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LMBT Recreation Board - The Lower Mt. Bethel Township Recreation Board will meet the 1st Wednesday each month 6:30 p.m . at 2004 Hutchison Ave, Martins Creek.
Please E-mail Your News To Us
LMBT Recreation Board - The Lower Mt. Bethel Township Recreation Board will meet the 1st Wednesday each month 6:30 p.m . at 2004 Hutchison Ave, Martins Creek.
PENNSYLVANIA - routes 22, 33, 78, 80
new jersey - routes 78, 80
slate Belt
Roadwork on MESSINGER ST / RICHMOND RD both directions between MAIN ST and CENTER ST / + MESSINGER ST. All lanes closed. ![]() Heritage Center Spring Opening
The Slate Belt Heritage Center (SBHC), located at 30 North 1st Street, Bangor, PA will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary in conjunction with its Spring Opening on Saturday, April 13th. Featured this year in the Council Chamber, will be “We the People: Folk Art for the Slate Belt”. We the people means “hand-made” and not mass produced. The featured folk art and crafts will tell about the creative drive, the diverse culture and the sense of identity that we share in the Slate region. Slate Belt people crafted many items like, slate whimsies and fancy needlework that demonstrate their skill and communicate a personal or community message. Some use traditional designs that reflect immigrant roots. Come and see rare “slate fans” that show a slate splitter’s skill. Check out the show towels, quilts and fancy work that women made to demonstrate their talent with a needle to make a comfortable home for their families. Folk art has a practical use, but it is amazing to see and helps us understand who we are and from where we came. Items shown will be from the late 1700’s to the present. The Heritage Center occupies the former 1907 Bangor Town Hall in the heart of the Slate Belt. Displays focus on the lives of people who settled this part of America, from the Lenape to the waves of immigrants-the Scots-Irish, German, Cornish, Welsh, Italian, Jewish and others whose families live here today. The Heritage Center also houses rooms for the textile and slate industries, in addition to the Homefront and Fire rooms. The Heritage Center is a not-for-profit 501(c) 3 organization whose mission is: To establish and offer for public view and educational purposes: artifacts, displays, DVD’s, oral histories, genealogies and research information that reflect local Slate Belt history and heritage, and to perpetuate our Slate Belt Heritage, ethnic contributions, industry and history so that future generations may learn and appreciate our valued past. SBHC presents Preservation Awards to people who preserve Slate Belt heritage and hosts students and teachers ranging from local 4th graders to East Coast Universities. The Center preserved nearly 3000 Slate Belt treasures which inspire heritage murals, historic building rehabs, family research and trips down memory lane. SBHC produces programs, exhibits, and tours for community groups, schools, special events, reunions and other museums. The Center is open to the public Saturdays and Sunday 12-3 PM April through October, and Sundays 12-3 PM November through March. Admission is FREE. Private tours are available upon request. Monthly presentations are held the second Thursday of each month from April-November at 7:00 PM and the second Sunday of each month from December-March at 2:00 PM. These programs are also FREE. Memberships are available at the Center. Follow the news on the website [email protected] and Facebook Slate-Belt-Heritage-Center-SBHC. Mamma Mia Breakfast........![]() This is one of many scenes from Saturday's preview of Bangor High School's Play, "Mamma Mia" held during a pancake breakfast at Bangor Middle School. The play will be held March 29,30, 31 in the Craig Paine Theater. PHOTO GALLERY Sbtt Photos Larry Cory
![]() Sunshine Week 2019 is March 2019. The PA legislature has introduced HR 111 declaring Sunhsine Week in the commonwealth. This will be the 14th annual observance of national Sunshine Week.
By Jim Zachary CNHI Deputy National Editor Editor, The Valdosta Daily Times (Story Edited for Brevity) For government to be of, by and for the people it must be out in front of the people. The theme for Sunshine Week 2019 is simply, “It’s your right to know.” The reason it’s your right to know is that it’s your government. From the courthouse, to the statehouse to the White House, it is your right to know what government is up to.
Government derives all of its powers from the public and is answerable to the public.Every person should have free and open access. The right to know is not only an American right, it is fundamentally right. Government secrecy that goes beyond national security is fundamentally wrong. So records custodians at city hall, the county courthouse, with the public school system or at the state capitol must not bristle when a person asks for public records. The records requestors are simply asking for a copy of what belongs to them already. The public’s right to know is one thing that everyone, both in and out of government, both left and right leaning, and at the local, state and federal levels, should agree on. We are the government. The government is us. Today's Special Slate Belt Area Events....... Hike for Health
On Wednesday, March 13 at 5:30pm to 7:00pm you can Hike for Health at Jacobsburg Environmental Center. Join us after work for a hike with a St. Luke’s University health professional! Get some exercise while learning about health and fitness outdoors. Each hike will include a presentation from a guest health professional on topics such as physical fitness, stretching, and nutrition. A different guest will hike with us each month, sharing a topic that they specialize in. We will hike at a brisk pace over uneven terrain for 2 to 2.5 miles guided by a center educator. Their guest will be available during the hike to discuss the topic of the day and answer your questions. This program is being provided in partnership with St. Luke’s University Health Network and the Get Your Tail on the Trail initiative. Meet at the Visitor Center at 400 Belfast Road, Nazareth, PA. Registration is not required. Today's Regular Slate Belt Events....... Today's Regular Slate Belt Events.....
Bingo - Bushkill Fire Co. Doors 5pm. Bingo 7pm. Blue Mountain Library - Open 10-12 & 6-8pm Bangor Public Library - Open 1-8 Slate Belt Senior Center - Open 8-4. Blue Valley Farm Show Gym Nite - 6-8pm, Faith Christian School, Roseto. 610-588-6929 Slate Belt Band - Practice. Roseto American Legion, 143 Garibaldi Ave., Roseto 7:30-9. Story Time - Preschool children. Blue Mt. Community Library, Pen Argyl, 10:30am Washington Township Supervisors Meet - Municipal Building, 7pm Plainfield Township Supervisors - Meets 7:00pm Municipal Building. Bangor Yard Waste - Dump in container at Bangor Park, 8-2 UNICO - 7pm. Medic 9 building, Blue Valley Drive (Rt 512). Open Mic Night - Nazareth Ctr. for the Arts, 7-9pm Slate Belt YMCA - Open 5:00am - 9:00pm East Bangor Municipal Authority - Municipal Authority Hall, 555 Messinger St., East Bangor, 7:00pm Full Calendar Today's Slate Belt Sports....... Today's New Announcements....... Kate Kromer Dinner-Dance Benefit
Blue Valley Farm Show as well as Rockin Ramaley and Rockin Photobooth are partnering together for the benefit of Kate Kromer through a Dinner and Dance at the Blue Valley Farm Show from 5:30 - 10:30 on March 30th! All proceeds go to Kate and her family. Join them in helping Kate through her battle with breast cancer. For tickets call Terry Kromer 610-258-5050. Richmond Spring Rummage Sale Visit the Spring Rummage Sale at Richmond United Methodist Church Friday, April 12 from 9 AM to 2 PM and Saturday, April 13 from 9 AM to 1 PM. Fill a bag on Saturday. A bake sale and lunch items will be available. Located at 8538 Delaware Drive ( route 611 & Five Points Richmond Rd.) Bangor, PA 18013 Public Service Announcements. Kate Kromer Dinner-Dance Benefit
Blue Valley Farm Show as well as Rockin Ramaley and Rockin Photobooth are partnering together for the benefit of Kate Kromer through a Dinner and Dance at the Blue Valley Farm Show from 5:30 - 10:30 on March 30th! All proceeds go to Kate and her family. Join them in helping Kate through her battle with breast cancer. For tickets call Terry Kromer 610-258-5050. Mama Mia! Special Performance Sr Citizen Preview Night Gold Cards will only be accepted for a special Senior Citizen preview on March 27 at 7:00 PM. There will be refreshments in the lobby available before the performance for all Gold Card patrons. To apply for a Gold Card you must be at least 60 years old and a resident of the Bangor Area School District. Apply in person with your driver's license at the Administration Office,123 Five Points Richmond Road. Pen Argyl Music Boosters Basket Auction Pen Argyl Music Boosters Association (MBA) holding its annual Basket Auction on Friday, March 22 at 4 pm in the Wind Gap Middle School Gymnasium. Also, anyone who would like to donate a basket or items for a basket can drop them off at the WGMS office during regular school hours. All proceeds benefit the music students at WGMS and PES (Plainfield Elementary School). Slate Belt Chamber Scholarship Applications The Slate Belt Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce applications for Scholarship Achievement Award 2019 are available March 1st at the guidance departments of Bangor High School, Pen Argyl High School, Faith Christian & Career Institute of Technology. The Slate Belt Chamber of Commerce will award one scholarship to a senior from each of the four area schools: Bangor, Pen Argyl, Faith Christian & Career Institute of Technology. Applicants must reside in the Slate Belt to apply. The scholarships will be presented to the students based upon the following criteria; academic accomplishment, demonstrated service to school and/or community, demonstration of leadership capabilities and future vocational plans. Please note: A separate award, The Frederick R. Curcio, Jr. Scholarship Award, may also be applied for at this time. To qualify a senior must been enrolled in a computer science related course or planning to attend a Technical School of their choice or majoring in computer science. Applications must be received by April 15, 2019. To honor the recipients, parents and friends, a Scholarship Awards Dinner is planned for May 17th at Tuscarora Inn. For more information contact the guidance department or the chamber office at 610.588.1000. Scholarship Applications Available Bangor Womens Club GFWC Scholarship Applications are available. The applications can be picked up at Bangor High School and Faith Christian School Guidance offices. A $1000 scholarship will be awarded to a senior who will be attending college this fall. The deadline to submit applications is April 15, 2019. Collecting Stuffed Animal Service Project Pack 102 is proud to announce a local community service project to benefit Bangor Police Department. We are collecting NEW stuffed animals at four downtown Bangor Locations: Broadway Pub, Bangor Trust Brewing, Recovery Revolution, Inc,and A Clean Slate. Stop by during regular business hours and look for our boxes starting Saturday. We will be collecting these new stuffed animals through April 2019. Pack 102 "Bear" Preston Rogers won the coloring contest. Please share! Lenten Art Study The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church will be offering a 4-week Adult Study on "Lenten Art", starting on Monday, March 11th - April 8th (with the exception of March 18th), at 7:00 p.m. It will take a look at some of the works of art throughout history depicting the events of Christ's passion and resurrection. The church is located at 136 W. Central Ave. (Rt. 512), East Bangor, PA. (Call 610-588-4453 or visit Glass Painting at Bloom Bloom's monthly Thursday night Glass Painting is March 14th from 6:30-8:30pm. Join Karin & the regulars @ the Craft Bar for a fun night of glass painting. One Glass, paint & instruction all included! Additional glasses available for $5.00 ea REGISTER HERE Colored Pencil Workshop A Colored Pencil Workshop will be held at Bloom on Thursday, March 14th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The subject will be a red-bellied woodpecker. Our drawing surface will be light blue Mi-Teintes board, which makes for a wonderful effect with the colored pencils. In addition, we will be learning about this woodpecker, with information sheets available. I will be adding a few features to make these workshops even more fun, informative, and engaging. Never drawn before? Nervous about your level of skill? The workshop is designed for anyone at any level to get something out of it. No fear, no negativity, just creative fun. My teaching style is to encourage you. Mark your calendars, bring a friend. The $20 per person fee covers all the materials, all is provided for you. REGISTER HERE FREE SUNDAY DINNERS
1st Sunday of Every Month East Bangor United Methodist Church, Central Ave., East Bangor 4 - 6 pm 610-588-4453 2nd Sunday of Every Month Crossroad Baptist, S. 2nd St., Bangor 4 - 5:30 pm 610-588-3966 3rd Sunday of Every Month Ackermanville United Methodist, 1410 Ackeranville Rd. 4 - 5:30 pm 610-588-7818 4th Sunday of Every Month First United Methodist, 3rd St., Bangor 12:30 pm - ?? 610-588-4673 Last Saturday of Every Month - Hospitality Luncheon First United Presbyterian Church, 218 W. Penna. Ave., Pen Argyl 11:30 - 1:30 pm 610-863-4447 If you have any questions, please call the respective churches. SUNDAY CHURCH SCHEDULE
Going out of town? Let SBRPD know that your house will be vacant and they'll do frequent drive-bys.. Safe travels... SBRPD is: 911 (Emergency), 610-759-8517 (Non-Emergency), 610-759-8523 (Fax) and 1-888-823-4978 FREE (Non-Emergency Toll Free) dRUG TAKE BACK BOX
The Slate Belt Regional Police Department has a prescription drug “Take-Back “box at their 6292 Sullivan Trail, Nazareth, Pa office (Plainfield Township Municipal Building). Contact information for the SBRPD is: 911 (Emergency), 610-759-8517 (Non-Emergency), 610-759-8523 (Fax) and 1-888-823-4978 FREE (Non-Emergency Toll Free) Send Your News To Us
Eagle Cam......![]() The Live-streamed Eagle cam from Hanover Pa. is back for its fifth year. Sightings have already been recorded. They are currently in their nest-building phase. Eggs are likely to be laid in mid to late February. Incubation time is about 35 days, meaning the eggs would likely hatch some time in late March. Click on the graphic to see the nest in real time.
![]() Swim at the YMCA Soon
YMCA will begin construction on a pool and gym this year. The Slate Belt Branch of the Greater Valley YMCA plans to begin construction on a new, heated indoor pool and gymnasium in 2019. The Slate Belt Branch’s Expansion Advisory Committee is working on finalizing the funding, but has already chosen Nu Cor Construction to build and oversee the project. Draft blueprints are displayed in the Branch Welcome Center for all to see. "We know that there is a community need for a gymnasium and pool, and we are making certain the resources are available to move forward with this project. We are taking steps to make sure that the Y additions that have been promised to the community become a reality. We take this project very seriously and are committed to completing the branch." said Greater Valley YMCA President/CEO David Fagerstrom. A pool and gymnasium has been a discussion among members, and in the community, for many years. In 2015, a pool and gymnasium had been part of the original scope of the project, but the project hit unforeseen barriers, which caused the gym and pool to be placed in phase two. The committee volunteers hope to break ground in the summer or fall 2019, with anticipated construction completion in 2020. “Thank you for your patience, understanding, and commitment to the Slate Belt Branch of the Greater Valley YMCA as we move this project forward," said .Jennifer DeLong, Branch Executive Director. "We understand the benefits to the community that a new pool and gymnasium will bring. Our organization continues to be blessed with a caring membership, wonderful volunteers, dedicated donors, and a loyal community that supports the work that we do every day.” The new, heated indoor pool will benefit the community by offering a safe location for community members to swim all year round; the Y will provide swimming lessons to children, therapeutic water aerobics programs to those dealing with chronic pain, and healthy living aquatics programs for people of all ages. Through the addition of the gymnasium and pool, healthy living programs will be offered to the community to help combat obesity and offer solutions to chronic pain. As the project moves forward, the YMCA will host a groundbreaking ceremony, as well as a grand reopening and ribbon cutting event to highlight the new pool and gymnasium as member benefits at this Y. The groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting ceremonies will be open to Y-members and the public. To learn more about the Slate Belt Expansion Project, stop into the Branch to see the blueprints, or give us a call at 610-438-6065. Heritage Center accepts Digital Report of Slate Lands
The Slate Belt Heritage Center recently accepted a massive digital documentation of the Pennsylvania’s Slate Lands form the University presented by Frank Matero, Professor of Architecture and Historic Preservation School of Design/University of Pennsylvania with 30 years of experience in teaching architectural conservation. The Pennsylvania Slate Belt is an area of 22 square miles. The first quarries opened in the 1830’s, but significant growth followed in the first decade of the 20th century when the Lehigh Valley accounted for ½ of the slate produced in the United States and eventually the world. Today only a handful remain active. These quarries altered the landscape with deep quarries, spoil heaps, buildings and machinery. Many of these sites are “brownfields” which makes them important for remediation. Preservation and re-use is the impetus for this project. The Project was divided into three phases:
The event is free and open to the public. The Heritage Center is located at 30 North 1st Street, Bangor, Pa. For additional information contact: Karen Brewer @ 484-894-5661. ![]() Lunch With The Author The Blue Mountain Community Library invites you to “LUNCH WITH AN AUTHOR” on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at Grace United Methodist Church, 404 E. Mountain Ave., Pen Argyl, PA. The Church is handicapped accessible with ample parking. (Enter from the lower parking lot.) Local author, Maryann McFadden will discuss her novel “The Cemetery Keeper’s Wife,” her longest and most challenging work to date. It tells the story of two brave and complicated women, one real and one fictional, and an unlikely bond that transcends more than a century as they search against all odds for love, redemption and a place to belong. McFadden moved at age 10 from Brooklyn, NY to Hackettstown, NJ and lived near Union Cemetery. She became intrigued by a monument in the Cemetery. The name and picture on the monument was of Tillie Smith, a 19 year old woman who “Died in Defense of Her Honor.” This haunted Maryann and she felt as if she was meant to write this novel, to give Tillie a voice. McFadden will have a question and answer session about her book and a Book signing. Copies will be available to purchase. Luncheon, catered by Cafe ’on Broadway, will be at 12:00 pm (Doors open at 11:30 am) and will consist of soup, sandwich, chips, desserts and beverages. Tickets are $10 each and MUST be purchased in advance of the event. There will be no tickets available at the door. Tickets are limited and may be purchased at the Library, located at 216 S. Robinson Ave., Pen Argyl, PA through April 18, 2019. Hours are M-SA, 10:00 am to Noon, and M-Th, 6:00-8:00 pm. Call Lisa at 610-863-3029 for information or visit Find us on Facebook at ![]() Minsi Reconstruction Starts Soon
With the long-awaited construction efforts about to begin at Minsi Lake, The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) reminds visitors to be prepared for changes in property access. This week contractor KC Construction Company is scheduled to begin a dam reconstruction project, which will include the use of heavy equipment. Prior to and during construction, equipment will remain in the west parking lot, creating an active construction zone which will be open only to authorized personnel. Visitors who use the PFBC property around Minsi Lake are asked to avoid the west parking lot and the additional active construction zone around the dam. Signage will be posted on the property notifying the public of restricted access points. The remainder of the property remains open for public recreation, such as hiking. The PFBC thanks the public for its cooperation. The $4.8 million-dollar project at Minsi Lake will include the construction of a new reinforced concrete spillway. In addition, the crest of the dam will be raised approximately two feet to upgrade the dam’s spillway capacity. Construction is expected to be completed by November, 2019 with a goal of refilling of the lake by spring of 2020. Minsi Lake could be refilled and ready for recreational activities by April next year. The 117-acre lake in Upper Mount Bethel Township, part of a 311-acre park leased by Northampton County since 1975 was drained in 2017 to repair deficiencies in the dam built in 1970 by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. Some preliminary work will begin as soon as snow melts and construction will begin in April. The eastern parking lot will be open during construction for hiking and other outdoor activities but the western parking lot will be closed to unauthorized personnel. Nine More Things To Know About Lake Minsi.....
![]() Faith Christian School's Sixth Annual Gala
Celebrate, recognize, and encourage achievement by joining with neighbors, friends, parents, distinguished alumni and sponsors of this year’s sixth annual Faith Gala “Masquerade Ball” to be held at the historic Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort in Shawnee on Delaware, PA, Saturday, April 27 from 5 to 9 p.m. The theme of this year’s gala is Masquerade Ball, “Unmasking greatness, one student at a time.” Formal wear is suggested; black tie and masks are optional. The Gala begins with hors d’oeuvres, followed by dinner and dessert auction. Both silent and live auctions will be held to support the academic and scholarship programs at Faith Christian School in Roseto, Pa. For more information on the program, menu selections, to preview auction items, see the list of corporate sponsors, purchase tickets, or donate auction items, please contact Sheila Boyer at 610-588-8815, email [email protected] or go to or visit their Facebook page Tickets are $40 per person. Deadline for reservations is April 12. ![]() Local Home Water/Septic Workshops
Do you know that wells and springs supply water to many residents in the Lehigh Valley? In addition, many residents also rely on on-lot septic systems to treat and dispose of their wastewater. A Home Water & Septic System Workshop sponsored by Penn State Extension will provide information on protecting, testing and treating private water supplies. Penn State Extension will discuss also septic system inspection and maintenance. Learn how to protect your health, your property, shared groundwater and surface water resources. he Home Water and Septic System Workshops will take place on Monday, March 18, 2019 from 1:30-3:30 pm and repeated from 6-8 pm at the Gracedale Nursing Home in Nazareth. The workshops are free. However, pre-registration is required. Free pre-registration required There will also be free drinking water testing for the first 60 registrants. Your water will be tested for pH, nitrates, total dissolved solids & coliform bacteria. You will receive instructions for how to bring in your water samples when you register. GCS Celebrates Dr. Seuss' Birthday
The Grand Central Landfill celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday this past weekend with the help of several children from the area. The event included the story The Lorax by Dr. Seuss and conservation themed crafts. The children participated in a tree identification activity and crafted pictures of how they would help save the earth. Northampton County’s Conservation District Manager, Sharon Pletchan visited with the children and discussed the Spotted Lantern Fly. Guests took home a variety of tree and leaf identification booklets sponsored by Representative Marcia Hahn and the PA Game Commission. The event is part of Grand Central’s “Celebrate Earth Day Everyday” program, which will continue through April at the facility’s Earth Day celebration slated for April 27th from Noon until 3 p.m. Interested guests can learn more about Grand Central’s Earth Day on the site’s Facebook page. ![]() Julian Meloy and Allie Fors participated in the story of the Lorax by Dr. Suess during a program held at the Environmental Center of Grand Central Sanitation last Saturday. Photo courtesy of Adrienne Fors GCS.
![]() March 14
Bus Trip to Hollywood Casino St. Elizabeth of Hungry parish will sponsor a trip to the Hollywood Casino on Thursday, March 14th. For more information, please call Mary Lou DeRea-Lohman at 610-863-4846 or 610-844-4630. Glass Painting at Bloom Bloom's monthly Thursday night Glass Painting is March 14th from 6:30-8:30pm. Join Karin & the regulars @ the Craft Bar for a fun night of glass painting. One Glass, paint & instruction all included! Additional glasses available for $5.00 ea REGISTER HERE Colored Pencil Workshop A Colored Pencil Workshop will be held at Bloom on Thursday, March 14th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The subject will be a red-bellied woodpecker. Our drawing surface will be light blue Mi-Teintes board, which makes for a wonderful effect with the colored pencils. In addition, we will be learning about this woodpecker, with information sheets available. I will be adding a few features to make these workshops even more fun, informative, and engaging. Never drawn before? Nervous about your level of skill? The workshop is designed for anyone at any level to get something out of it. No fear, no negativity, just creative fun. My teaching style is to encourage you. Mark your calendars, bring a friend. The $20 per person fee covers all the materials, all is provided for you. REGISTER HERE March 16
Recovery Day at Clean Slate
Recovery Day at A Clean Slate Free Event All Are Welcome. Saturday, March 16, 2019 at 1 PM – 7 PM. A Clean Slate, 100 S 1st St (Rt 191), Bangor. A Community Event with guest speakers sharing on the disease of Addiction to raise the awareness, stop stigma, and bring hope to all who struggle with Substance Use Disorder. Event is Free and all are welcome. Refreshments, door prizes and more! Speakers who are in long term recovery will present on various topics throughout the day so stay for all, or come for some! Beginning at 1:00. Thank you for participating and making this our yearly success of community messaging! Parade Of Shamrocks Downtown Bethlehem will be awash in green as Celtic Cultural Alliance hosts the 8th Annual Celtic Classic Parade of Shamrocks! The celebration will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2019. The parade steps off at 1:00 p.m., so get here early for the best viewing spots! The parade will kick-off at 10th Avenue & Broad Street. The parade route will continue east on Broad to Main Street and makes its way south on Main Street, ending under the Hill-To-Hill Bridge. Sportsman's Banquet The Mount Bethel Volunteer Fire Company will be holding its annual Sportsman's Banquet on Saturay, March 16th. Doors will open at 4 pm and dinner will be served at 6 pm. Dinner will be catered by Hillside Smokehouse and firearms by Communale's. Please note: There are two separate tickets this year. $50.00 General Admission ticket which includes dinner and a chance to win one of 30 prizes and a $20 raffle ticket good for the a chance to win one of the 30 prizes offered. There is no admittance with the $20 ticket. Tickets may be purchased from any member of the fire department, at the Mount Bethel fire station, Teel Realty or Teel Auctions. There will be reserved seating for groups of 8 or more. For a mail in application, go to Craft & Vendor Show Portland Hook & Ladder will hold a Craft & Vendor Show on Saturday, March 16 from 9 am to 3 pm at William Pensyl Social Hall, 111 State Street, Portland, PA. Children's Reiki Level I Class Children's Reiki Level I Class Saturday, will be held March 16, 2019 at 12 PM – 4 PM 1451 Rockdale Ln, Suite G, Stroudsburg,. Workshop by Glenda Dawson, Usui Reiki Grandmaster 20th Level. This workshop is for children ages: 7 – 12 years old. (with the maximum of 6 children) I want to keep the workshop small for the benefit of the participant. If your child older than 12, then they can join the Workshops Reiki 1 for adults. You can sign-up your child by emailing me at [email protected] or messaging me with your email address. At that time, I will provide details on how to register and the forms needed for this workshop. Note: this workshop is kids only! Parents can wait in the lobby :) Donation: $50.00 per child. This will include the workshop, a Certificate and an Attunement. About Reiki: Usui Reiki, is an ancient method of healing, that was rediscovered in the mid-19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui. In this course the teachings are given as they were traditionally transmitted with the appropriate language and at the level that children can understand. Children are natural healers and can connect to the Universal Life Energy more naturally than adults March 17 Allentown St Patrick's Day Parade Allentown St Patrick's Day Parade Sunday, March 17, 2019 at 1:30 PM. Allentown's West End Allentown. Allentown's West End, Allentown. March 18
Community Awareness Night
The Slate Belt Ministerium and Pen Argyl Area School District are co-sponsoring a presentation on "The Most Stressed Generation: How to Listen so your Kids will Talk". It will be held on Monday, March 18th, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at Grace United Methodist Church, 404 E. Mountain Ave., Pen Argyl, PA. The speaker will be Dr. Timothy Silvestri, director of counseling services at Muhlenberg College. He will bring some practical thoughts on addressing suicide and the related issues facing our teens today. The presentation will end with a question and answer session. March 22
Knobby Whistlers Trio
Knobby Whistlers Trio will play at the Broadway Pub hosted by Gina White on Friday, March 22, 2019 at 8 PM – 11 PM Come and listen to live music while enjoying a delicious dinner and cold drinks Pen Argyl Music Boosters Basket Auction Pen Argyl Music Boosters Association (MBA) holding its annual Basket Auction on Friday, March 22 at 4 pm in the Wind Gap Middle School Gymnasium. Also, anyone who would like to donate a basket or items for a basket can drop them off at the WGMS office during regular school hours. All proceeds benefit the music students at WGMS and PES (Plainfield Elementary School). March 23
Frog Slog!
Saturday, March 23rd at 7:00pm to 9:00 pm is Frog Slog at Jacobsburg. Have you ever slogged for frogs in a vernal pool? Vernal pools are temporary bodies of water that are used by frogs and salamanders to breed and lay eggs. Join us for this nighttime journey to explore these woodland ponds in search of these amphibian wonders. Please dress for the weather, wear waterproof footwear, and bring a flashlight. Registration is required. Program limited to 30 participants. Super Gigantic Garage Sale The Super Gigantic Garage Sale will be at the Allentown Fairgrounds, March 23-24. This annual indoor Spring garage sale now features over 200 sellers in one location. This one of kind Lehigh Valley Tradition has always offered a variety of new, used and cherished household items from cleared out attics, sheds, garages and storage units. Now with the addition of over 75 new sellers, there will be even more treasures and bargains from their storage center, shed, garage attics and several estate sales will be available for sale. The Sale occupies every square inch of the Agri-plex, located next to the Allentown Farmers Market on the grounds of the Allentown Fairgrounds. All-You-Can-Eat Ham Dinner The Belfast Wesley UMC, 607 School Rd. Nazareth, will sponsor an all-you-can-eat Buffet Style Ham Dinner Saturday March 23rd. Dinner will be served from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. The cost is adults $11.00, children (3-10) $5.00, and under age 3 eat free. For more information please call Tom 610-751-4400. March 24
St. Patrick's Day Parade Save the date for the St. Patrick's Day parade on Sunday, March 24th. Enjoy marching units, bands, non-profit groups, politicians and local businesses marching between two boroughs to celebrate the life and good works of St. Patrick of Ireland with a grand Marshall who exhibits the similar characteristics. The parade kicks off at the Stroudsburg High School at 1:30 PM and ends at Crystal Street in East Stroudsburg. Camp Papillon's float is Harry Pawter themed! March 25 Healthcare Industry Job Fair A Healthcare Industry Job Fair will be held Monday, March 25, 2019 at 10 AM – 2 PM at Northampton Community College 3835 Green Pond Rd, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18020 Student interviews for potential full time or part time jobs or internships. Students should be dressed professionally and have current resumes. Check back at a later date for a list of participating employers. Need help with your resume, or would you like tips on interviewing? Contact Career Services at 610-861-5344 or [email protected]. Career services is located in Room 348 and open Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m and Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. March 27 Mama Mia! Special Performance Senior Citizen Preview Night Gold Cards will only be accepted for a special Senior Citizen preview on March 27 at 7:00 PM. There will be refreshments in the lobby available before the performance for all Gold Card patrons. To apply for a Gold Card you must be at least 60 years old and a resident of the Bangor Area School District. Apply in person with your driver's license at the Administration Office,123 Five Points Richmond Road. March 29
Family Night at Jacobsburg
There will be an Evening Amphibian Search at Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center on Friday, March 29 at 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Spring is here and our amphibian neighbors are springing out of the ground! Join us as we learn what amphibians are and what they’ve been doing all winter. We’ll go on a two mile walk to look for frogs and salamanders just before sunset. Bring a flashlight and wear sturdy shoes that can get wet and muddy. Registration is required. Cole Quest and The City Pickers The Nazareth Center for the Artswill host Cole Quest and The City Pickers Friday, March 29, 2019 at 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM Cole Quest and The City Pickers are a group of New York City musicians connected by friendship and a love of bluegrass. Cole Quest, grandson of the folk icon Woody Guthrie, has brought together a collection of eclectic pickers who have gained recognition on the local scene. Performing both Quest's original tunes as well as traditional favorites, The City Pickers bring their special brand of high-spirited talent to the stage, with up-beat, knee slapping energy and a high lonesome sound that'll leave you wanting more. After recording at NYC's renowned Magic Shop studio, by Grammy award winning producer Steve Rosenthal, they released their debut album in 2017. They've shared bills with acts such as Sierra Hull, Sarah Jaroz, Billy Strings & Don Julin, Della Mae, The Brothers Comatose, The Lil Smokies, Whiskey Shivers, Old Salt Union, The Lonely Heartstring Band, Willie Watson, Blind Boy Paxton and Michael Daves during their tenure as group and continue to perform for live audiences throughout the US. Sign up for the mailing list to catch the next show! "What a crack team of pickers and voices you have put together. Great dobro playing, world class harmonica. Damn it sure sounds fun with your city pickers at the microphone." - Ketch Secor / Old Crow Medicine Show March 30 Kate Kromer Dinner-Dance Benefit Blue Valley Farm Show as well as Rockin Ramaley and Rockin Photobooth are partnering together for the benefit of Kate Kromer through a Dinner and Dance at the Blue Valley Farm Show from 5:30 - 10:30 on March 30th! All proceeds go to Kate and her family. Join them in helping Kate through her battle with breast cancer. For tickets call Terry Kromer 610-258-5050. March 31 Taking The War Out of the Warrior Bangor’s Tom Menhennitt has written and published his first book “Taking The War Out of the Warrior,” which he will introduce at a launch party scheduled for 2:00pm March 31 at the Bangor Trust Brewery in downtown Bangor. The book is “based on a chapter of my life when I was going through a separation with my wife, and then eventually a divorce,” he said. “I was filled with hate and anger and wanted to die. Through many experiences, it was exposed that I had some hidden truths to be unlocked . Through miracles and eye-opening experiences, my heart became softer and (I) learned to live a positive and happier life.” He also has become an inspirational speaker which led to an unexpected interview with Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global Menhennitt says that the public is invited to the launch party which will include a live artistic representation, music and lots of fun. April 2
Rescheduled Concert
Bangor Area High School Music in Our Schools Concert will be held Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 7 PM in the M. Craig Paine Performing Arts Theater. The concert will feature instrumental and choral ensenbles from all levels. Admission is Free. For more information visit April 7
Designer Purse & Cash Bingo
The Pen Argyl Area High School Alumni Association is hosting a Designer Purse and Cash Bingo on Sunday, April 7 at Wind Gap Fire Company Social Hall, 111 N. Broadway, Wind Gap PA. Cost of Bingo is $20 in advance. $25 at the door. Doors open at 11:30am, Bingo starts at 1:00pm. 20 regular games, special bingo’s and a 50/50 drawing. Light lunch available. All proceeds go to the Alumni Scholarship Fund. For tickets call 610-863-4600 Bushkill Fire Co. Meat Bingo Bushkill Twp Vol Fire Co will hold Meat Bingo April 7, 2019. Doors open at 11, Bingo starts at 1, 20 games - $20 in advance, $25 at the door. To be sold at the door: Extra strips for $5.00, 4 special games for $5.00. There will be a 50/50 and a small tricky tray. For additional information contact Robin at 610-360-1930 Make checks payable to BTVFC. NO tickets will be held at the door. Anyone under 16 must be accompanied by a guardian. Packages may not be shared. Kitchen will be open to purchase food and beverages. April 10
On Thursday, April 11 at 7:00 PM the Heritage Center in Bangor will hold its Spring Opening. The program that night will be “Of the People”: Folk Art And Craft of the Slate Belt.
April 11 Bangor Womens Club GFWC Card Party The Bangor Womens Club GFWC will be holding a card party on Thursday April 11, 2019 at 11:30 am at Prince of Peace Church, Johnsonsville, PA. Homemade soup and sandwich lunch will be served with homemade cake for dessert. Table and door prizes will be awarded. Price is $10 per person. Anyone interested in attending may contact Barbara at 610-588-0196 to reserve your spot. The club hopes you will join us for an afternoon of good food and fun. April 12 Richmond Spring Rummage Sale Visit the Spring Rummage Sale at Richmond United Methodist Church Friday, April 12 from 9 AM to 2 PM and Saturday, April 13 from 9 AM to 1 PM. Fill a bag on Saturday. A bake sale and lunch items will be available. Located at 8538 Delaware Drive ( route 611 & Five Points Richmond Rd.) Bangor, PA 18013 April 20 Meet The Author at the Library On April 20, 2019 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm the Bangor Public Library will be hosting a Meet the Author: Bruce Jassett event. Come hear her read her story, The Boy without a Friend. The event is for kids ages 3 to 7. As space is limited please register with the library. 610-588-4136 Easter Egg Hunt On April 20th Miller's Egg Ranch will be hosting their 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt! After the overwhelming response to last year's event they have restructured this year's Easter Egg Hunt to accommodate a significantly larger volume of families. There is plenty of onsite parking, JT's Grill will be selling food, Grandview Granola will be joining us with parfaits, and they are dedicating 4 acres to three separate age groups hunting over 10,000 Easter eggs! Admission to this event is free, however they will be collecting donations to our local food pantry and ask everyone that is able to, to please bring canned goods! Egg Hunt Schedule: 12 noon ages up to 4 years 12:20 ages 5-7 years 12:40 ages 8-11 years The Easter Bunny will be available throughout the entire event for photos! Families can also visit with chicks, piglets, and the resident sheep and goats, and of course, Luna, the mini Donkey!! Join them for an afternoon of family fun. April 27
GCS Annual Earth Day Annual Earth Day Celebration Hosted by Waste Management's Grand Central Environmental Education Center will be held Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 12 PM – 3 PM at Waste Management's Grand Central Environmental Education Center 891 Grand Central Road, Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania 18072 This year's FREE program will feature: Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation Center - Live Animals, PT Reptiles - Live Reptiles that you can TOUCH! Recycling Education - Let's all Recycle Right. The new wave of recycling , Food, Fun and more!! More groups to be added, check back often! Registration is not required but is appreciated due to parking. Interested and want to register? email [email protected] Event is Rain or Shine. Monroe County Earth Day Join Monroe County’s environmental efforts and successes! April 27 From 10am - 3pm there will be ongoing live music, speakers, exhibitors, workshops, give & take, tire amnesty, e-cycling, children’s activities, food, and more! Sponsored by MCCD and Northampton Community College (NCC) Monroe campus, the event will take place at NCC’s beautiful, new Monroe campus on Rt. 715 in Tannersville. Don’t miss it! Check out for more information. Allentown Cherry Blossom Festival The Allentown Cherry Blossom Festival Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 10 AM – 5 PM Cedar Beach Park, 2600 Parkway Blvd, Allentown. A fun event for the whole family! Games, exhibits, food, music and more, the event promotes the arts, international cultures, environmental awareness and features a children's activity area. Free and open to the public. May 8 NEDC Facade Workshop An NEDC Facade Workshop will be held Tuesday, May 8, 2018 7 - 8 pm at Nazareth Arts Center 30 Belvidere St. RSVP: [email protected] You are encouraged to take advantage of this grant opportunity that Nazareth has been awarded by Northampton County DCED, and be part of the revitalization of Downtown Nazareth! Applications & Guidelines will be distributed at this FREE workshop. RSVP is encouraged to ensure seating & materials are available for you. Please join them! Reserve your space today! [email protected] They are proud to offer you the chance to increase the value of your property and help improve Nazareth's Downtown Business District. The CIPP grant is an opportunity limited to owners of businesses within the designated downtown area. Matching grant assistance with painting, lighting, signage, windows, gutters & more! May 9
Structural Slate Company Program A program titled "Structural Slate Company will be presented by Kenton Lerch at the Heritage Center in Bangor on May 9th at 7:00 pm. May 11
Golf Classic Tournament
The Pen Argyl Masonic Lodge #594 will be holding our 3rd Annual Ralph A Behler Memorial Golf Classic Tournament at the Southmore Golf Course in Bath PA on May 11th 2019. Monies raised through this event will benefit various Masonic Charities, the Almoner's Fund and the Pen Argyl Masonic Building Fund. May 4
Monroe Farmers Market Opening Day for Monroe Farmers Market Stroudsburg, Saturday, May 4, 2019 at 8 AM – 12 PM May 25 Northampton County Memorial Day Festival Northampton County Memorial Day Festival will be held Saturday, May 25, 2019 at 10 AM – 6 PM at Louise W Moore Park Country Club Rd, Easton, Pennsylvania 18045 Celebrate the County with live music, demonstrations, food vendors, crafters, vendors, and non-profit organizations. An Award Ceremony will honor an outstanding employee of the County and each of the County's municipalities, as well as an Outstanding Volunteer, Outstanding Youth, Outstanding Veteran, and Outstanding Emergency Personnel. Employee awards will be decided upon by the municipalities. To nominate a deserving individual for one of the other categories, please send an email with a 250 word essay on why the individual deserves to win the award and how they impact the County. Send email to [email protected]. Winners will be selected by an awards committee. May 31 Families First Winery Experience Families First – The Underground Experience—May 31—Blue Ridge Estate & Winery—more information @ 610-863-9093 Ext 1387 or [email protected] May 31 - June 1
Horsepower Showdown Horsepower Showdown will be held May 31, 2019 - Jun 1, 2019 at the Plainfield Farmers Assn 1281 Bangor Rd, Nazareth, Pennsylvania 18064. Coming to Plainfield is the NEW event called Horsepower Showdown. Planning to have: 2 Days of Action!! Friday: Vendors, Kids Activities, Truck Pulls, Car & Truck Show. Saturday: Dirt Drags, Sled Pulls, Truck & Car Show, Light Parade, Dyno Competition, Vendors, Kids Pedal Pull, Kids Powerwheels races and MORE!! Sled will be Clark's Dirt Commander. June 7 YMCA 5K Run and Fun Walk Slate Belt YMCA 5K Run and Fun Walk will be held Saturday, June 7, 2014 at the Blue Valley Farm Show Complex 707 American-Bangor Road June 9 Corvette Club Show The Slate Belt Corvette Club’s 14th Annual show will be held Sunday June 9 at the Blue Valley Farm ShowRain or Shine, 9am - 3pm |
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Slate Belt Senior CenterSlate Belt Senior Center
Blue Valley Farm Show Complex 700 American Bangor Road Bangor, ph 610-588-1224
Bangor Library New Books
February 28 Fine Policy For Kids
The Bangor Public library is happy to announce a new policy for kids to take responsibility for their own fines. Starting now if a junior patron (ages 15 years old or under) owes fines on their card only they may read their fines away. The junior patron will be required to read at the library in front of one of the staff members. Junior patrons will fill out a reading log; every half hour that they read will equal $1.00 off their fines. Fines can only be read off junior patron cards. The library believes that with this new policy junior patrons will learn responsibility as well as filling in the reading gap that so many kids face today. For more information please contact the library at 610-588-4136 Adult Fiction
Petals on the Wind by V. C. Andrews Moonlight Scandals by Jennifer L. Armentrout A God in Ruins by Kate Atkinson Boar Island by Nevada Barr The Flame Bearer by Bernard Cornwell One With You by Sylvia Day A Justified Murder by Jude Deveraux A Merciful Fate by Kendra Elliot Chocolate Cream Pie Murder by Joanne Fluke At Grave’s End by Jeaniene Frost Destined for an Early Grave by Jeaniene Frost Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost One Grave at a Time by Jeaniene Frost This Side of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost Up From the Grave by Jeaniene Frost New Tell by Lisa Gardner The Carrier by Sophie Hannah The Next To Die by Sophie Hannah Madam by Cari Lynn California Girls by Susan Mallery Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik The Accursed by Joyce Oates Mary Ventura and the Ninth Kingdom by Sylvia Plath Ticket to Ride by Dennis Potter The Huntress by Kate Quinn The Name of the Game by Nora Roberts Till We Meet Again by Cara C. Putman The Border by Don Winslow Adult Non Fiction The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle An Album of Memories by Tom Brokaw Psychic by Sylvia Browne Sailing Alone Around the Room by Billy Collins An Open Heart by the Dalai Lama Dalai Lama XIV Dreyer’s English by Benjamin Dreyer The Legends Club by John Feinstein Miracles Are For Real by James Garlow Puppy Chow Is Better Than Prozac by Bruce Goldstein How to Behave Badly in Elizabethan England by Ruth Goodman Jefferson’s Daughters by Catherine Kerrison Moneyball by Michael Lewis Sacred Contracts by Caroline M. Myss Crazy Love by Leslie Morgan Steiner The Ultimate Ice Cream Book by Bruce Weinstein Queen Victoria by Lucy Worsley Large Print Adult Non Fiction Faith in the Valley by Iyanla Vanzant Young Adult Fiction Al Capone Throws Me a Curve by Gennifer Choldenko Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen Lady Smoke by Laura Sebastian Young Adult Non Fiction Powers of a Girl by Lorraine Cink Junior Fiction Doll Bones by Holly Black Mean Ghouls by Stacia Deutsch Time Stops for No Mouse by Michael Hoeye The Parker Inheritance by Varian Johnson Rainbow Swirl by Helen Perelman Knights vs. Dinosaurs by Matt Phelan Tales from a Non-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All by Rachel Renee Russell Wizard for Hire by Ober Skye Winter Turning by Tui Sutherland Junior Non Fiction Martin Rising by Andrea Davis Pinkney Easy Fiction I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont The Truly Brave Princesses by Dolores Brown Let the Children March by Monica Clark-Robinson Winter Fun for Everyone by Irene Trimble How to Be a Superhero by Sue Fliess The Crawly Caterpillar by Judith Nicholls Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site by Sherri Duskey Rinker Minions by Lucy Rosen Teeth Are Not For Biting by Elizabeth Verdick Big Heroes by Billy Wrecks Easy Non Fiction Stephen Hawking by Ma Isabel Sanchez Vegara Easy Reader Fiction King & Kayla and the Case of the Lost Tooth by Dori Hillestad Butler Biscuit Finds a Friend by Alyssa Satin Capucilli Baby Monkey, Private Eye by Brian Selznick Audio Books The Lost Man by Jane Harper DVD’s Citizen Kane Dr. Dolittle: Double Feature Dr. Dolittle and Dr. Dolittle 2 Flubber Hamlet 2 Mary Queen of Scots Music and Lyrics Noah A Star Is Born Step Brothers Union Square Walk the Line Walking Out Blue Mt. Library New BooksAdult Fiction:
River Bodies, Karen Katchur The Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter, Hazel Gaynor The Glass Ocean, Beatriz Williams Lethal White, Robert Galbraith Not Our Kind, Kitty Zeldis Unsheltered, Barbara Kingslover The Christmas Sisters, Sarah Morgan The White Christmas Inn, Colleen Wright First Flurries, Joanne DeMaio Snowfall On Lighthouse Lane, JoAnn Ross Past Tense, Lee Child Look Alive Twenty-Five, Janet Evanovich Adult Large Print: Alaskan Holiday, Debbie Macomber Long Road To Mercy, David Baldacci A Spark Of Light, Jodi Picoult Beauchamp Hall, Danielle Steel Target Alex Cross, James Patterson Christmas Cake Murder, Joanne Fluke Silent Scream, Karen Harper Adult Non-fiction: In The Hurricane's Eye, Nathaniel Philbrick In Pieces, Sally Field Truth Doesn't Have A Side, Dr. Bennet Omalu Becoming Michelle Obama Derailed On The Bipolar Express Joie Edson Audio Books Red War, Kyle Mills Clock Dance, Anne Tyler Transcription, Kate Atkinson The Chalk Man, C.J. Tudor Vertical Divider