HELP WANTED: Photographers and Videographers for Town Topics Live. If you enjoy taking photos and videos with your cell phone you could be the person we are looking for. Will supply equipment if necessary. Will train. High school students are welcome to apply. We are also looking for assistants to help with a variety of chores associated with our podcasting company. All are paid positions. Contact us at [email protected] or call 570-688-3724.
Click Box in Upper Right Corner Below Then Scroll Down Public Service Announcements ![]() Home Heating Assistance
LIHEAP is a federally funded program that helps individuals and families pay their heating bills through home heating energy assistance grants. It also provides crisis grants to help in the event of an emergency or if a resident is in danger of losing his or her heat due to broken equipment, lack of fuel or termination of utility service. The income eligibility guidelines for LIHEAP are set at 150% of the federal poverty income level. For example, the income limit for an individual is $18,735; for a couple, the limit is $25,365; and for a family of four, it is $38,625. Residents may apply for LIHEAP online or by contacting the County Assistance Office in their county of residence. Click here for additional information. Free Screenings For Seniors
The Slate Belt Senior Center in will be hosting FREE health screening for seniors in the Slate Belt Area. Screenings will be led by nursing students under the guidance of their professors. Screenings of blood pressures, medication education related to diabetes heart disease and overall health concerns. All interested seniors are welcome during the hours of 9:00am-11:00am. Dates: 4/14,4/16,4/23, 4/28,/4/30, 5/5,/5/7,/5/19,5/21 UMBT Girls Recreational Softball Registration for UMBT Girls Recreational Softball is open through March 6, 2020 for girls between the ages of 4 and those not turning 21 before July 1 , 2020 who reside in either Bangor, East Bangor, Upper Mount Bethel, Lower Mount Bethel, Portland, Washington, or Roseto. Register at or check FaceBook at UMBT Softball Organization. Registration is $60 per player, $55 for each subsequent sibling. Support Group For Vets & First Responders
A new confidential support group for veterans and first responders is available at A Clean Slate on the corner of Broadway and First St. (Rt. 191) in Bangor. The group meets the third Monday of the month from 7pm to 8pm. It is free. A professional counselor will facilitate the group. All are welcome. No sign-up is needed. Call 610-452-9348 for more info. Weona Calendars Available
After many months of hard work, the 100th Anniversary of Weona Park 2020 Calendar is completed. Put together by Walter Cole, former History teacher at Pen Argyl High School and member of the Slate Belt Heritage Center, it features pictures, past and present, of the park and events that took place there, as well as in early Pen Argyl. This Limited-Edition Calendar is now available to purchase at a cost of $15.00, cash or check only. Checks should be made payable to “Pen Argyl Borough”. The Calendar is on display at the Blue Mt. Community Library, 216 S. Robinson Ave., Pen Argyl. To purchase or for more information, call Walt Cole at 610-863-6472. Struggling With Substances?
People struggling with substances can now walk in for drug and alcohol assessments at the Clean Slate Bangor, 100 South First Street St, Bangor 610-452-9348 Mondays from 10am - 12pm Many times this is the first step toward treatment and a new life. Help Track Bald Eagle Population![]() The Pennsylvania Game Commission is asking for the public’s help to track the state’s growing bald eagle population. After reaching a low of just three nesting bald eagle pairs in the Commonwealth in the early 1980s, officials now estimate there are more than 300 nesting pairs here.
While bald eagles are no longer listed as a threatened species in Pennsylvania, they are still protected by the U.S. Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, which prohibits taking of the birds, nests or eggs. If you spot a bald eagle nest, please use proper etiquette to avoid disturbing the birds. To review bald eagle nest guidelines, or to report your nest sighting to the game commission, click here. Donations for St. John's Cemetery
Donations for St. John's Cemetery in Bangor are being accepted for maintenance. You can mail them to St. John's Cemetery c/o Carol Hummel, 136 Messinger Street, Bangor, Pa 18013. "Weona 100" Requests
Pen Argyl Borough requests volunteers, personal stories from Community for “Weona 100.” A joint committee of borough officials and residents are planning a weekend of “Weona 100” festivities and activities on June 19-20, 2020. For more information about the Weona Park 100th Anniversary plans, contact Roberta Cowley at 484-695-2994 or email [email protected]. Heritage Center Monthly Schedule 2020: Sundays: March 8th @ 2:00 PM: “Leopold Conservation Farming Award” by Richard DiFebo. Thursdays: April 16th @ 7:00 PM: “Textile Book Reveal & Signing” by Committee. May 14th @ 7:00 PM: “Garment – Textile Book Process” by Committee. June 18th @ 7:00 PM: Preservation Awards by Karen Brewer. July 9th @ 7:00 PM: 100th “Anniversary of Weona Park” by Walter Cole. August 13th @ 7:00 PM: “Anniversary of V-J Day” by Russ Stout. September 19th @ 7:00 PM: “1936 Slate Centennial Parade Video”. October 8th @ 7:00 PM: Haunted Heritage Program Sundays: November 8th @ 2:00 PM: “Pearl Harbor Remembered” by Jim Paynter. December 13th @ 2:00 PM: “Great Slate Belt Trivia Contest” by Marc Blau ![]() The Live-streamed Eagle cam from Hanover Pa. is back for its sixth year. They are currently in their nest-building phase. Eggs are likely to be laid in mid to late February. Incubation time is about 35 days, meaning the eggs would likely hatch some time in late march. Click on the graphic, then click on arrow in the center, and see OTHER VIEWS in lower right. Click on that.
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Slate Belt Senior Center
Blue Valley Farm Show Complex Bangor, PA. 610-588-1224 8:00 AM-3:30 PM Slate Belt Senior Center Blue Valley Farm Show Complex Bangor, Pa., Phone 610-588-1224 Hours: 8:00 AM-3:30 PM Meals are served at 11:30 and must be reserved by 10:00 AM one day prior. Cancellations must be done as soon as possible. MARCH FITNESS PROGRAMS: Darts,Tuesdays, 10:00 AM & Thursdays, 19 and 26, 12:15 PM Tai Chi, Tuesdays, 12:15 PM Exercise with Darla, Wednesdays, 10:00 AM Zumba Gold, Thursdays, 10:00 AM Other Programs: Needle Nook, Thursdays, 9:30 PM Friday, Tax preparation by AARP, 9:00 AM-2:00 PM Baseball, Friday, Friday, 13, 27, 10:00 AM Pool Mornings and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday afternoons. Puzzles, Cards, Library and Internet available daily . Medicare Fraud, Thursday, March 5, 10:00 AM Voting Machine Practice, Friday, March 6, 9:00-11 AM Closed Caption, Tuesday, March 10, 10:00 AM AARP, Monday 16, 1:00 PM Green Bingo, Monday, March 16, 9:30 AM Non-cook nutritional meals, Tuesday, March 17, 12:15 PM MUSIC BY J. T. CARTER,, Friday, March 20, 12:30 PM members free, fee for non-members (call for information) Census Information, Tuesday, March 24, 10:00 AM Bangor Public Library