Call The Numbers Below For Help
With Any of these Issues..........
Victim/Witness Assistance
Phone: 610-829-6645
Domestic Violence
Turning Point of the Lehigh Valley, Inc.
24 Hour HOTLINE: 610-437-3369
Sexual Assault
HOTLINE: 610-437-6611
Drunk Driving
HOTLINE: 610-437-6111
MADD - 610-770-9559
Child Abuse
HOTLINE: 610-437-6611
Elder Abuse
HOTLINE: 610-252-9060
Other Victims of Violence
HOTLINE: 610-437-6611
Crime Victim's Compensation
HOTLINE: 610-437-6611
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
(610) 923-0394
Crisis Intervention
24 Hours: 610-252-9060
Northampton County Drug and Alcohol Division
Bethlehem Recovery Center
(610) 849-2209
Northampton County Mental Health
2801 Emrick Boulevard, Bethlehem, PA
Telephone - 610-829-4840
Crisis Intervention
24 Hours 610-829-4841
With Any of these Issues..........
Victim/Witness Assistance
Phone: 610-829-6645
Domestic Violence
Turning Point of the Lehigh Valley, Inc.
24 Hour HOTLINE: 610-437-3369
Sexual Assault
HOTLINE: 610-437-6611
Drunk Driving
HOTLINE: 610-437-6111
MADD - 610-770-9559
Child Abuse
HOTLINE: 610-437-6611
Elder Abuse
HOTLINE: 610-252-9060
Other Victims of Violence
HOTLINE: 610-437-6611
Crime Victim's Compensation
HOTLINE: 610-437-6611
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
(610) 923-0394
Crisis Intervention
24 Hours: 610-252-9060
Northampton County Drug and Alcohol Division
Bethlehem Recovery Center
(610) 849-2209
Northampton County Mental Health
2801 Emrick Boulevard, Bethlehem, PA
Telephone - 610-829-4840
Crisis Intervention
24 Hours 610-829-4841
Help Hotline
Help Hotline
Six Bangor Students Selected for All-State Chorus![]() Bangor Area High School students, including Deja Breitfeller, Andrea Morokutti and Kristen Stopfer participated in All-State Chorus on April 7 in Pittsburgh.
Hannah Bledsoe, Cathianne McKenna and Brookel Sabella qualified for All-State Chorus but were also selected to participate in All-Eastern Honors Treble Chorus held at the 2019 National Association for Music Educators. They were among approximately 50 students selected from eleven states in the northeast United States. To qualify for this prestigious honor, students must have been selected in their All-State ensemble during their sophomore or junior year in the 2017-18 school year. State music educators associations selected the students from their state by ranking students from the previous year’s All-State groups. German Folk Art Presentation.....Cheryl Statham of Quiet Valley Farm gave an extremely interesting and informative presentation on German Folk Art at the Slate Belt Heritage Center Thursday night. PHOTO GALLERY Sbtt Photos Larry Cory
First Responders Recognition Dinner......![]() Members of Rescue Fire Co. enjoy a meal at the Broadway Pub during a recognition dinner for area first responders. PHOTO GALLERY Photo: Nick Pulsinelli The Belt and Beyond
Today's Slate Belt Sports....... April 14 - None
Today's Special Slate Belt Area Events....... All You Can Eat Breakfast All You Can Eat Breakfast Hosted by Blue Valley Rescue Squad - Station 71will be held Sunday, April 14, 2019 at 8 AM – 12 PM at the Roseto Legion 143 Garibaldi Ave, Roseto, Pennsylvania 18013 Menu: Scrambled Eggs, Potatoes, Bacon, Sausage, Ham, Scrapple, French Toast, Pancakes, White and Wheat Toast, and S.O.S. Cream Chip Beef. We also have deserts and a large variety of coffee, Tea, and Juices. Cost: Adults $9.00 Children age 5 to 10 $5.00 Children under the age of 5 are Free
Today's Regular Slate Belt Events....... Sunday April 14 Fellowship Dinner - First UMC Bangor, 12:30 - 1:30pm Slate Belt Heritage Center - Open 12-3. Slate Belt YMCA - 10-2 Full Calendar
Today's New Announcements....... Woof, Wine & Feline Fine Woof, Wine & Feline Fine Hosted by Slate Belt Animal Advocacy Group INC and Sorrenti's Cherry Valley Vineyards will be held Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 1 PM – 5 PM Tickets: Wine, food, animals and great tricky tray event!
Public Service Announcements. Slate Belt Chamber Scholarship Applications
The Slate Belt Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce applications for Scholarship Achievement Award 2019 are available March 1st at the guidance departments of Bangor High School, Pen Argyl High School, Faith Christian & Career Institute of Technology. The Slate Belt Chamber of Commerce will award one scholarship to a senior from each of the four area schools: Bangor, Pen Argyl, Faith Christian & Career Institute of Technology. Applicants must reside in the Slate Belt to apply. The scholarships will be presented to the students based upon the following criteria; academic accomplishment, demonstrated service to school and/or community, demonstration of leadership capabilities and future vocational plans. Please note: A separate award, The Frederick R. Curcio, Jr. Scholarship Award, may also be applied for at this time. To qualify a senior must been enrolled in a computer science related course or planning to attend a Technical School of their choice or majoring in computer science. Applications must be received by April 15, 2019. To honor the recipients, parents and friends, a Scholarship Awards Dinner is planned for May 17th at Tuscarora Inn. For more information contact the guidance department or the chamber office at 610.588.1000. Pasties Sale at Christ Lutheran A Pastie Sale will be held at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, 703 S. Delaware Dr. (Route 611), Mt. Bethel (Stone Church) on Tuesday, April 16th. Pasties can be picked up between 11am and 1 pm. The cost is $5.75 per beef pastie. Place your order with or without onions. Advance orders are recommended and can be placed until the April 14 prior to sale date. To place your order or for additional information call Chrissy at 610-588-0809. Scholarship Applications Available Bangor Womens Club GFWC Scholarship Applications are available. The applications can be picked up at Bangor High School and Faith Christian School Guidance offices. A $1000 scholarship will be awarded to a senior who will be attending college this fall. The deadline to submit applications is April 15, 2019. Tenant Rights & Responsibilities Workshop Slate Belt Rising will be hosting a Tenant Rights and Responsibilities Workshop on Saturday, April 27th from 9 am until 12 pm at William Pensyl Social Hall in Portland, PA. Staff from North Penn Legal Services and the Housing Equality Center of Pennsylvania will provide presentations to help educate individuals on their rights as tenants. Registration for this event is required, the deadline to register is Friday, April 19th. For additional information and to register contact Slate Belt Rising Director Stephen Reider at 484-523-0900 or [email protected]. Collecting Stuffed Animal Service Project Pack 102 is proud to announce a local community service project to benefit Bangor Police Department. We are collecting NEW stuffed animals at four downtown Bangor Locations: Broadway Pub, Bangor Trust Brewing, Recovery Revolution, Inc,and A Clean Slate. Stop by during regular business hours and look for our boxes starting Saturday. We will be collecting these new stuffed animals through April 2019. Pack 102 "Bear" Preston Rogers won the coloring contest. Please share! Citizen's Police Academy Registration Slate Belt Regional Police Departments Citizen's Police Academy registration is Open. The 2019 Academy class will run every Wednesday from April 17 - June 5, 2019, 6:00pm - 8:30pm. They will tour the Northampton County 9-1-1 Center and Monroe County Prison. Come meet SBRPD officers and learn what an officer encounters on a daily basis. Follow the link below to the Citizen's Police Academy tab and sign up. Deadline for applications is Friday, March 29th. Minimum age is 18, residents will have first priority, however, all are welcome after cursory background check. Questions? Email Pat at [email protected] Lunch With The Author The Blue Mountain Community Library invites you to “LUNCH WITH AN AUTHOR” April 25, 2019 at Grace United Methodist Church, 404 E. Mountain Ave., Pen Argyl, PA. Local author, Maryann McFadden will discuss her novel “The Cemetery Keeper’s Wife,” her longest and most challenging work to date. Luncheon, catered by Cafe ’on Broadway, will be at 12:00 pm (Doors open at 11:30 am) and will consist of soup, sandwich, chips, desserts and beverages. Tickets are $10 each and MUST be purchased in advance of the event. There will be no tickets available at the door. Tickets are limited and may be purchased at the Library, located at 216 S. Robinson Ave., Pen Argyl, PA through April 18, 2019. Hours are M-SA, 10:00 am to Noon, and M-Th, 6:00-8:00 pm. Call Lisa at 610-863-3029 for information or visit Bus Trip to 911 Memorial PAHS Class of 1973 Scholarship Fund hosting a Trip to New York 911 Memorial Museum and little Italy Saturday June 29, 2019. Bus pickup at William Penn park and ride 8:00am. Visit 911 Museum at 10:00am-12:00pm then to Little Italy for Lunch on your own. Bus picks up there at 3:00pm back to William Penn park and ride. Price is $65.00, includes Bus and Ticket into Museum. For a reservation please call Margaret 610-417-0461. Heritage Center Monthly Schedule May 9, 7PM: “Structural Slate Company” by Kenton Lerch; June 7 PM: “Annual Preservation Awards” July 11, 7 PM; “Geology & History of Geologic Resources in the Slate Belt” by Edward Henning; August 8, 7:00 PM: TBA; September 12, 7 PM: “Anniversary of Normandy” by Russ Stout; October 10, 7 PM” “Annual Haunted Heritage Show” Sundays: November 10, 2 PM: “Bangor-Pen Argyl 100th Game” by Walter Cole; December 8, 2 PM: “The Great Slate Belt Trivia Contest” hosted by Emcee Marc Blau; January 12, 2020, 2 PM: “History of the Mummers” by Melissa Hough.
1st Sunday of Every Month East Bangor United Methodist Church, Central Ave., East Bangor 4 - 6 pm 610-588-4453 2nd Sunday of Every Month Crossroad Baptist, S. 2nd St., Bangor 4 - 5:30 pm 610-588-3966 3rd Sunday of Every Month Ackermanville United Methodist, 1410 Ackeranville Rd. 4 - 5:30 pm 610-588-7818 4th Sunday of Every Month First United Methodist, 3rd St., Bangor 12:30 pm - ?? 610-588-4673 Last Saturday of Every Month - Hospitality Luncheon First United Presbyterian Church, 218 W. Penna. Ave., Pen Argyl 11:30 - 1:30 pm 610-863-4447 If you have any questions, please call the respective churches. SUNDAY CHURCH SCHEDULE
Going out of town? Let SBRPD know that your house will be vacant and they'll do frequent drive-bys.. Safe travels... SBRPD is: 911 (Emergency), 610-759-8517 (Non-Emergency), 610-759-8523 (Fax) and 1-888-823-4978 FREE (Non-Emergency Toll Free) dRUG TAKE BACK BOX
The Slate Belt Regional Police Department has a prescription drug “Take-Back “box at their 6292 Sullivan Trail, Nazareth, Pa office (Plainfield Township Municipal Building). Contact information for the SBRPD is: 911 (Emergency), 610-759-8517 (Non-Emergency), 610-759-8523 (Fax) and 1-888-823-4978 FREE (Non-Emergency Toll Free) Send Your News To Us
What is a Fraktur?
Thursday night at the Slate Belt Heritage Center German Folk Art expert, Cheryl Statham demonstrated the use of Frakturs. So, what is a fraktur anyway? Just hearing the word one might easily be mistken for the word fracture.A fracture refers to break such as a broken bone. A Fraktur, however, is a very artistic and elaborate piece of German folk art with calligraphy used between 1750 and 1850. Fraktur drawings were done in ink and/or watercolors and are found in a wide variety of forms: They often were used as birth or baptismal certificates, marriage and other printed matter to inform or verify certain events or messages. They were often very colorful and symmetrical using symbols in a variety of common artistic motifs that included birds (distelfinks), hearts, and tulips, as well as blackletter (Fraktur) and italic calligraphy. Eagle Cam......![]() The Live-streamed Eagle cam from Hanover Pa. is back for its fifth year. Sightings have already been recorded. They are currently in their incubating phase. Incubation time is about 35 days, meaning the eggs would likely hatch some time in late March. Click on the graphic to see the nest in real time.
This osprey is "right at home" in the same nest that's been in place atop a light pole in the southwestern corner of the field for the past few years. Sbtt Photos Larry Cory
Dr. Cook presents "All In the Presidential Family."![]() Join presidential expert, Dr. Larry Cook, for a presentation focusing on family relationships within the presidency. Learn more about father/son presidents and other little-known and surprising connections.
It's Spring, Protect Against Lyme Disease![]() With longer days and warmer spring weather on the way all Pennsylvanians should be aware of Lyme disease and ticks as they spend more time outdoors.
"Lyme disease can be a very serious illness, and left untreated, can cause life-threatening complications," PA. Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine said. "Ticks that carry Lyme disease can be found in any part of our state, whether rural, suburban and even urban areas. It is essential that people who will be outdoors, whether hiking, visiting a park or walking their dog take steps to protect themselves by dressing properly. After being outside, it is essential to check yourself for ticks and to shower right away." Pennsylvania cases of Lyme disease are among the highest in the country, and ticks carrying Lyme disease have been found in each of Pennsylvania's 67 counties. In 2017, there were 11,900 cases of Lyme disease in the state. Ticks that carry Lyme disease can be found in nearly any location. Governor Wolf has continued his commitment to addressing Lyme disease by proposing $2.5 million dollars in the 2019-2020 budget toward Lyme disease education and prevention.
However, not all persons with Lyme disease develop a rash. Other symptoms are non-specific and include fever, fatigue, headache, muscle aches and joint pain. If untreated, the disease can cause joint swelling, cardiac or neurological complications, and is more difficult to treat. GCS Fan Gets Surprise Visit Two-year-old Rhett Smith of Wind Gap waits weekly for Waste Management’s big green truck to roll down his Aunt Luanne’s street. Every Friday, Rhett runs to the door waving like crazy to surprise his favorite garbage men with big smiles and occasional treats. This week, the garbage men came rolling down the street to surprise Rhett with something special. Representatives from Waste Management of Pen Argyl stopped to visit with the young fan who beamed from ear to ear as each one shook his hand. “He loves you guys! And we appreciate all that the drivers do to show Rhett they notice his enthusiasm,” commented Rhett’s father, Ryan Smith. Waste Management driver, Gary Martin stepped out from behind the wheel to surprise Rhett with his very own branded toy truck and other memorabilia. “His enthusiasm makes our day! We love seeing friendly faces like Rhett’s,” said Gary. Please E-mail Your News To Us
![]() April 15
Spotted Lanternfly Tree Banding Workshop The Northampton County Conservation District will present a Spotted Lanternfly Tree Banding Workshop, April 15, 2019 at Northampton County Human Services Building, 2801 Emrick Blvd, Bethlehem from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM Presenters, Amy Korman and Linc Coffin, of PennState Extension, will walk you through which trees to band on your property, how to safely band the trees, how to monitor the bands and how you could report information to assist with the reduction of the population of this invasive species. April 16 Pastie Sale at Christ Lutheran A Pastie Sale will be held at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, 703 S. Delaware Dr. (Route 611), Mt. Bethel (Stone Church) on Tuesday, April 16th. Pasties can be picked up between 11am and 1 pm. The cost is $5.75 per beef pastie. Place your order with or without onions. Advance orders are recommended and can be placed until the Sunday prior to sale date. To place your order or for additional information call Chrissy at 610-588-0809. April 17 Free Fraud Protection Seminar Merchants Bank is hosting a free seminar, sharing helpful information to:
At Washington Township Volunteer Fire Company Banquet Room 920 Washington Blvd, Bangor, PA 18013 Light refreshments will be served. RSVP by Friday, April 12, 2019 by calling 484-548-6081 or with a simple reply to this email. PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING The Plainfield Township Planning Commission will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 commencing at 7:00 P.M., prevailing local time and continuing until 10:00 P.M. prevailing local time at the Plainfield Township Volunteer Fire Company Banquet Facility located at 6480 Sullivan Trail, Wind Gap, PA 18091. The purpose of the meeting is to consider Old Business and any other items that may come before the Planning Commission members for their consideration. The Old Business portion of the agenda shall include the following agenda item: Review of and possible action by the Planning Commission to recommend that the Plainfield Township Board of Supervisors either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Preliminary Land Development and Major Subdivision Plan submitted by Grand Central Sanitary Landfill, Inc. for the Synagro Technologies, Inc. “Slate Belt Heat Recovery Center” and received by Plainfield Township at the Municipal Office on February 23, 2018. The review of the Land Development Plan shall be in accordance with the provisions contained within §22 (Subdivision and Land Development) and §27 (Zoning) of the Code of Ordinances of Plainfield Township. All interested persons are invited to attend. April 19 Family Night: Earth Day April 19, 6 pm to 7:30 pm is Family Night at Jacobsburg. Join them for a celebratory hike as we honor Earth Day! We'll learn the importance of service to the place we call home by collecting litter while taking a two-mile hike around the center. We will also craft a memento to help us commemorate the day. Wear shoes that can get muddy and clothes that can get a little dirty. Registration is required. You can also view and register for community programs online at If you need an accommodation to participate in a program please contact the park office at 610-746-2801 or [email protected]. With at least three days notice, interpreters for people who are deaf or hard of hearing are available for educational programs. Good Friday Fish Dinner A Good Friday Fish Dinner will be Hosted by St Peters, Plainfield Cost is $8 Adults, $6 Kids 6 – 12, Under 6 free. Meal includes Salad with Ranch or Italian Dressing, Coleslaw, Breaded Fish Filet, Mac n’ Cheese, Stewed Tomatoes, Coffee and Tea, Various Desserts. Proceeds Benefit the Youth Fund. For Tickets call the church office – 610-863-6859 Tickets must be purchased by April 14th. No walk-ins. April 20 Meet The Author at the Library On April 20, 2019 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm the Bangor Public Library will be hosting a Meet the Author: Bruce Jassett event. Come hear her read her story, The Boy without a Friend. The event is for kids ages 3 to 7. As space is limited please register with the library. 610-588-4136 Easter Egg Hunt On April 20th Miller's Egg Ranch will be hosting their 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt! After the overwhelming response to last year's event they have restructured this year's Easter Egg Hunt to accommodate a significantly larger volume of families. There is plenty of onsite parking, JT's Grill will be selling food, Grandview Granola will be joining us with parfaits, and they are dedicating 4 acres to three separate age groups hunting over 10,000 Easter eggs! Admission to this event is free, however they will be collecting donations to our local food pantry and ask everyone that is able to, to please bring canned goods! Egg Hunt Schedule: 12 noon ages up to 4 years 12:20 ages 5-7 years 12:40 ages 8-11 years The Easter Bunny will be available throughout the entire event for photos! Families can also visit with chicks, piglets, and the resident sheep and goats, and of course, Luna, the mini Donkey!! Join them for an afternoon of family fun. Free Community Classes with Marissa Spencer Free Community Classes with Marissa Spencer Saturday April 20, 11am, Saturday April 27, 11am, Saturday May 4 11aam and Saturday May 11 11am. at Red Lotus Yoga & Healing 20 Broadway, Bangor. Join them in welcoming Marissa to the Red Lotus teaching community! Marissa is a 200 hour RYT in training. When beginning the journey on her mat, she was searching for a hobby but instead found herself. She believes yoga brings greater awareness to the body, and teaches one to greet muscle tension/weakness with compassion through the breath, creating space or building strength. Also a licensed massage therapist, Marissa’s yoga classes are focused primarily on alignment and linking the breath with movement. She will be leading a 4 Week Series themed on don Miguel Ruiz's New York Times bestselling book, The Four Agreements. 1. Be Impeccable with Your Word 2. Don't Take Anything Personally 3. Don't Make Assumptions 4. Always Do Your Best Trust Brewing First Beer Anniversary On April 20th Bangor Trust Brewing will be celebrating ONE YEAR since they tapped their first beer brewed in Bangor.. Join them for some live jams from RamTrout and a special SURPRISE GUEST to be announced from 7:30 to 9:30 in the bakery playroom. Greenleaf Soft Tissue Therapy will be here with their amazing CBD lotions and Massages & Mules Happy Hour from 4:30 to 6:30 (signups coming soon). Restaurant will be open for normal hours from 12pm to 9pm featuring some not-so-normal 420 themed food & drink specials including the RELEASE OF CHOCOLATE JESUS at noon Must be 21 or older to enter our private Bakery Playroom on April 20th. Guests under the age of 21 are always welcome in the main restaurant area. UMBT Easter Egg Hunt Upper Mount Bethel Township will hold their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 20th at the Mount Bethel Firehouse. The egg hunt will begin at 11:00 am sharp. Meet the Author Meet the Author Bruce Jassett Hosted by Bangor Public Library Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 1 PM – 3 PM, 39 S Main St, Bangor. Come meet and hear the author read her first book. Kids ages 3 to 7. Author will be available for book signing after story. Purchase books in advance at the following links:through Austin Macauley’s website as well as Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please register with the library as space is limited 610-588-4136 April 22 Earth Day 2019 at Jacobsburg Help Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center celebrate Earth Day April 22 from 10 am to 3 pm by participating in one of the many stewardship projects in the park, including invasive plant removal, native garden clean-up, and litter pick-ups. Event is rain or shine. Please dress for the weather, bring a lunch and work gloves. Meet at the Visitor Center at 400 Belfast Road, Nazareth. Your help will be greatly appreciated! You can also view and register for community programs online at If you need an accommodation to participate in a program please contact the park office at 610-746-2801 or [email protected]. With at least three days notice, interpreters for people who are deaf or hard of hearing are available for educational programs. April 25 Lunch With The Author The Blue Mountain Community Library invites you to “LUNCH WITH AN AUTHOR” on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at Grace United Methodist Church, 404 E. Mountain Ave., Pen Argyl, PA. The Church is handicapped accessible with ample parking. (Enter from the lower parking lot.) Local author, Maryann McFadden will discuss her novel “The Cemetery Keeper’s Wife,” her longest and most challenging work to date. It tells the story of two brave and complicated women, one real and one fictional, and an unlikely bond that transcends more than a century as they search against all odds for love, redemption and a place to belong. McFadden moved at age 10 from Brooklyn, NY to Hackettstown, NJ and lived near Union Cemetery. She became intrigued by a monument in the Cemetery. The name and picture on the monument was of Tillie Smith, a 19 year old woman who “Died in Defense of Her Honor.” This haunted Maryann and she felt as if she was meant to write this novel, to give Tillie a voice. McFadden will have a question and answer session about her book and a Book signing. Copies will be available to purchase. Luncheon, catered by Cafe ’on Broadway, will be at 12:00 pm (Doors open at 11:30 am) and will consist of soup, sandwich, chips, desserts and beverages. Tickets are $10 each and MUST be purchased in advance of the event. There will be no tickets available at the door. Tickets are limited and may be purchased at the Library, located at 216 S. Robinson Ave., Pen Argyl, PA through April 18, 2019. Hours are M-SA, 10:00 am to Noon, and M-Th, 6:00-8:00 pm. Call Lisa at 610-863-3029 for information or visit April 26
Celebrate Arbor Day
Monroe County Garden Club will celebrate Arbor Day by planting a tree on April 26, from 7:30 to 9:30 AM at East Stroudsburg University Arboretum, Normal Street and Rasberry Avenue, East Stroudsburg. Gary in the Morning from Pocono 96.7 will be broadcasting from 6-9AM. Senator Mario Scavello, representing the 40th Senatorial District, will be present. Brodhead Watershed Association will also participate. At 9:30 a walk through of the ESU Arboretum, guided by Carol Hillestad from Brodhead Watershed Association and Weston Strubert, President of the ESU Environmental Club, and Emily Rollinson, Ph.D, Assistant Professor at ESU. Everyone interested in gardening is invited to attend. For more information, contact Afrie King [email protected] or call 570 994-3506. April 27
GCS Annual Earth Day Annual Earth Day Celebration Hosted by Waste Management's Grand Central Environmental Education Center will be held Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 12 PM – 3 PM at Waste Management's Grand Central Environmental Education Center 891 Grand Central Road, Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania 18072 This year's FREE program will feature: Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation Center - Live Animals, PT Reptiles - Live Reptiles that you can TOUCH! Recycling Education - Let's all Recycle Right. The new wave of recycling , Food, Fun and more!! More groups to be added, check back often! Registration is not required but is appreciated due to parking. Interested and want to register? email [email protected] Event is Rain or Shine. Monroe County Earth Day Join Monroe County’s environmental efforts and successes! April 27 From 10am - 3pm there will be ongoing live music, speakers, exhibitors, workshops, give & take, tire amnesty, e-cycling, children’s activities, food, and more! Sponsored by MCCD and Northampton Community College (NCC) Monroe campus, the event will take place at NCC’s beautiful, new Monroe campus on Rt. 715 in Tannersville. Don’t miss it! Check out for more information. Allentown Cherry Blossom Festival The Allentown Cherry Blossom Festival Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 10 AM – 5 PM Cedar Beach Park, 2600 Parkway Blvd, Allentown. A fun event for the whole family! Games, exhibits, food, music and more, the event promotes the arts, international cultures, environmental awareness and features a children's activity area. Free and open to the public. VanNest-Hoff-Vannatta Farmstead Open House VanNest-Hoff-Vannatta Farmstead Open House Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM 3026 Belvidere Rd, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865-9581, United StatesThe Van Nest-Hoff-Vannatta Farmstead will have an Open House on April 27, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 Admission is Free! Included are: -Live Demonstrations, -Children's Activities, -Farm Antiques, -War Re-Enactors, -Rutgers Horticulturist/Veg. Gardening Basics, and -Park Naturalist from Spruce Run Recreation Area Pequest Open House Pequest Open House is slated for April 27 & 28, 2019 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily FREE! Every year the Pequest Trout Hatchery and Natural Resource Education Center opens its doors to the public for the annual open house. The hatchery is located off Rt. 46 near Oxford, Warren County and is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. The Open House is free of charge. Thousands of people come to the hatchery to experience this event for themselves. There will be numerous environmental and conservation exhibits, wildlife artists, carvers and taxidermists with goods and services to sell. This event is great for people of all ages with many things to see and do throughout the day. Activities include fishing for kids between the ages of 6 and 16, archery ranges for those aged 10 years and above, the state-of-the-art Firearm Training System used by the Hunter Education program and more. The Outdoor Market Place will be open so you can purchase what you need to get started or to stock up for the upcoming fishing and hunting seasons. Food vendors are on site or you can bring your own lunch and enjoy our picnic groves. Please leave pets at home - only service dogs are permitted on site. Families, friends, scout troops, church groups, fishing clubs and anyone else who enjoys the outdoors are encouraged to spend a day at this event! Please note that the rear entrance is closed during Open House. There is no bus parking available. More Info: Second Annual Bangor Library Farm Jubilee The second annual Farm Jubilee that benefits the Bangor Public Library will be held Saturday April 27, 2019 from 11am to 3pm at the Upper Mt. Bethel Community Park, Potomac Street, Mt. Bethel. Farm fun for all ages! Little Creek Bar-B-Cue, Petting Zoo, Unicorn Rides, Corn Pit, Wool Spinning, Silver Grill, Dinky's Food Trucks, and more. $5.00 admission. Two years of age and under free. Join the Slate Belt Shave The SlateBelt Shave Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 2 PM – 4 PM First United Methodist Church 55 North 3rd Street, Bangor, Join them in the first SlateBelt Shave! All proceeds benefit the St. Baldrick’s Foundation in their fight against pediatric cancer. They are currently recruiting shavees and accepting donations for a tricky tray to be held that day. Spread the word, invite your friends - and lose some hair for a great cause! To sign up, click here: Bright Hope’s Lehigh Valley Walk for Life Bright Hope’s Lehigh Valley Walk for Life will be held at Hanover Township Community Center • 3660 Jacksonville Road Bethlehem, April 27. Registration: 8:00 am • 5K Fun Run & Walk Begin at 9:00 am 5K Fun Run & Walk: Please note the Fun Run is not professionally timed. Day of Registration: 8:00 am – 8:45 am, 5K Fun Run/Walk begins: 9:00 am All Entrants Must Register Get $100+ of sponsors and you are guaranteed a free t-shirt if registered by March 28. Water and refreshments will be provided Step 1: Register online, or by phone at 610-821-4000. Ask for Judy! Step 2: Ask EVERYONE you know to sponsor you. You will be amazed at how many friends and associates will say YES! Step 3: Please be sure all names and addresses are complete and easy to read. Bring your completed Sponsor Pledge Form(s) the day of the Walk (or walk on your own and mail it in). Questions? Call 610-821-4000 Your support helps provide accurate information and compassionate assistance to over 8000 men, women, and students every year. Tenant Rights & Responsibilities Workshop Slate Belt Rising will be hosting a Tenant Rights and Responsibilities Workshop on Saturday, April 27th from 9 am until 12 pm at William Pensyl Social Hall in Portland, PA. Staff from North Penn Legal Services and the Housing Equality Center of Pennsylvania will provide presentations to help educate individuals on their rights as tenants. Registration for this event is required, the deadline to register is Friday, April 19th. For additional information and to register contact Slate Belt Rising Director Stephen Reider at 484-523-0900 or [email protected]. Spaghetti Dinner Arndt's Lutheran Church, 1805 Arndt Rd., Easton, will hold a spaghetti dinner featuring homemade sauce and desserts on Saturday, April 27 from 4-7 pm. The cost is adults $8 and kids under 5 eat free. Pet Adoption Event Adoption Event at Pibbles Paws Safe Haven - Dog Rescue Saturday, April 27 from 10 AM – 2 PM at Phillips Pet Supply Outlet 7642 Bath Pike, Bath. For any questions regarding adoptions or to place an application for pre-approval, contact PPSH at (484)735-1431. April 30 Pen Argyl Cheerleader Fundraiser Emmy Lou’s Cheering Night Fundraiser for Pen Argyl cheerleaders will be held Tuesday, April 30, 2019 from 4-8pm at 492 E Main St, Pen Argyl, Pennsylvania Please join them .The cheerleaders will earn a percentage of all the sales from the event towards their upcoming season. May 2 Macrame Plant Hangers with Terrarium Macrame Plant Hangers with Terrarium Hosted by Grace on Broadway will be held Thursday, May 2, from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM at Bangor Trust Brewing 15 Broadway, Bangor. Learn to Macrame with making a plant hanger with Karen from Sugar Mountain Macrame, then fill it up with a terrarium you make with Heather from Grace on Broadway. So you'll get two teachers and two classes in one fun filled night!!! Cost is $35pp They will provide all materials and one beverage ticket. You provide the creativity and the fun!! The kitchen will be open so you can come early and grab dinner or munch while you create. May 3 Spring Book/Media Sale The Friends of the Bangor Public Library will hold their annual “Spring Book/Media Sale” at the Bee Hive Community Center, 197 Penna. Avenue, Bangor, PA on the following dates and times:
For additional information please contact: Karen Brewer @ 484-894-5661. May 4 Monroe Farmers Market Opening day Monroe Farmers Market Opening day of the outdoor market will be held Saturday, May 4, 2019 at 8 AM – 12 PM Outdoor craft and flea market An outdoor craft and flea market will be held at St. John's Lutheran Church, 12 North Westbrook Avenue, Pen Argyl, Saturday May 4 from 8am to 2pm. Rain date is May 11. Vendors are welcome. Call Kerry for information at 610-597-4939. May 5 Totts Gap Annual Art Fair The 10th Annual Arts Fair Hosted by Totts Gap Arts will be held Sunday, May 5, 2019 from 11 AM – 4 PM at 1494 Totts Gap Rd, Annual Arts Fair & Competition displaying artwork and awarding prizes to children in grades K-12 throughout the Slate Belt area. Student artwork is from the Bangor Area School District, Faith Christian School, Pen Argyl Area School District, and Totts Gap Arts. This event is free and open to the community. Mark your calendar and join us on Sunday May 5th, 2019! May 8 NEDC Facade Workshop An NEDC Facade Workshop will be held Tuesday, May 8, 2018 7 - 8 pm at Nazareth Arts Center 30 Belvidere St. RSVP: [email protected] You are encouraged to take advantage of this grant opportunity that Nazareth has been awarded by Northampton County DCED, and be part of the revitalization of Downtown Nazareth! Applications & Guidelines will be distributed at this FREE workshop. RSVP is encouraged to ensure seating & materials are available for you. Please join them! Reserve your space today! [email protected] They are proud to offer you the chance to increase the value of your property and help improve Nazareth's Downtown Business District. The CIPP grant is an opportunity limited to owners of businesses within the designated downtown area. Matching grant assistance with painting, lighting, signage, windows, gutters & more! Hike for Health Join us at Jacobsburg Wednesday, May 8 at 5:30pm after work for a hike with a St. Luke’s University health professional! Get some exercise while learning about health and fitness outdoors. Each hike will include a presentation from a guest health professional on topics such as physical fitness, stretching, and nutrition. A different guest will hike with us each month, sharing a topic that they specialize in. We will hike at a brisk pace over uneven terrain for 2 to 2.5 miles guided by a center educator. Our guest will be available during the hike to discuss the topic of the day and answer your questions. This program is being provided in partnership with St. Luke’s University Health Network and the Get Your Tail on the Trail initiative. Meet at the Visitor Center at 400 Belfast Road, Nazareth, PA. Registration is not required. May 9
Structural Slate Company Program A program titled "Structural Slate Company will be presented by Kenton Lerch at the Heritage Center in Bangor on May 9th at 7:00 pm. May 11
Golf Classic Tournament
The Pen Argyl Masonic Lodge #594 will be holding our 3rd Annual Ralph A Behler Memorial Golf Classic Tournament at the Southmore Golf Course in Bath PA on May 11th 2019. Monies raised through this event will benefit various Masonic Charities, the Almoner's Fund and the Pen Argyl Masonic Building Fund. Basic Boating Course Saturday, May 11 at 9:00am to 5:00pm at Jacobsburg. The PA Fish & Boat Commission’s PA Basic Boating Course was developed to supply boaters with practical information, so they can make better informed decisions on the water. Instructors provide students with information to help them reduce the risk of injury and conflict on the water. Students who successfully complete this course may apply for a Boating Safety Education Certificate issued by the Commission. Registration required. For questions call Andy Desko at 215-968-3631. May 17 Cody Templeton Band Cody Templeton Band will play at The Lakeside Bar-Restaurant-Deck 5154 Hamilton S, Saylorsburg, Friday, May 17, 2019 at 9 PM May 18 Dr. Cook presents "All In the Presidential Family." Join presidential expert, Dr. Larry Cook, for a presentation focusing on family relationships within the presidency. Learn more about father/son presidents and other little-known and surprising connections.
May 19 Animal Advocacy Group Wine Tasting Fundraiser Woof - Wine & Feline Fine Wine Tasting, sponsored by the Slate Belt Animal Advocacy Group, will be held Sunday May 19 from 1-5 pm at Sorrenti's Cherry Valley Vinyards, 130 Lower Cherry Valley Road, Saylorburg. Cost is $20pp plus tax and includes tasting of six wines, hors D'ouvres. Keep your glass. Bring cash for a tricky tray. Visit with local vendors. One dollar from every bottle of wine sold during the event will be donated to the Slate Belt Animal Advocacy Group. Purchase tickets at Woof, Wine & Feline Fine Woof, Wine & Feline Fine Hosted by Slate Belt Animal Advocacy Group INC and Sorrenti's Cherry Valley Vineyards will be held Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 1 PM – 5 PM Tickets: Wine, food, animals and great tricky tray event!
May 25
Northampton County Memorial Day Festival Northampton County Memorial Day Festival will be held Saturday, May 25, 2019 at 10 AM – 6 PM at Louise W Moore Park Country Club Rd, Easton, Pennsylvania 18045 Celebrate the County with live music, demonstrations, food vendors, crafters, vendors, and non-profit organizations. An Award Ceremony will honor an outstanding employee of the County and each of the County's municipalities, as well as an Outstanding Volunteer, Outstanding Youth, Outstanding Veteran, and Outstanding Emergency Personnel. Employee awards will be decided upon by the municipalities. To nominate a deserving individual for one of the other categories, please send an email with a 250 word essay on why the individual deserves to win the award and how they impact the County. Send email to [email protected]. Winners will be selected by an awards committee. May 31 Families First Winery Experience Families First – The Underground Experience—May 31—Blue Ridge Estate & Winery—more information @ 610-863-9093 Ext 1387 or [email protected] May 31 - June 1
Horsepower Showdown Horsepower Showdown will be held May 31, 2019 - Jun 1, 2019 at the Plainfield Farmers Assn 1281 Bangor Rd, Nazareth, Pennsylvania 18064. Coming to Plainfield is the NEW event called Horsepower Showdown. Planning to have: 2 Days of Action!! Friday: Vendors, Kids Activities, Truck Pulls, Car & Truck Show. Saturday: Dirt Drags, Sled Pulls, Truck & Car Show, Light Parade, Dyno Competition, Vendors, Kids Pedal Pull, Kids Powerwheels races and MORE!! Sled will be Clark's Dirt Commander. June 5 Great Nazareth Carnival The Great Nazareth Carnival Hosted by Nazareth Fire Department will be held starting Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 6 PM All of your favorite food and beverages will be ready for you. The rides will be running. On stage is Double Shot. June 7 YMCA 5K Run and Fun Walk Slate Belt YMCA 5K Run and Fun Walk will be held Saturday, June 7, 2014 at the Blue Valley Farm Show Complex 707 American-Bangor Road. June 8 Third Annual ParkFest Third Annual ParkFest at Bread Lock Park Hosted by The Morris Canal Greenway - Warren County, New Jersey is the event of the days Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 11 AM – 5 PM at Bread Lock Parkm Stewartsville, New Jersey. Enjoy a day in the park at ParkFest! This 3rd Annual community day of fun will feature live music, an art show, historical displays and films, "Authors Alley" where you'll meet published authors, a classic car show, food, and more! It's all happening at Bread Lock Park, a Warren County, NJ park located at a former lock on the old Morris Canal, so-called because the lock tender's wife baked fresh bread to sell to the families on the passing canal boats. ParkFest is a free event intended to bring people of diverse interests from across the County and the region together for a fun day in a beautiful, historical park. ParkFest is hosted by the Warren County Parks Foundation and the Warren County Morris Canal Committee, with support from the Warren County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the Warren County Planning Department, Land Preservation Department, Public Information Department, the Explore Warren County Tourism Partnership and other sponsors. Sponsorship opportunities are available and ParkFest also is seeking musicians, artists, authors, classic car owners, historical groups and community organizations interested in being involved! To learn more, call 908-475-6539 or email [email protected]. June 9 Corvette Club Show The Slate Belt Corvette Club’s 14th Annual show will be held Sunday June 9 at the Blue Valley Farm ShowRain or Shine, 9am - 3pm. June 15 Summer Garden Party A Summer Garden Party will be Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm Saturday, June 15, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania Quiet Valley invites you to join us for a day dedicated to gardening with talks, activities, and tours around the garden. Join us for crafts that are great from ages 1 to 100. This is a day full of gardening inspiration, artistic expression and fun in the outdoors. Whether you already garden or would like to learn how, the Summer Garden Party is the place to be. If you don’t have a lot of space, it doesn’t matter! Gardening can take place in a window box or large pot! Come join the Party on our Opening Day of the Farm Tour season – a perfect way to start your summer! This event is made possible by the Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts Project Steam Grant. June 22 Bangor Car and Bike Show The Bangor Car & Bike show will be held June 22 from 10-3. Sign up your car or bike early and save $$ on registration. Registration link below. NEW FOR THIS YEAR! Are you a car or bike themed vendor? Want to sell your wares? Applications for motorsports, car and bike themed vendors are now being accepted. They have limited vendor space this year folks so we'll review your application and let you know if you're chosen. Thanks! Below are helpful links. CAR AND BIKE REGISTRATION FORMS: VENDOR APPLICATIONS: Radio Zoo at Slateford Inn Radio Zoo returns to the Slateford Inn Saturday, June 22, 2019 at 7 PM – 11 PM WWII Living History Weekend WWII Living History Weekend will be held at Boulton Historic Site by Jacobsburg Historical Society 402-403 Henry Rd, Nazareth, Pennsylvania June 22 & 23, 2019 The Boulton Historic Site will be open to the public on Saturday, June 22nd from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Sunday, June 23rd from 9:00AM to 3:00PM for this very special event. Adult admission is $7.00 with free on-site parking. Children 12 and under, JHS members, active duty military and scouts are free. Bring your fathers, bring your sons, or bring your whole family! This special WWII reenactment weekend is designed to educate the local community about the war, honor our veterans, and provide information for various non-profit veterans organizations and the services they offer. Visitors can tour Allied and German Camps staffed by re-enactors, see period military and non-military displays, meet and talk to WWII veterans, shop with WWII vendors and learn about various non-profit veterans organizations. The Pennsylvania Longrifle Museum and the J. Joseph Henry House and Summer Kitchen will be open for tours on Saturday 10am–4pm and Sunday from 12 noon–4:00pm. June 29 Bus Trip to 911 Memorial PAHS Class of 1973 Scholarship Fund hosting a Trip to New York 911 Memorial Museum and little Italy Saturday June 29, 2019. Bus pickup at William Penn park and ride 8:00am. Visit 911 Museum at 10:00am-12:00pm then to Little Italy for Lunch on your own. Bus picks up there at 3:00pm back to William Penn park and ride. Price is $65.00, includes Bus and Ticket into Museum. For a reservation please call Margaret 610-417-0461. July 6 Stroudsburg Art Festival The Stroudsburg Art Festival Hosted by Gamut Art Gallery will be held Saturday, July 6, 2019 at 12 PM – 7 PM at 109-111 N. 8th street, Stroudsburg, in courthouse square! Join the vendors and visit this amazing show in Downtown Stroudsburg! Get vendor application at : July 13 Big Rig and Tractor Pull Big Rig and Tractor Pull will be held Saturday, July 13, 2019 at 10 AM – 5:30 PM by the Pocono Old Tyme Farm Equipment Assoc. Gilbert, PA. Big Rig Truck pulls on Saturday July 13th. Pull is open to all big rigs and tractors. Registration opens at 10 am and pulls start at 11 am. There will be food, flea market and the museum will be open. This is a great family event!! Come out and cheer on your favorite Macks, Peterbilts, Kenworths, Western Stars and more!! More info coming soon! Email at [email protected] Check out the website at for more information August 10 Heritage Craft Day Heritage Craft Day will be held Saturday, August 10, 2019 at 11 AM – 3 PM at Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm 347 Quiet Valley Rd, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Explore Quiet Valley on a day when we celebrate traditional and heritage crafts. There will be demonstrations and hands-on activities with craft including spinning and weaving, basket making, egg etching, wheat weaving, pottery, blacksmithing and more. Admission is free with purchase of tour tickets for the day August 11 Historic Blairstown Day Historic Blairstown Day Hosted by Blairstown Museum will featured Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 11 AM – 5 PM at the Blairstown Museum 26 Main Street, PO Box 109, Blairstown, New Jersey 07825 Dust off your bonnets and bowties ladies and gentlemen -- and get ready to party like it's 1899! The 3rd Annual Historic Blairstown Day, sponsored by the Blairstown Museum, is a celebration of Blairstown's heritage. Spend the day enjoying the ambiance of a bygone era with nostalgic music; antique, craft and food vendors; classic car show; a birthday celebration for town founder John Insley Blair and much more. For more information, vendor signup, car show registration, and sponsor opportunities, visit August 24-25 Pocono State Craft Festival Pocono State Craft Festival 2019 sponsored by Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm and Pocono Arts Council will be held August 24-25, 2019 at the Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm in Stroudsburg PA. . Quiet Valley is a working farm, no pets and no smoking please! For more information, [email protected], 570-476-4460,, OR August 31 Radio Zoo Playing at the Overlook Radio Zoo will play at the Overlook Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 5 PM – 9 PM 4285 N Delaware Dr, Mt Bethel,. This is an awesome summertime venue located on Route 611 by Portland Pa . You won't want to miss it! Radio zoo is a high energy, fun band covering rock, pop, alternative, and even a dash of country hit songs Stroudfest 209 StroudFest 2019 Hosted by Sherman Theater will be held Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 11 AM – 6 PM, 524 Main St, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. September 13 Friday the 13th Exhibit A Friday the 13th Exhibit is planned for September 13, 2019 at 9 AM – 10 PM at Blairstown Museum 26 Main Street, PO Box 109, Blairstown, New Jersey 07825 Visit the Blairstown Museum on Friday the 13th from 9am to 10pm to view our exclusive Friday the 13th exhibit; visit iconic movie locations; shop at our Slash and Shop Marketplace; enjoy free movie-themed photo booths; and take advantage of a 13% slashing discount on every Souvenir Shop purchase. November 30 Jingle on Main 2019 Jingle on Main 2019 Hosted by Greater Blairstown Business Association is planned for Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM |
Vertical Divider
Slate Belt Senior CenterSlate Belt Senior Center
Blue Valley Farm Show Complex 700 American Bangor Road Bangor, ph 610-588-1224
Bangor Library New Books
Fine Policy For Kids
The Bangor Public library is happy to announce a new policy for kids to take responsibility for their own fines. Starting now if a junior patron (ages 15 years old or under) owes fines on their card only they may read their fines away. The junior patron will be required to read at the library in front of one of the staff members. Junior patrons will fill out a reading log; every half hour that they read will equal $1.00 off their fines. Fines can only be read off junior patron cards. The library believes that with this new policy junior patrons will learn responsibility as well as filling in the reading gap that so many kids face today. For more information please contact the library at 610-588-4136 March 28
Adult Fiction Americanah by Chimamanda Adichie Ghosts of Manhattan by Douglas Brunt The Last Second by Catherine Coulter The Beguiled by Thomas Cullinan Celtic Empire by Clive Cussler One Simple Wish by Kathy Lee Run Away by Harlan Coben Descent by Tim Johnston A Separation by Katie Kitamura The Widow Waltz by Sally Koslow Deep Harbor by Fern Michaels The Cornwells Are Gone by James Patterson The Fifth Doctrine by Karen Robards The Tiger in the House by Jacqueline Sheehan The Girl in the Garden by Melanie Wallace Wild Card by Stuart Woods Adult Non Fiction It’s Called a Break Because it’s Broken by Greg Behrendt The Complete Beer Guide by Brian Glover How to Select and Grow African Violets by Theodore James Junior Fiction A Christmas Surprise by Sue Bentley A Summer Spell by Sue Bentley A Circus Wish by Sue Bentley A Glittering Gallop by Sue Bentley Classroom Chaos by Sue Bentley Double Trouble by Sue Bentley Moonlight Mischief by Sue Bentley Seaside Mystery by Sue Bentley Sparkling Steps by sue Bentley Star Dreams by Sue Bentley Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie by Kristiana Gregory Thea Stilton and the Mystery in Paris by Thea Stilton Thea Stilton and the Mystery on The Orient Express by Thea Stilton Thea Stilton and the Prince’s Emerald by Thea Stilton Thea Stilton, Big Trouble in The Big Apple by Thea Stilton Easy Fiction We Are The Gardeners by Joanna Gaines The Stray Dog by Marc Simont Audio Books The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See DVDS Aquaman Ocean’s 8 Palo Alto Shark Tale Strawberry Shortcake: Let’s Dance Blue Mt. Library New BooksAdult Fiction:
The Lost Girls of Paris, Pam Jenoff The Crooked Street, Brian Freeman The Red Address Book, Sofia Lundberg The Wedding Guest, Jonathan Kellerman The Au Pair, Emma Rous More Than Words, Jill Santopolo Walking Shadows, Faye Kellerman The Dead Ex, Jane Corry The Rule of Law, John Lescroart Judgment, Joseph Finder The Wartime Sister, Lynda Cohen Loigman An Anonymous Girl, Greer Hendricks The Magnolia Inn, Carolyn Brown Wildflower Heart, Grace Green The Current, Tim Johnston Cemetery Road, Greg Iles The Silent Patient, Alex Michaelides Adult Large Print: Of Blood and Bone, Nora Roberts Never Tell, Lisa Gardner Adult Non-fiction: The First Conspiracy, Brad Meltzer Unexampled Courage, Richard Gergel The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee, David Treuer Vertical Divider