving family, and is announced during Commencement. Anyone interested in applying for the scholarship should see the guidance counselor at Bangor High School. 1885 Club Accepting Nominations The Bangor Area High School Alumni Association is looking for nominations for induction into the 2017 "1885 Club Hall of Fame." In 1998, the members of the Bangor Area High School Alumni Association began to search for a way to honor graduates who have distinguished themselves through public service, scholarship, and recognition in their chosen fields of work.
Discussions naturally led to creating a Hall of Fame for such individuals. Concerned about possible confusion with the Athletic Hall of Fame, however, the committee began to seek ways to create a different type of recognition with its own unique distinction. From this collaboration, "The 1885 Club" was born. Named in honor of the first year in which a class of students graduated from Bangor High School, this exclusive club honors distinguished alumni and holds these individuals as outstanding examples for others to follow. Through the creation of "The 1885 Club" the Alumni Association underscores and upholds the fact that graduates from Bangor Area High School have been making tremendous contributions to mankind for more than 130 years. We reserve a special category for educators and administrators who have served the Bangor Area School District over its long history. To nominate someone for either of these awards, please go to the Bangor Area School District web site, click on the Alumni icon (under quick links) and then click on the 1885 Club. There you will find a printable form. Fill it out and mail it to the address shown or forward it to Carole J. Hontz at Bangor Area Middle School, 401 Five Points Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013-5267. Nominations can also be e mailed to [email protected] Teen Gym Nite at Faith Attention teens, grades 7-10th grade. Need a place to have some fun....are you experiencing winter cabin fever?
Gym nite is every Wednesday evening from 6-8 at the Faith Christian School gymnasium, located at 33 Dante St, Roseto, PA 18013. Are you in 11th or 12th grade please call first. Please bring your parent or guardian when you arrive the first time so permission forms can be filled out, a little “meet and greet”...then you are good to go! They play, basketball for the first hour, then onto to other games like, mat ball, Chinese kickball, floor hockey, indoor soccer, volleyball, etc. If you need more info please call 610-587-0733.
April 28Washington Vol Fire Fundraiser
BINGO! Come out and support the Washington Township Volunteer Fire Company truck fund fundraiser! Friday, April 28th. Doors open at 6pm bingo starts at 7. Come early to shop with the vendors donating the Bingo game prizes. Food and alcohol and will be available for purchase. Purchase tickets in advance and save $5 per ticket!!!! April 29Easton Electronics recycling
Electronics recycling event open to City of Easton and Northampton County residents only, Saturday, April 29 at 9 AM - 12 PM 500 Bushkill Drive Complex Easton 18042 proof of residency required. Friends of the Library Meet the Author The Friends of the Bangor Public Library will hold a “Meet the Author” event on Saturday, April 29, 2017 @ 10:00 AM at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Johnsonsville, PA. Featured Author will be Karen Shoemaker Katchur who will present her latest book: The Sisters of Blue Mountain. Main character in the book, Linnet, is owner of a Bed and Breakfast in Mountain Springs, Pennsylvania and her life has been a bit complicated lately. Hundreds of snow geese die overnight in the dam near the B&B, sparking a media frenzy, threatening the tourist season and bringing her estranged younger sister to town. A mystery evolves as a result of this occurrence and the sisters confront each other in a hidden past. There will be a discussion and book signing with Ms. Katchur. Karen graduated from Bangor High School, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from West Chester University and a Master of Education degree from East Stroudsburg University. She is an active member of International Thriller Writers and Mystery Writers of America. She lives in Eastern Pennsylvania with her husband and two children, Tickets are available for $5.00 at the Library or on the day of the event. For more information contact Karen Brewer @ 610-588-8615 or the library @ 610-588-4136. Portland Pet Parade Portland Community Events Committee will be hosting their 2nd Annual Pet Parade on Saturday, April 29th at 1pm to 4pm in the Portland Park and Walk. Parade registration from 1-1:50 pm. Parade and contest begins at 2 pm Bring your furry pal or feathered friend to strut their stuff in our parade for a chance to win a prize in one of our contest categories! All friendly pets are welcome! All animals that CAN be leashed, MUST be leashed for the safety of the people attending and the other animals. Parade participation is free with a suggested donation of only $5.00. All entries must complete an application and waiver. Pamper your pet with an animal treat from our tasty Barkery Sale (and a bake sale for their owners too!) The fun also includes a visit from The Barnyard Sanctuary with info on their sanctuary and a chance to meet a variety of the animals they have rescued! Want to make a donation to this wonderful rescue? Check here for what they need! Pose for pictures with your pet! Refiner’s Fire Ministry will be there to let you and your pet strike a pose to mark the occasion! Pet licensing information will be available! ALL children under 18 MUST be accompanied by an adult. Rummage and Bake Sale A rummage and bake sale will be held at St. John's Lutheran Church 12 N. Westbrook Avenue Pen Argyl, Saturday, April 29 from 8:00am to 2:00pm. Rain date Saturday May 6, from 8:00am to 2:00pm. FMI: Gail at 610-588-7545 April 30Merchants Bank Walkers Fundraiser Merchants Bank Walkers are planning a bus trip as a fundraiser for the Relay For Life Slatebelt. The trip will be on April 30th to The Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia. The bus will leave from the 191 branch of the bank at 8:30 AM and leave the Market at 4:00 PM. the cost per seat is $45.00. You may reserve your seat by paying at any Merchants Bank branch. For more information, you can google the reading market or things to do near the market.
The 2017 Relay For Life will be on May 19 and 20 at Bangor Memorial Park from 4;00 PM to 4:00 PM. for more information please see our website at Any questions, contact Karen at [email protected] or at any Merchants Bank branch. Longaberger Basket and Designer Purse Bingo The Pen Argyl Alumni Association will be holding a Longaberger Basket and Designer Purse Bingo April 30, 2017 Doors open 11:30 Bingo starts 1:00 at Pen Argyl Park Community Center. Tickets $20.00 each. For tickets contact Ann Ehle @ 610-863-4600 Totts Gap Art Institute Arts Fair Totts Gap Art Institute, 1494 Totts Gap Road, Bangor will hold an Arts Fair Sunday, April 30 from 11-4. Over 300 works of art by local Slate Belt K - 12 Students. Awards presentation at 2:00pm. Prizes awarded to all exhibiting artists! * Dance Showcase * Live Performances * Demonstrations * Artisan Vendors * Refreshments * Family-Friendly & Free. . Jazz Concert and Improvisational Dance On April 30 at 5 p.m., the Mitchell Cheng Trio will perform a Jazz concert at Totts Gap Arts Institute. Improvisational dancers will dance to the jazz rhythms. This unique event is the first of four such events sponsored by Totts Gap this year. The next three will feature other jazz groups led by Guitarist Vaughn Stoffey on June 11, Pat McGee on July 9 and Dave Lantz August 6. There is a $10 admission fee. Visit for directions. East Bangor Pastie Sale The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church at 136 W. Central Ave., East Bangor, PA will hold a pastie sale. The selections include beef w/wo onions and broccoli-cheese w/wo onions. The cost is $5.50. To order, call Lois at 610-588-1745 by Sunday, April 30th. Pasties must be picked up at the church on Tuesday, May 2nd, at 3:30 p.m. May 1Pocono Arts Council Members’ Exhibition 2017
Stroudsburg – Are you a closet artist? Did you paint or draw in high school and college, and interested in reviving that skill? Do you have that perfect “art” photo that you know should be in an exhibit? The Pocono Arts Council offers you the perfect opportunity to show your artwork and become part of the dynamic arts community of the Pocono area. The Pocono Arts Council Members’ Exhibition 2017 is accepting work on Monday, May 1, 1-3 and 6-8PM. The show is open to all members of the Council, with one piece of artwork per member accepted. Non-members are welcome to participate in the show by joining the Council at drop-off. The show is juried for prizes with first, second and third place available in the following categories: acrylic; oil; mixed media; watercolor; photography; works on paper; 3-D works (sculpture & non-functional); and fine crafts (functional). A special student category has been added this year and a best in show award is also available. The show runs from May 6 – 27 in the ARTSPACE Gallery, 18 N. Seventh St., Stroudsburg. Artwork should be dropped off at the gallery on Monday, May 1. A copy of the prospectus and membership information is available on the PoconoArts website, For further information, call the PoconoArts office at 570-476-4460 or email [email protected]. The Pocono Arts Council is a local arts service organization serving Monroe, Pike, Wayne, Lackawanna & Luzerne counties. The mission of the council is to build the community artistically and culturally by providing leadership, service and education - “Culture Builds Community.” Further information can be found by visiting its website, May 2May 3First Round of JazzFest 2017 Events Performing Arts Live released the first portion of the Allentown JazzFest 2017 schedule. The program has broadened to include live spoken word and conversation performances, and will introduce new musical styles into JazzFest. Consistent with prior years, a large majority of the overall schedule will be free to the public. JazzFest opens on Wednesday, May 3, and concludes Sunday, May 7, 2017.
Today’s announcements are the first of a group of performer announcements that will stretch over the next three weeks. It is expected there will be 6 or 7 additional performances to be announced. All the 2017 events will occur in the Hamilton Street downtown area between 9th and 5th Streets, except for one event in Emmaus. The schedule can be viewed and tickets can be purchased through May 4PoconoArts May Studio Class
STROUDSBURG – The Pocono Arts Council will offer the following classes during the month of May. Classes, unless noted otherwise, are held at the PoconoArts Cultural Center, 18 N. 7th St., Stroudsburg. To register call PoconoArts at 570-476-4460 or register online at Drawing Workshop Instructor John McAllister 4 weeks, May 9, 16, 23, 30, Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm Never taken a drawing class before? Fell rusty or simply lack confidence? This course is for you. Beginning with a simple contour, you will use line to discover a variety of shapes and forms from a still life to the human figure. The foundational and formal aspects of sketching and drawing will be demonstrated. Explore the steps in drawing from an idea to a sketch to a completed drawing. MATERIALS LIST Tuition: Member $75/Non-Member $85: Senior Member $65/Non-Member $75. Radio Club Meeting Delaware-Lehigh Amateur Radio Club will hold its meeting Thursday, May 4, 7:30 p.m. in the Bethlehem Township Community Center, 2900 Farmersville Road, Bethlehem. Program: “DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) – W3MB. Hams and others interested always are welcome. Directions: FMI: 610.432.8286. May 5Womens Club Bake Sale
Bangor Womens Club GFWC to hold Bake Sale May 5 and 6 2017 at Capital Ace Hardware The Bangor Womens Club will hold a Bake Sale on Fri May 5 and Sat May 6, 2017 at Capital Ace Hardware, Capital Plaza, Bangor PA from 10 am to 4 pm. Homemade goodies will be on sale to raise funds for the club scholarship and library programs. May 6Spring Book Sale
The Friends of the Bangor Public Library will hold their annual “Spring Book Sale” at the Bee Hive Community Center, 197 Penna. Avenue, Bangor, PA on the following dates and times: Friday: May 5th from 12 Noon- 5 PM, Saturday: May 6th from 10 AM-4PM. Sunday: May 7th from 1 – 4 PM The sale features 1000’s of gently used and liked new books for adults and children. Fiction are organized according to authors and non- fiction according to genres’. Donations for the sale are now being accepted at the Bangor Library, 39 South Main Street, Bangor, PA. (only books in good condition will be accepted, no textbooks) For additional information contact: Karen Brewer @ 610-588-8615. Jacobsburg EEC BioBlitz 2017
Saturday, May 6 Please join us for this all-day event as we survey the biodiversity of Jacobsburg. This event is open to the public. Bioblitz demonstrations will be offered throughout the day. For more information contact: Rick Wiltraut [email protected] or 610-746-2801 ext. 103 You can also view and register for community programs online at If you need an accommodation to participate in a program please contact the park office at 610-746-2801 or [email protected]. With at least three days notice, interpreters for people who are deaf or hard of hearing are available for educational programs. Elvis Does Hawaii The Eastburg Community Alliance Event ELVIS DOES HAWAII will be held Sat., May 6 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Elks Lodge, 288 Washington St., East Stroudsburg, Pa. Doors open at 5:00 PM, food begins at 5:30 and Elvis begins at 7:00 PM. Dress for the occasion. There will be hula and limbo contests, with magic by Mr. Mysterrio. Admission purchased in advance is $15.00, or if purchased at the door $21.00. The admission price includes $8.00 food voucher. For more information call 570-350-1475 Weona Park Upcoming Events
Volunteer Clean Up Day----May 6, 2017 9A.M. - 1P.M. Bring your own rake and help spruce up the park! Meet at the Golf Course Master Site Plan Public Meeting May 10, 2017 7:00 P.M. Weona Park Community Center Come out and be a part of the future vision for Weona Park May 7Fundraiser for BAHS Band Member A fundraiser to benefit Bangor band member Elizabeth Goffinet's AMA trip to Europe to represent the band will be held at the Bangor Elks Sunday, May 7 from 4-8pm. Tickets include food and drinks, entertainment, 50/50 sold the day of the event.Tickets are $20.00
They are looking for businesses who would like to donate items for a raffle as well. AMA is the American Music Abroad. It is comprised of musicians from High Schools from PA and New Yotk and are recommended by the school Band Director They need to raise over $5,000 to pay for the trip, so this event will help offset those costs. Jacobsburg EEC Volunteer Day in May! Sunday, May 7, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM Help us restore the ecological integrity of Jacobsburg! We need volunteers to help plant native spicebush along our riparian buffer in Henrys Woods! We will also be working to spruce up our native plant gardens. Please dress for the weather and bring work gloves, snacks and bottled water. Registration is not required. Event is rain or shine! Spring Fling Bingo The Ladies Auxiliary of Washington Township Volunteer Fire Co., 920 Washington Blvd are sponsoring a spring fling bingo May 7.
Doors open 11am and games start 12:30pm. Cost is $20 in advance and $25 at the door. The kitchen will be open. Jackpot of $500 plus a tricky tray, 50/50, and door prizes. Call for tickets: Shirley Thomas 610-863-4603 or 484-541-4659; Ruth Hahn 610-588-7402; Donna Eberle 484-298-0192; Sandy Wambold 610-462-5611. Bangor Park Volleyball Meeting
The Bangor Park Volleyball Program will hold its annual league registration from 7 to 8 PM on Monday, May 8 at Bangor Memorial Park (under the pavilion next to the volleyball courts). The league, in existence for over three decades, will include women’s A and B leagues, co-ed league and a men’s league. Team representatives will submit a copy of their team roster and a check for $150 made payable to Bangor Borough. Those who are unable to attend the meeting should contact league director Marc Ennico at 484.819.0898 or [email protected]. The deadline to submit payment and roster is Friday, May 19. The women’s leagues will play on Mondays, co-ed league on Tuesdays and men’s league on Thursdays. Games will begin promptly at 7 PM for all leagues May 9PoconoArts May Studio Class
STROUDSBURG – The Pocono Arts Council will offer the following classes during the month of May. Classes, unless noted otherwise, are held at the PoconoArts Cultural Center, 18 N. 7th St., Stroudsburg. To register call PoconoArts at 570-476-4460 or register online at Drawing Workshop Instructor John McAllister 4 weeks, May 9, 16, 23, 30, Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm Never taken a drawing class before? Fell rusty or simply lack confidence? This course is for you. Beginning with a simple contour, you will use line to discover a variety of shapes and forms from a still life to the human figure. The foundational and formal aspects of sketching and drawing will be demonstrated. Explore the steps in drawing from an idea to a sketch to a completed drawing. MATERIALS LIST Tuition: Member $75/Non-Member $85: Senior Member $65/Non-Member $75 Jacobsburg EEC Tuesday Trails Tuesday, May 9, 5:30-7:00 PM Get moving after work with a brisk hike at Jacobsburg! These guided monthly hikes are 2 to 2.5 miles over uneven terrain. Dogs are welcome to hike on a leash. Meet at the flagpole at the Visitor Center at 400 Belfast Road. Registration is not required. Join the email reminder list by contacting us at 610-746-2801 or [email protected] Coming this summer: DiscoverE! DiscoverE Outdoor Programs for Young People are designed to help youth ages 6 through 12 learn about the natural world while enjoying Pennsylvania State Parks. Registration required. Cost $25.00 per child. You can also view and register for community programs online at If you need an accommodation to participate in a program please contact the park office at 610-746-2801 or [email protected]. With at least three days notice, interpreters for people who are deaf or hard of hearing are available for educational programs. May 10PoconoArts May Studio Class
STROUDSBURG – The Pocono Arts Council will offer the following classes during the month of May. Classes, unless noted otherwise, are held at the PoconoArts Cultural Center, 18 N. 7th St., Stroudsburg. To register call PoconoArts at 570-476-4460 or register online at Making Flowerpots and Bowls with Hypertufa Instructor Jody Singer 2 weeks, May 10 and 17, Wednesday, 6-9pm Learn to make beautiful flowerpots and bowls for indoor or outdoor use! These pieces are easy to make and weatherproof!! After creating the forms and letting them air dry, they can be carved or painted or embellished with glass beads or other interesting items. This workshop will teach you about Hypertufa and what you can use to make shapes, go over the shapes you will use for this project and then you will mix your ingredients and create your shapes. Pieces will then be cleaned, scored and painted. MATERIALS LIST Tuition: Member $50/Non-Member $60: Senior Member $40/Non-Member $50 May 12Outdoor craft and flea market
An outdoor craft and flea market will be held at St. John's Lutheran Church 12 N. Westbrook Avenue Pen Argyl, Friday, May 12 from 8:00am to 4:00pm and Saturday, May 13 from 8:00am to 2:00pm. FMI: Gail at 610-588-7545. May 13GLOW SLATERS GLOW Neon 5K The Bangor Elementary School PTO third annual GLOW SLATERS GLOW Neon 5K Fun Run/Walk will be held Saturday May 13 at the Bangor Area School District Complex. The 5K run begins at 9:00am, the Fun Run/Walk begins at 9:15am. There will be five splatter stations.
Registration forms are available online at Adults $25, children (4-13) cost $10. Children 3 and under may enter free. Fee includes event t-shirt, one color pack, Neon Dance Party and Tricky Tray after the run/walk. May 15PoconoArts May Studio Class
STROUDSBURG – The Pocono Arts Council will offer the following classes during the month of May. Classes, unless noted otherwise, are held at the PoconoArts Cultural Center, 18 N. 7th St., Stroudsburg. To register call PoconoArts at 570-476-4460 or register online at Drawing with a Palette Knife Instructor Linda Stockman 3 weeks, May 15, 22, 29, Monday, 6-8pm Painting with a palette knife gives the artist a very unique, impasto style used by many Impressionistic Masters. Students will paint a subject of choice using palette knives and acrylic paint. No brushes will be utilized in this workshop. Instructor: Linda Stockman earned her Associate Degree in Marketing Art AND Design from Middlesex County College in NJ. She also studied at the “Duarte School of Art” in Plainfield, NJ under several famed artists including illustrator Peter Cares and muralist Brian Townsend. MATERIALS LIST Tuition: Member $60/Non-Member $70: Senior Member $50/Non-Member $60 May 17Tour Grey Towers with Garden Club
Tour Grey Towers with the Monroe County Garden Club We are pleased to announce this excursion you won't want to miss. During our "exclusive guided house and garden tour" on Wednesday, May 17, attendees will be introduced to the Pinchot family and the many ways they helped shape conservation in America. One highlight will be experiencing the exquisite wisteria in bloom. The cost of $75 per person includes transportation, lunch at the historic Dimmick Inn, and guided tour. If time permits, we plan for "free time" to explore downtown Milford. The bus leaves from Bonton at the Stroud Mall 9 AM and returns about 4 PM. Reservation Deadline APRIL 15, 2017. Make check payable to MCGC, then give or mail to Sophia McGauchie, 703 Garden Court, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301. This tour is open to members and friends, so get your checks in as soon as possible, because there are only 24 seats available. For further information contact Sophia [email protected] or 570-872 Lehigh Valley Horse Council Meeting Lehigh Valley Horse Council Meeting Wednesday, May 17th 7:00 PM Topic: Ranch Horse Riding Speaker: Ms. Helen Guildein, clinician, trainer, world show qualifier at Timberland Acres, 512 Birch Road, Walnutport, PA FMI: 610-704-4130, 610-837-7294 May 18Bath Rummage Sale
A rummage sale will be held May 18,19,20 at Salem United Church of Christ 2218 Community Drive, Bath. Drop-off day is May 17. Help support the scouts. Contact Jean 610-428-8304 or Chance Trapp 215-901-9078. May 20Cub Pack 50 Pancake breakfast
Cub Pack 50 will hold a Pancake breakfast 8-10:30am Saturday, May 20 at Salem United Church of Christ of Moorestown. Adults cost $8.00 and children $3.00. The church is located at 2218 Community Drive, Bath. Art in the Park
Forks Area Art Society - 2017 “Amp Up The Art!” ART IN THE PARK Call for Artist’s/Craftsman’s/Vendors. Forks Area Art Society is hosting its fourth outdoor art show to promote a creative community gathering of artists. Come join the fun! Saturday May 20, 2017 (Rain or Shine); 11:00 am - 5:00 pm; Forks Township Community Center Amphitheater, 500 Zucksville Road, Easton PA 18040 Registration Fees: • Non-members: $40.00 for each 12x12 space. • FAAS Members (2017 dues paid): $30.00 for each 12x12 space. • Food Vendor – Business Flat Fee: $50.00 for each 12x12 space. Registration Deadline: May 1, 2017. Info: [email protected] or Penny at (610) 746-3026. Second Annual Awareness DayThe second annual awareness day for Heroin and Opiates sponsored by the Partners for a New Beginning will be held May 20 from 1pm to 4pm at the Bushkill Volunteer Fire Co., 156 Firehouse Drive, Nazareth.
May 21Hunter Training Course
Calling All Hunters - The Pennsylvania Game Commission is hosting a hunter training course Sunday, May 21, at the Blue Mountain Rod and Gun Club, 105 Rutt Road, Bangor. The course is required by law for all first-time hunters and trappers before they can purchase a license. If you are interested in registering for the class, please click here. There is plenty of space remaining in the class. May 24PoconoArts May 2017 Studio Class STROUDSBURG – The Pocono Arts Council will offer the following classes during the month of May. Classes, unless noted otherwise, are held at the PoconoArts Cultural Center, 18 N. 7th St., Stroudsburg. To register call PoconoArts at 570-476-4460 or register online at Painting Workshop Instructor Jim Smeltz One Evening, May 24, Wednesday, 6:30-8:30pm This workshop is open to any media, acrylic, watercolor and water based oils. The choice is yours! Hillside Sheep is the focus of this evening. Tuition: $10.00 May 27Portland Free Movie
Portland Free Movie Time! Saturday, May 27 at 8:45 PM - 11 PM. Place TBD . June 14PUBLIC NOTICE
The Washington Township Supervisors Meeting scheduled for 7:00 pm on June 14, 2017 at Washington Township will include a discussion on stormwater and the regulations for the MS-4 program as developed by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). DEP requires that municipalities adhere to specific guidelines for the management of stormwater. Municipalities are now required to obtain an MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) Permit. As part of this permit, each municipality is required to reduce the amount of pollutants found within the local watershed areas. These improvements include tree plantings, stormwater basin upgrades, and stream bank restoration. The improvements are designed to help reduce the amount of pollutants that reach the local streams, thus creating a healthier environment for the surrounding residents and wildlife. Topics to be discussed include water supply, riparian buffers, farms and their impact to water quality, siltation, rain gardens and how residents can help reduce pollutants. June 24Bangor Block Car Show
Enjoy the First Annual Car Show on Saturday, June 24th from 9am to 3pm on Broadway in Bangor, PA. Brought to you by the Historical Bangor Business Association. Stroll Broadway in Bangor. Enjoy plenty of food choices and shopping while voting for your favorite car. Plenty of PRIZES and TROPHIES. Register your car today by emailing [email protected]. June 26Bangor Elks Lodge #1106 Golf Tournament
The 17th annual Bangor Elks Lodge #1106 golf tournament that benefits major projects will be held on Monday, June 26, 2017 at Whitetail Golf Club. It is a four person scramble format with a cost of $85 per golfer. It includes golf, cart, prizes, cookout lunch, and beverages. A hole-in-one is sponsored by Dotta Auto Sales. Please call the Bangor Elks Lodge #1106 at 610-588-3420 to register your foursome or email [email protected]. Deadline is June 19, 2017 Bangor Summer Horse Camp Summer Horse Camp will be held from June 26-30 at Iron Gate Farm,Bangor. Summer Day Camp.runs Monday through Friday. 9:30 am to 3 pm (early dropoff and late pickup is available to accommodate working parents' schedules). Ride every day, every rider has a 1:1 Instructor/Side walker/Leadliner as needed, Hands-on Horsemanship, Learn All About Horses, Equine Science, Professional Presentations, Training Tips and Techniques, Games on Horseback!, Trail Ride, Activities and games to win prizes, Campfire, Folders with hand-outs, Tons of fun everyday! Horse Show the last day of camp. Camp Prices start at $350 for the week. Early Registration $25 Discount if registered by April 15 Another $25 Discount for Iron Gate Farm Riders (scheduled for riding lessons prior to camp registration) $25 Sibling Discount Ages 6 and up. Groups split up based on ages and riding experience. Beginners to Advanced Riders welcome. Our program is tailored to each individual campers level of knowledge and riding experience. July 17th camp is an Inclusive camp. Special needs children and typically developing children may both enroll during that week of camp. Special needs children may incur an additional charge if a 1:1 aide is needed. Call 610-762-8295 or email [email protected] July 25Jacobsburg EEC Outdoor Explorers (Ages 6-8)
Tuesday, July 25 – Friday, July 28, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM & Tuesday, Aug. 15 – Friday, Aug. 18, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM “Learning to Love the Unlovables” Have you ever been frightened by a snake? Or spooked by a bat? Do you think opossums are weird or wonder what’s the point of vultures? Join us for a fun week of getting to know the creepy, crawly and just plain weird animals of Pennsylvania! You can also view and register for community programs online at If you need an accommodation to participate in a program please contact the park office at 610-746-2801 or [email protected]. With at least three days notice, interpreters for people who are deaf or hard of hearing are available for educational programs. September 2ReStore Recyclable Latex Paint
September 2 Upper Mt. Bethel Township, Municipal Building, 387 Ye Olde Highway, Mt. Bethel, PA 18343 October 7, Tatamy Borough, Hope Lutheran Church, 240 S 8Th St.,Tatamy, PA 18085 October 1Portland Lodge No.311 MASONIC Motorama
The Portland Lodge No.311 MASONIC Motorama will be held October 1 at 12 PM New this year TRUCK and BIG RIG PULLS. Monster truck rides will be happening this year. Miller memorial blood center on site. Donors will be needed! Contact Shilo Thomas for available times. All proceeds donated to local charities. Exclusive R/C is back again this year with their monster display of R/C cars ,trucks and equipment. Show open to anything with a motor. Cars, trucks, low riders, high rollers, helicopters, power wheels, golf carts, big rigs, firetrucks/rescue vehicles, ATVs, boats, Snowmobiles, new, OLD, street rods, race cars, R/c cars trucks, tow trucks, wresckers etc. You know what we do and how we do it! We are going to be bigger, better, faster, stronger! A day of speed, horsepower and motor mayhem at the Plainfield Farmers grove, route 191 and Kesslersville road, Nazareth pa. Sponsors and vendors wanted. First come first serve, spaces open May 1st. Info posted soon. |
01 - .02
02 - .00 03 - 1.27 04 - .00 05 -. 00 06 - .1.65 07 - .04 08 - .00 09 - .00 10 - .00 11 - .00 12 - .00 13 - .00 14 - .00 15 - .00 16 - .13 |
17 - .00
18 - .00 19 - .00 20 - .22 21 - .56 22 - .04 23 - .00 24 - .00 25 - .22 26 - .02 27 - .00 28 - .00 29 - .00 30 - .00 31 - .00 |
Snowfall 2016-17
Date |
Total |
Nov. 27 |
1.00 |
1.00 |
Dec. 5 |
1.50 |
2.50 |
Dec. 6 |
1.00 |
3.00 |
Dec. 11 |
.50 |
3.50 |
Dec. 17 |
2.00 |
5.00 |
Dec. 29 |
2.50 |
7.50 |
Jan. 6 |
.50 |
8.00 |
Jan. 11 |
.25 |
8.25 |
Jan, 14 |
1.00 |
9.25 |
Jan. 31 |
1.0 |
10.25 |
Feb 9 |
6.0 |
16.25 |
March 10 |
4.00 |
20.50 |
March 14 |
16.0 |
36.50 |
March 15 |
1.00 |
37.50 |
Blue Mt. Library New Books
Adult Fiction:
Walking on Sea Glass, Julie Carobini
The Spy, Paulo Coelho
Finding Libbie, Deanna Sletten
The Amish Nanny, Mindy S. Clark
The Drowning Child, Alex Barclay
Drowning Tides, Karen Harper
The Wicked City, Beatriz Williams
The Sleepwalker, Chris Bohjalian
The Girl Before, J.P. Delaney
The Happiness In Between, Grace Greene
The Runaway Midwife, Patricia Harman
Always, Sarah Jio
The Dressmaker's Dowry, Meredith Jaeger
The Good Daughter, Alexandra Burt
Adult Large Print:
Cross The Line, James Patterson
Walking on Sea Glass, Julie Carobini
The Spy, Paulo Coelho
Finding Libbie, Deanna Sletten
The Amish Nanny, Mindy S. Clark
The Drowning Child, Alex Barclay
Drowning Tides, Karen Harper
The Wicked City, Beatriz Williams
The Sleepwalker, Chris Bohjalian
The Girl Before, J.P. Delaney
The Happiness In Between, Grace Greene
The Runaway Midwife, Patricia Harman
Always, Sarah Jio
The Dressmaker's Dowry, Meredith Jaeger
The Good Daughter, Alexandra Burt
Adult Large Print:
Cross The Line, James Patterson
Bangor Library New Books
April 19
Adult Fiction
Law & Old Order by Jan Fields
Sweet Caroline by Rachel Hauck
Nothing but the Truth by John Lescroat
Forever Friday by Timothy Lewis
A Little Bit Country by Debbie Macomber
Promised Land by Robert B. Parker
Stars by Nora Roberts
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.
Adult non Fiction
Headache Free: Relieve Migraine, Tension, Cluster, Menstrual, and Lyme by Suzy Cohen
Thomas Jefferson The Art of Power by Jon Meacham
Gettysburg A Testing of Courage by Noah Andre Trudeau
The Everything Civil War Book by Donald Vaughan.
Junior non Fiction
26 Fairmount Avenue by Tomi Depaola.
Easy Fiction
Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes.
Easy non Fiction
The Real Mother Goose Book of American Rhymes by Debby Slier Minty
A Story of Young Harriet Tubman by Alan Schroeder.
Hidden Figures.
April 19
Adult Fiction
Law & Old Order by Jan Fields
Sweet Caroline by Rachel Hauck
Nothing but the Truth by John Lescroat
Forever Friday by Timothy Lewis
A Little Bit Country by Debbie Macomber
Promised Land by Robert B. Parker
Stars by Nora Roberts
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.
Adult non Fiction
Headache Free: Relieve Migraine, Tension, Cluster, Menstrual, and Lyme by Suzy Cohen
Thomas Jefferson The Art of Power by Jon Meacham
Gettysburg A Testing of Courage by Noah Andre Trudeau
The Everything Civil War Book by Donald Vaughan.
Junior non Fiction
26 Fairmount Avenue by Tomi Depaola.
Easy Fiction
Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes.
Easy non Fiction
The Real Mother Goose Book of American Rhymes by Debby Slier Minty
A Story of Young Harriet Tubman by Alan Schroeder.
Hidden Figures.
Northampton County Road Work
Week of April 17
County: Northampton Municipality: Palmer/Bethlehem Twp
BETWEEN: Hecktown Road AND US 22
Type of Work: Crack Sealing
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Southbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/20/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/20/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bethlehem Township ROAD NAME: PA 33
BETWEEN: Interstate 78 AND William Penn Highway
Type of Work: Construction
Work being Done By: Local Municipality
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: PA 33 will be reduced to a single lane northbound and southbound while crews work on the overhead Freemansburg Avenue Bridge. Expect delays
START DATE: 04/18/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/20/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 3:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bethlehem Township ROAD NAME: PA 33
BETWEEN: Interstate 78 AND William Penn Highway
Type of Work: Construction
Work being Done By: Local Municipality
Type of Restriction: Nighttime
RESTRICTION: PA 33 will be reduced to a single lane northbound and southbound while crews work on the overhead Freemansburg Avenue Bridge. Expect delays
START DATE: 04/18/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/21/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 7:00 PM To 6:00 AM
County: Northampton Municipality: Lower Nazareth Twp ROAD NAME: PA 33
BETWEEN: PA 248 AND Hecktown Road
Type of Work: Crack Sealing
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Southbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/18/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/18/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Lower Nazareth ROAD NAME: PA 33
BETWEEN: PA 248 AND Hecktown Road
Type of Work: Crack Sealing
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Southbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/19/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/19/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Tatamy/Lower Nazareth ROAD: PA 33
BETWEEN: Tatamy/Main Street AND PA 248
Type of Work: Crack Sealing
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Southbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/17/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/17/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Wind Gap Borough. ROAD NAME: PA 512
BETWEEN: Epps Street AND High Street
Type of Work: Bridge Repair
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/19/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/21/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bushkill Twp. ROAD NAME: PA 512
BETWEEN: Hildenbrant Drive AND Epps Street
Type of Work: Bridge Repair
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/17/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/18/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: East Bangor Boro. ROAD NAME: PA 512
BETWEEN: Sampson Street AND Shafer Street
Type of Work: Drainage
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/17/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/17/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Easton City. ROAD NAME: PA 611
BETWEEN: Bushkill Drive AND Taylor Drive
Type of Work: Pothole Patching
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/18/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/18/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
Will Rain Cause Delays? YES
County: Northampton Municipality: Upper Mount Bethel. ROAD NAME: PA 611
BETWEEN: Hester Road AND Sunset Drive
Type of Work: Pothole Patching
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/19/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/19/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Plainfield Twp. ROAD NAME: Pen Argyl Rd
BETWEEN: Bangor Road AND Mill Road
Type of Work: Crack Sealing
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/21/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/21/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Upper Mount Bethel. ROAD NAME: River Road
BETWEEN: Belvidere Corner Road AND Pine Tree Lane
Type of Work: Pothole Patching
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/20/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/20/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bethlehem Township. ROAD NAME: US 22
BETWEEN: Hecktown Road AND PA 33
Type of Work: Inspection
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Bridge Inspection Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Eastbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/17/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/17/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 3:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bethlehem Twp. ROAD NAME: US 22
Type of Work: Bridge Repair
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Eastbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/17/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/17/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bethlehem Twp. ROAD NAME: US 22
Type of Work: Brush Cutting
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Westbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/19/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/19/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Hanover Twp. ROAD NAME: US 22
BETWEEN: Schoenersville Road AND PA 512
Type of Work: Highway Beautification
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Eastbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/20/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/20/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
BETWEEN: Hecktown Road AND US 22
Type of Work: Crack Sealing
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Southbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/20/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/20/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bethlehem Township ROAD NAME: PA 33
BETWEEN: Interstate 78 AND William Penn Highway
Type of Work: Construction
Work being Done By: Local Municipality
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: PA 33 will be reduced to a single lane northbound and southbound while crews work on the overhead Freemansburg Avenue Bridge. Expect delays
START DATE: 04/18/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/20/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 3:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bethlehem Township ROAD NAME: PA 33
BETWEEN: Interstate 78 AND William Penn Highway
Type of Work: Construction
Work being Done By: Local Municipality
Type of Restriction: Nighttime
RESTRICTION: PA 33 will be reduced to a single lane northbound and southbound while crews work on the overhead Freemansburg Avenue Bridge. Expect delays
START DATE: 04/18/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/21/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 7:00 PM To 6:00 AM
County: Northampton Municipality: Lower Nazareth Twp ROAD NAME: PA 33
BETWEEN: PA 248 AND Hecktown Road
Type of Work: Crack Sealing
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Southbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/18/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/18/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Lower Nazareth ROAD NAME: PA 33
BETWEEN: PA 248 AND Hecktown Road
Type of Work: Crack Sealing
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Southbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/19/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/19/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Tatamy/Lower Nazareth ROAD: PA 33
BETWEEN: Tatamy/Main Street AND PA 248
Type of Work: Crack Sealing
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Southbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/17/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/17/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Wind Gap Borough. ROAD NAME: PA 512
BETWEEN: Epps Street AND High Street
Type of Work: Bridge Repair
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/19/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/21/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bushkill Twp. ROAD NAME: PA 512
BETWEEN: Hildenbrant Drive AND Epps Street
Type of Work: Bridge Repair
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/17/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/18/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: East Bangor Boro. ROAD NAME: PA 512
BETWEEN: Sampson Street AND Shafer Street
Type of Work: Drainage
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/17/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/17/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Easton City. ROAD NAME: PA 611
BETWEEN: Bushkill Drive AND Taylor Drive
Type of Work: Pothole Patching
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/18/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/18/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
Will Rain Cause Delays? YES
County: Northampton Municipality: Upper Mount Bethel. ROAD NAME: PA 611
BETWEEN: Hester Road AND Sunset Drive
Type of Work: Pothole Patching
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/19/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/19/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Plainfield Twp. ROAD NAME: Pen Argyl Rd
BETWEEN: Bangor Road AND Mill Road
Type of Work: Crack Sealing
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/21/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/21/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Upper Mount Bethel. ROAD NAME: River Road
BETWEEN: Belvidere Corner Road AND Pine Tree Lane
Type of Work: Pothole Patching
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Lane restriction with flagging.
START DATE: 04/20/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/20/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bethlehem Township. ROAD NAME: US 22
BETWEEN: Hecktown Road AND PA 33
Type of Work: Inspection
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Bridge Inspection Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Eastbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/17/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/17/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 3:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bethlehem Twp. ROAD NAME: US 22
Type of Work: Bridge Repair
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Eastbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/17/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/17/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Bethlehem Twp. ROAD NAME: US 22
Type of Work: Brush Cutting
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Westbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/19/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/19/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM
County: Northampton Municipality: Hanover Twp. ROAD NAME: US 22
BETWEEN: Schoenersville Road AND PA 512
Type of Work: Highway Beautification
Work being Done By: PENNDOT Maintenance Forces
Type of Restriction: Daytime
RESTRICTION: Eastbound lane restriction.
START DATE: 04/20/2017 Est. Completion Date: 04/20/2017
Restrictions in Effect (time of day): 9:00 AM To 2:00 PM