Looking for Recent News & Videos? If you are looking for a story or photo that recently appeared in our daily editions of the Town Topics you may find them at the bottom of this page or on our RECENT NEWS page. If you are looking for recent videos you can find them at our YOUTUBE Channel @ Slate Belt Happenings. Planned PennDOT Roadwork Dec 9-13
(Weather May Alter Plans) PA 33 South Between: PA 512 and State Park Road Daytime Lane restrictions 09:00 AM To 03:00 PM. Expect delays. Start date: 12/9/19. Est completion date: 12/9/19 Interstate 78 Between: Exit 67 (PA 412) and Exit 71 (PA 33) Daytime Restriction 09:00 AM To 02:00 PM: Work in shoulder areas. Be alert for slow moving vehicles entering or exiting the travel lanes. Start date: 12/9/19. Est completion date: 12/11/19 Upper Mt. Bethel Township. PA 191 Between: Clay Street and Mountain Road. Daytime Lane restrictions 09:00 AM To 02:00 PM. Expect delays and please use caution driving through the work zone. Start date: 12/9/19 Est completion date: 12/13/19 US 22 East Between: PA 248 and PA 33 Daytime Lane restrictions 09:00 AM To 03:00 PM. Expect delays. Start date: 12/10/19. Est completion date: 12/10/19 US 22 West Between: 25th Street and PA 191 Nighttime Lane restrictions 10:00 PM To 04:00 AM. Expect delays. Start date: 12/10/19. Est completion date: 12/12/19 Upper Mount Bethel Township. Road name: PA 611 Between: Lower Mud Run Road and Sunset Drive Daytime Lane restrictions 09:00 AM To 02:00 PM. Expect delays. Start date: 12/10/19. Est completion date: 12/13/19 US 22 West. Between: PA 33 and PA 248. Daytime Lane restrictions 09:00 AM To 03:00 PM. Expect delays. Start date: 12/11/19. Est completion date: 12/11/19
Happening Sunday.....Intro to Glass Mosaic Join Bloom for an introductory workshop in glass mosaic. Choices are an 8x10 Cardinal or a 10x10 Moonlit Tree. All supplies and guided instruction included. This is a two session workshop to complete the project. Session one takes place on Monday December 9th from 6-8pm and session two concludes on Tuesday December 17th from 6-8pm. This workshop is suitable for participants 14 and older. Space is limited to 10 participants. Register here New Announcement..... Christmas Eve Service The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church will have two (2) Christmas Eve services: a daylight service at 3:00 p.m and an evening candlelight service at 7:00 p.m. The church is located at 136 W. Central Ave. (Rt. 512), East Bangor, Pa. For more info, call 610-588-4453, or visit www.ebumc.org. Give The Gift of Fishing This Year![]() Just in time for Christmas, 2020 fishing licenses, permits and gift vouchers are now available from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC). All fishing licenses and related permits purchased now are valid for up to 13 months, from December 2019 through Dec. 31, 2020. Licenses and permits can be purchased at www.gonefishingpa.com, or from any of more than 700 issuing agents, county treasurers’ offices and all PFBC regional offices. The price of an annual resident fishing license is $22.90. Multi-year options are also available in three-, five- and 10-year increments. The most popular add-ons, a trout-salmon permit and a Lake Erie permit, cost $9.90 each, or $15.90 for a combination permit. A collectible fishing license button is available for $10. You may also purchase voluntary permits for Bass, Musky, Wild Trout and Enhanced Waters, and Habitat/Waterways Conservation. These permits are not required for fishing and carry no additional privileges, but all funds generated through them are reinvested into their respective program. While youth anglers under age 16 do not require a fishing license, they must have either a Voluntary Youth Fishing License ($2.90) or a free Mentored Youth Fishing Permit to participate in various youth opportunities throughout the season. This includes the Mentored Youth Trout Fishing Days, which occur the week before the opening of the regional and statewide openers in each area. For more information, visit www.fishandboat.com. ![]() In pursuit of a #HealthierPA for all, the House recently approved landmark legislation to help rural hospitals continue providing quality care to their patients.
The Pennsylvania Rural Health Redesign Center Authority, now Act 108 of 2019, will help expand upon a successful pilot program that has provided participating hospitals with more stability and predictability in their reimbursements and operating budgets. It allows rural hospitals to transition from fee-for-service to set monthly budget payments, making it easier to plan to meet financial obligations and keep their doors open. Another challenge facing rural hospitals is unpredictable delays in the credentialing of health care providers. Credentialing is done by insurance companies to determine if the provider is eligible for reimbursement for services. Under current law, hospitals, physician practices and community health centers are losing money, and access to care is being limited because they are sidelined by a credentialing process that can take up to six months. House Bill 533, now pending action in the Senate, will limit the process to no longer than 60 days. Learn more about our #HealthierPA initiative here. Washington Twp. Fire Co. Breakfast With Santa.....![]() Kristi Davis and children were among many who enjoyed Breakfast With Santa at Washington Township Fire Co. Sunday morning. PHOTO GALLERY Sbtt Photo Larry Cory
Toys for Tots......![]() These members of the Plainfield Fire Department provided assistance for the Toys for Tots program Saturday afternoon. PHOTO GALLERY Photo Lisa Newberry Belt and Beyond
Bangor Library Breakfast With Santa......![]() This girl enjoyed her breakfast with Santa sponsored by the Friends of the Bangor Library Saturday morning at the Bee Hive. PHOTO GALLERY Sbtt Photos Larry Cory
Weona Park Christmas Celebration......![]() These children look at all the "goodies" at the Weona Park Christmas Celebration in Pen Argyl Friday evening. PHOTO GALLERY Sbtt Photo Jacqui Hower.
WGMS Craft Show.......![]() A Holiday Bazaar was held Saturday at Wind Gap Middle School as a fundraiser for Families First. PHOTO GALLERY Sbtt Photo Emily Dario
Regular Slate Belt Events This Week....... Monday December 9
Bingo - Kunkletown Fire Co. Progressive Jackpot. 7pm Blue Mountain Library - Open 10-12 & 6-8pm Bangor Public Library - Open 1-8 Slate Belt Senior Center - Open 8-4. Blue Valley Farm Show Bangor Borough Council - Meets Bee Hive Community Center, 7pm Upper Mount Bethel Supervisors - Meets 7:00pm Slate Belt AARP - Blue Valley Farm Show, 1:30pm Slate Belt YMCA - Open 5:00am - 9:00pm Tuesday December 10 Bingo - Portland Fire Co., 7pm. Blue Mountain Library - Open 10-12 & 6-8pm Bangor Public Library - Open 10-8 Slate Belt Senior Center - Open 8-4. Blue Valley Farm Show Preschool Story Time - Bangor Public Library, 10-11am. Mission of Love Food Pantry & Clothes Closet - N. Main St., Bangor, 10-12 Bangor Exchange Club - Blue Valley Farm Show, 7pm. Washington Township Recreation Board - Municipal Building, 7pm. Knights of Columbus Meeting - Council Home, 7:30-9:30pm Book Discussion - Friends of Bangor Library at Trolley Stations Restaurant 6:45 pm Bangor Planning Commission - Bee Hive, 7:00pm Grandparents Village - Bangor Public Library Upstairs, 6:00 - 7:30pm. Slate Belt YMCA - Open 5:00am - 9:00pm Wednesday December 11 Bingo - Bushkill Fire Co. Doors 5pm. Bingo 7pm. Blue Mountain Library - Open 10-12 & 6-8pm Bangor Public Library - Open 1-8 Slate Belt Senior Center - Open 8-4. Blue Valley Farm Show Gym Nite - 6-8pm, Faith Christian School, Roseto. 610-588-6929 Slate Belt Band - Practice. Roseto American Legion, 143 Garibaldi Ave., Roseto 7:00-9. Story Time - Preschool children. Blue Mt. Community Library, Pen Argyl, 10:30am Washington Township Supervisors Meet - Municipal Building, 7pm Plainfield Township Supervisors - Meets 7:00pm Municipal Building. Bangor Yard Waste - Dump in container at Bangor Park, 8-2 UNICO - 7pm. Medic 9 building, Blue Valley Drive (Rt 512). Open Mic Night - Nazareth Ctr. for the Arts, 7-9pm Slate Belt YMCA - Open 5:00am - 9:00pm East Bangor Municipal Authority - Municipal Authority Hall, 555 Messinger St., East Bangor, 7:00pm Public Service Announcements PUMP Seeks 'Generous Contributions'![]() The PUMP food pantry is open to qualifying clients every Monday morning from 10:00 am to 11:30 am and again Monday evening 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Prior to receiving food assistance, clients must register and provide proof of residency. Families are permitted to receive food every two weeks.
Their monthly overhead is $4,000 which is needed to cover rent, electricity etc. To maintain this vital service to the community they are seeking "generous contributions" for additional, much-needed storage space and maintenance. You may contribute by sending checks to PUMP, Box 69, Portland,PA 18351. You may also contribute by going to their website at pumppantry.com and clicking on the DONATE button. Christmas Tree Fundraiser
Please hang an ornament on Blue Mountain Community Library's Christmas Tree in honor of or in memory of a person or pet. The ornaments are $5.00. Your donation will not only help support the library, the ornaments will decorate their tree. They thank you for your support and for decorating their tree. Holiday Shopping at the Book Nook
The BMCL’s Book Nook is your place for one stop shopping for the reader on your Holiday List. It is a room filled with giftable books including Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction, Children and Young Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction, Large Print and Classics, as well as Puzzles and DVD’s and each month the Library offers a “Book Nook Special.” Book Nook Gift Certificates are also available to purchase for your favorite readers. The Blue Mountain Community Library is located at 216 S. Robinson Ave. in Pen Argyl. Hours are 10-12, Monday thru Saturday mornings and 6-8, Monday thru Thursday evenings. Stop in and check off all the readers on your Holiday List! Call 610-863-3029 for information or visit www.bmcl.org. Find them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/bmclpenargyl. Rescue Fire and Santa Gifts
Bangor's Rescue Fire Co. #1 will be delivering gifts again with Santa this year. Please bring a wrapped gift for the person you wish to the fire house any Monday night between 7 and 9 pm. Santa will start deliver presents at 10 am on the 14th and continue till the last gift is delivered. Please attach to the gift the persons name, address and a phone number in case we need to contact someone. The cost is a $10 donation per two gifts and $5 for each additional gift. **snow date is 12/21/2019. Please watch our page for further details. **The home must be in the Borough of Bangor. East Bangor Santa Visits
Santa will once again visit residents of East Bangor this year on Christmas Eve. If you would like to be added to the list, call 610-588-5996. ![]() Home Heating Assistance
LIHEAP is a federally funded program that helps individuals and families pay their heating bills through home heating energy assistance grants. It also provides crisis grants to help in the event of an emergency or if a resident is in danger of losing his or her heat due to broken equipment, lack of fuel or termination of utility service. The income eligibility guidelines for LIHEAP are set at 150% of the federal poverty income level. For example, the income limit for an individual is $18,735; for a couple, the limit is $25,365; and for a family of four, it is $38,625. Residents may apply for LIHEAP online or by contacting the County Assistance Office in their county of residence. Click here for additional information. Support Group For Vets & First Responders
A new confidential support group for veterans and first responders is available at A Clean Slate on the corner of Broadway and First St. (Rt. 191) in Bangor. The group meets the third Monday of the month from 7pm to 8pm. It is free. A professional counselor will facilitate the group. All are welcome. No sign-up is needed. Call 610-452-9348 for more info. Weona Calendars Available
After many months of hard work, the 100th Anniversary of Weona Park 2020 Calendar is completed. Put together by Walter Cole, former History teacher at Pen Argyl High School and member of the Slate Belt Heritage Center, it features pictures, past and present, of the park and events that took place there, as well as in early Pen Argyl. This Limited-Edition Calendar is now available to purchase at a cost of $15.00, cash or check only. Checks should be made payable to “Pen Argyl Borough”. The Calendar is on display at the Blue Mt. Community Library, 216 S. Robinson Ave., Pen Argyl. To purchase or for more information, call Walt Cole at 610-863-6472. Snowshoes and Hiking Poles Available
Snowshoes and Hiking Poles are available at Jacobsburg Visitor Center, 400 Belfast Road, Nazareth every Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. Borrow snowshoe equipment to use on Jacobsburg’s trails this winter! Snowshoes are available for folks of any age or shoe size, including small children. Snowshoes will not be made available during times of insufficient snow cover, usually at least six inches of snow is required. To borrow equipment, you must provide a driver’s license or other form of state issued identification. For more information call 610-746-2801 or email [email protected]. You can check our website for current winter conditions and snow depth: https://www.dcnr.pa.gov/StateParks/WinterReport/Pages/default.aspx You can also view and register for community programs online at http://events.dcnr.pa.gov/. If you need an accommodation to participate in a program please contact the park office at 610-746-2801 or [email protected]. With at least three days notice, interpreters for people who are deaf or hard of hearing are available for educational programs. Art Workshop for Teens
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December 9
Intro to Glass Mosaic Join Bloom for an introductory workshop in glass mosaic. Choices are an 8x10 Cardinal or a 10x10 Moonlit Tree. All supplies and guided instruction included. This is a two session workshop to complete the project. Session one takes place on Monday December 9th from 6-8pm and session two concludes on Tuesday December 17th from 6-8pm. This workshop is suitable for participants 14 and older. Space is limited to 10 participants. Register here December 10 Serenity Snow On Tuesday, December 10 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, warm up the holidays with Serenity in welcoming winter with Bloom's snow lady! The painting will be done on a 16x20 canvas - cost of $35.00 includes all materials, guided instruction, and a fun evening out! Every purchase benefits our mission to help women survivors of violence and addiction thrive! REGISTER HERE December 11 BAHS Choir Winter Concert The Bangor Area High School Winter concert will be held 7:30pm in the M. Craig Paine Performing Arts Theater Adults $3., Seniors and Students $2. Aquatics Night Looking to expand your knowledge of environmental science? Interested in competing in Envirothon? Join other teens 13-18 from our area in our Environmental Club on Wednesday, December 11 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm and then once a month at Jacobsburg to learn the concepts and content that you need to be competitive, not just in Envirothon, but in an environmental career. Natural resource professionals will assist in presenting each topic, assisted by teens who are familiar with Envirothon and resource conservation. The first session will explore the topic of aquatic ecology with local Waterways Conservation Officer Zachary Rudd. Investigate organisms that live in water and the issues affecting water quality. Adult advisers must be accompanied by a teen in order to attend. Registration is required. You can also view and register for community programs online at http://events.dcnr.pa.gov/ December 12 Monthly Glass Painting Bloom's monthly Thursday night Glass Painting is December 12th from 6:30-8:30pm. Join Karin & the regulars @ the Craft Bar for a fun night of glass painting. One Glass, paint & instruction all included! Additional glasses available for $5.00 ea REGISTER HERE Colored Pencil Workshop Thursday, December 12, 2019, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM at Bloom. For December, our subject will be a poinsettia. Learn the basics of colored pencil technique while exploring shape, shading, and color. New to drawing? This workshop is designed for anyone to have fun and get something out of it. No pressure, just encouraging teaching. Christmas Cookies: For this workshop, we will be enjoying “share your Christmas cookies fun.” If you bake, bring in some of your cookies and we will all share our Christmas baked goodies with each other. REGISTER HERE (Please email Jeff you are coming-and the number of your party, if applicable-so I can have a head count. Questions and concerns are also welcome: [email protected] ) NOTE: As Bloom is a non-profit and material costs grow, there is now an additional $5 cost for materials use, for a total of $25 per person for the class. December 13 Bangor Area High School Band Winter Concert 7:30 PM M. Craig Paine Performing Arts Theater Adults $3., Seniors and Students $2. Gold Cards and Booster Members FREE December 14 Roseto Breakfast w/Santa Columbia Fire Co. No. 1 is Roseto will be sponsoring their annual Breakfast with Santa on Saturday December 14th from 9-11am at the Roseto Municipal Building. The event is open to all children from Roseto borough as well as children and grandchildren of current Fire Co. members. Cost is FREE for those under 10. Adults and children 10 and over, the cost is $10. Please call 610-588-0597 or email [email protected] for reservations. Please include ages and gender of children attending. Please respond with your reservation by December 4. Rotary Breakfast With Santa Breakfast with Santa sponsored by the Rotary Club of the Slate Belt will be held Saturday December 14 from 9-11am (snow date Dec.15) at the Scorecard Bar and Grill in Wind Gap. Adults and children 10 and up eat for $8. Children nine and under eat free. Call Scorecard at 610-863-5269 or e-mail [email protected] to inquire about reserving a table. Proceeds benefit the Rotary Club's Operation Warm project. Quiet Valley Christmas Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm will present its 29th annual Old Time Christmas event on December 7, 8 and December 14, 15 with candlelit tours leaving every 15 minutes beginning at 3:00 p.m., with the last group going out at 7:00 p.m. Gather around a bonfire while you wait for your visit to the 1800s to begin. Guides in period clothing will lead guests on their journey into the past beginning with this year’s Victorian skit. Glimpse an 1890s Afterwards it’s on to the living Nativity located in the barnyard which includes the Quiet Valley farm animals and offers a look at the foundation of this special celebration including a soloist and scripture readings. Then off to a simple log cabin where visitors experience the rustic Christmas of the early 1800s. At the one room schoolhouse it is a jolly time as the school marm leads both the musicians and guests in singing their favorite seasonal carols. All funds raised support the mission of the non-profit farm museum. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 3-12, with those under three admitted free. You will be outside part of the time so remember to dress warmly. Christmas Cookie Walk A Christmas Cookie Walk Hosted by Ackermanville UMC will be held Saturday, December 14, at 9 am Large assortment of homemade holiday cookies. Large Box - $12 Small Box - $6. (Boxes provided) You purchase your box(es) get gloves and then you “walk” along and fill your box with the cookies you want. Come early for the best selection! Get a box for you and get a box for a gift! December 14-15 Christmas at Boulton Come to Boulton for a very special Christmas experience on Saturday, Dec. 14th 11am-4pm & Sunday, Dec. 15th 12-4pm! This special weekend will showcase the J. Joseph Henry House, adorned in beautiful Victorian Christmas decor, featuring a marvelous exhibit of Henry family clothing. Experience the warmth of the fire in the Summer Kitchen and view a display of historic carriages and sleighs. The new Blacksmith Shop display will also be open for viewing. Admire the Nicholas Hawk Gun Shop, an authentic, 200-year old log gun shop. Tour the Pennsylvania Longrifle Museum featuring more than 100 historic arms on display and visit our renovated Museum Gift Shop, newly stocked with unique items for holiday gift giving. Complete your visit by stopping by the Early American Craft Center where colonial crafters will be demonstrating their work. Enjoy some light refreshments including our famous Jacobsburg Brew! December 15 One Starry Night Ready to take your family back in time? Come to One Starry Night and experience Christmas like never before! You’ll taste the food, see the manger, and participate in community life as you relive Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’s birth. The entire family is invited to visit the stations and join in activities for all ages. A family photo of your time in Bethlehem will keep the story of Christmas alive throughout the year! One Starry Night takes place from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, December 15 at East Bangor United Methodist Community Church, conveniently located on Route 512 (136 West Central Ave.) in East Bangor. For more information, contact East Bangor UMC at 610-588-4453 or email [email protected]. December 18 PAHS 'Senior Day' Enjoy a fun-filled “Senior Day” hosted by the officers of the Class of 2022 at Pen Argyl Area High School Wednesday December 18 from 8:30 am TO 12:30 pm .Doors open at 8:15am. They will be serving a continental breakfast, and lunch will be provided for all attendees. Other activities include quoits, tours of the building, technology lessons, musical entertainment and Bingo. This event is open to all senior citizens of the Pen Argyl Area School District. Please RSVP as soon as possible, as space is limited! RSVP by December 13 610-863-1293 Ext. 1 January 1 First Day Hikes Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 10:00am to 11:30am or 1:00pm to 2:30pm at Jacobsburg. Get out and get hiking on the first day of 2020! Join educator Lauren Forster for one of two 2-mile hikes. We will explore the old growth forest of Henrys Woods and the fields of the Homestead Trail. The hikes will leave at 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM from the visitor center at 400 Belfast Road. Dress for the weather, wear comfortable hiking shoes, and bring a water bottle. Registration is required as spaces are limited. You can also view and register for community programs online at http://events.dcnr.pa.gov/ Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner An All You Can Eat Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner will be held at Belfast Wesley United Methodist Church 607 School Rd Nazareth. Wednesday January 1st, 2020 from 1:00PM-4:00PM Cost is Adult- $10.00 Child 3yr-10yr- $5.00 Under 3 Free. Please call Tom for more information 610-751-4400 January 4 Slate Belt Y Open House Come to the Slate Belt Branch of the Greater Valley YMCA from 8 AM - 4 PM on Saturday, January 4 for their Open House! Try out free Y programming, meet the directors, take a tour, and get a feel for the Y community! Bring a friend and stop by the Y; it's free and open to the public. Plus, there's giveaways too! You belong at the Y. Bangor Elks Hoop Shoot The Bangor Elks Lodge #1106 has announced that the annual Hoop Shoot free throw contest will be held on Saturday January 4, 2020 at the Washington Elementary gymnasium. There are two divisions-girls and boys and the age groups are 8 and 9, 10 and 11, and 12 and 13. Age is determined as of April 1, 2020. It is open to students from the following schools-Bangor, Pen Argyl, Faith Christian, NDGP, Easton, and Wilson. The contest will start at 1 PM with registration at Noon. Any questions please contact Glenn Miller at 610-703-0070. January 9 - 11 Book Nook Sale Mark your calendar Blue Mountain Community Library's Semi-Annual Book Nook Sale Thursday, January 9, 2020 10:00 AM – Noon and 6:00 – 8:00 PM; Friday, January 10, 2020 10:00 AM - Noon; and Saturday, January 11, 2020 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon. ALL prices are slashed in half ! The Book Nook is located on the second floor of the library. January 11 Library Hosting Paul Walsh Come meet local author Paul Walsh, the Artistic Director of Literary Arts of Lehigh Valley Charter Arts High School of the Arts, Bethlehem at the Bangor Library on January 11, 2020 from noon to 1:00 PM. He will have his new hit book Lemonade! Your attendance/ support is appreciated! The book can be ordered online at Barnes & Noble or at the library during his event. Feel free to read the book ahead of time and ask questions during the appearance! To Order Online: www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lemonade-paul-walsh/1131528837. New Year's Brunch The third annual New Year's Brunch Hosted by Sistah Chat Radio and Get Seen in the Poconos is set for Saturday, January 11, 2020 from 12 PM – 2 PM at Cinder Inn 91 Mill Creek Rd, East Stroudsburg. Come for a fun filled brunch at their favorite place! Enjoy their new all season patio with them. Tickets include your meal, a adult beverage (bloody mary or mimosa) and a swag bag! They will also be awarding their 2nd Annual Woman of the Year - Founder' s Award. Join them as they celebrate the winner and the New Year! January 18 Live Bid Fur Auction Pennsylvania Trappers Association District 10 Live Bid Fur Auction at Stockertown Rod & Gun Club (205 Le Fevre Rd. Stockertown, PA 18083), January 18th, 2020. Doors open at 8am, auction starts at 9am. PTA membership and furtaker's license required. Contact: Bob Counterman 610-759-9203. U.S. Constitution's Meaning On Saturday, January 18 at Bangor Library from noon to 1:00 pm, Upper Mount Bethel Township Supervisor, John H. Bermingham will present a program for youth in grades 5 to 8. The program is called "What the United States Constitution Means Today". Vertical Divider
Slate Belt Senior Center
Blue Valley Farm Show Complex Bangor, PA. 610-588-1224 8:00 AM-3:30 PM Slate Belt Senior Center Blue Valley Farm Show Complex Bangor, Pa., Phone 610-588-1224 Hours: 8:00 AM-3:30 PM Meals are served at 11:30 and must be reserved by 10:00 AM one day prior Cancellations must be done as soon as possible. DECEMBER 2019
Darts, Tuesdays, 10:00 AM Quoits, Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 AM Tai Chi, Tuesdays, 12:15 PM Painting, Wednesdays, 8:00-11:00 AM Exercise with Darla, Wednesdays, 10:00-11:00 AM Poker, Thursdays, 9:00 AM DECEMBER EVENTS Trivia Game, Friday, December 6, 12:15 PM Cookie making for sing along, Monday December 9, 10:00 AM Christmas Carols, Hot Chocolate, Thursday, December 12, 12:15 PM Baseball, Friday, December 13, 10:100 AM Discussion group, "What makes you Happy?", Friday, December 13, 12:15 PM Discussion group, "How do you see yourself in the New Year, Monday, December 16, 10:00 AM Memory Cafe', Tuesday, December 17, 2:00-3:30 PM Christmas Karaoke, Monday, December 23, 12:15 PM Deja' the Therapy Dog, Tuesday, December 24, 10:00 AM Center will close AT 12:30 PM, Tuesday, December 24 CENTER CLOSED--HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Council Meeting, Thursday, December 26, 9:00 AM Events Meeting, Thursday, December 26, 1:00 PM Mexican Trains, Thursday, December 26, 12:15 PM Miss Julies Dance School, Friday, December 27, 10:30-11:00 AM Create an action plan for the new year, Friday, December 27, 12:15 PM Center will close at 12:30, Monday and Tuesday, December 30 & 31 Bangor Public Library