Help Wanted..... HVAC Tech/Plumber's Assistant .....Experienced preferred but will train. Call - Malachowski & Son 570-897-5443 Help Wanted.....Tru-Colors Restoration: Experienced Construction Labor .... Visit to apply (8/19) WWII Era Guest Night.......Slate Belt Heritage Center President Melissa Hough holds up a Fairest of the Month photo during an event at the Slate Belt Heritage Center welcoming guests from the WWII era.. Sbtt Photo Larry Cory
4-H Fair..........![]() Amber Morris shows off her sewing project from the Plainfield Sewing Club at the 4-H Fair held this weekend. PHOTO GALLERY Sbtt Photo Sabrina Schantzen Belt and Beyond
Lyme Cases Grow in 2016![]() Pennsylvania leads the nation in the number of confirmed cases of Lyme disease, which was confirmed by an approximate 20 percent increase in people infected by the tick-borne illness last year. In total, more than 11,443 cases were reported in 2016, according to a report released this week by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
Locally, Northampton County reported 139 cases. Each county in the Commonwealth is confirmed to have a high risk of Lyme. Legislatively, the House passed House Bill 174, which would require health insurers to cover treatment plans for Lyme disease or related tick-borne illnesses as prescribed by a patient’s health care practitioner, regardless if the treatment plan includes short-term or long-term antibiotic treatment. The bill is now with the Senate. The best prevention against Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses is to avoid tick-infested habitats, such as areas dense with shrubbery or tall grass. Proper use of personal protective measures such as repellents and protective clothing, and checking for and removing attached ticks are also important deterrents to tick-related complications. The first line of defense against Lyme is to take precautions in the outdoors by using insect repellent with DEET, wearing long sleeve shirts and long pants, checking for - and promptly and properly removing – any ticks, and showering shortly after exposure. If bitten, an individual should monitor the area for the next month. If symptoms develop, consult a physician. And as with any concern, always fully engage with your health care provider to discuss your options and make the best decision for you. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, joint pain, a bull’s eye rash may appear, and other symptoms that can be mistaken for viral infections, such as influenza or infectious mononucleosis. Joint pain can be mistaken for other types of arthritis, such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), and neurologic signs of Lyme disease can mimic those caused by other conditions, such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). When detected early, Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics. Left untreated, the disease can spread to the joints, heart and nervous system. Early diagnosis is important in preventing late-stage complications. Classic signs of untreated cases can include migratory pain or arthritis, impaired motor and sensory skills and an enlarged heart. Sixth Annual Mass in honor of St. Roch
The Sixth Annual Mass in honor of St. Roch will be celebrated on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., in the closed church on Second Street, West Bangor. The Rev. Msgr. VincentP. York, pastor of St. Elizabeth Catholic Parish will be the celebrant. Parishioners and friends of the former St. Roch Church are invited to participate in this Annual Mass. Each year since 2012, the Diocese of Allentown has granted permission to celebrate the Mass in honor of St. Roch, the Patron Saint. Included in the Mass will be the liturgy, music and readings in honor St. Roch. Weather Related Health Forecast
East Bangor Large Yard Sale
The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church is holding a LARGE "Yard Sale" in conjunction with their "Used Book Sale" on Saturday only, August 19th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will be held in the church parking lot. The church is located at 136 W. Central Ave. (Rt. 512), East Bangor, PA. For more info., call 610-588-4453 or visit East Bangor UMC Special Music The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church welcomes Laura Goss and Lisa Schwartz, instrumentalists, who will offer special music at the 9:15 a.m. worship service on Sunday, August 20th. The church is located at 136 W. Central Ave. (Rt. 512), East Bangor, PA. For more info., call 610-588-4453 or visit Annual Lights of Hope...... The Addict’s Mom invites you to their annual Lights of Hope which is one many nationally run events to raise awareness to drug addition during September which is National Recovery Month. This year's event will be held from 5:00pm - 7:30pm, Saturday September 9 at the William Pensyl Social Hall in Portland.
If addiction has affected you - this is an event that you don’t want to miss. Addiction is a “monster” that affects the entire family and the Addict’s Mom is here to help. If you have any questions, ideas, or experiences that you would like to share, please contact [email protected] If you would like to share publicly you can use the forum provided below. (Note: In the box titled "NAME" do not use your real name. Use a nickname or a handle.) CLICK HERE FOR COMMENT PAGE....New Pennsylvania DUI Law Coming
A new law set to go into effect Aug. 25 will change the way first-time DUI offenders are punished in Pennsylvania. The new law will require most first-time offenders with a blood-alcohol level higher than 0.10 percent to have an ignition interlock device installed on their vehicle. Under the new law, most first-time offenders would be eligible to drive with the ignition interlock immediately. Otherwise, they would have to have their driver’s license suspended for a year before installing the interlock device for 12 months. Those who are eligible can petition PennDOT for a new Ignition Interlock Limited License, allowing them to install the device for one year and continue to drive. The law will also apply to drivers who refuse to submit to chemical testing. They will be eligible for early interlock after six months. According to statistics compiled by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, nearly 2 million drunk-driving attempts have been stopped with ignition interlock devices, including more than 78,000 instances in Pennsylvania between 2003 and 2015. An ignition interlock or car breathalyzer prevents drunk drivers from driving their vehicle. The device is connected to your vehicle, and it has a preset level for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) determined by the state. If you blow into it when you are over the set limit, your vehicle won't start. Bangor High School Class of 1970 Picnic The BHS Class of '70 Girls Breakfast group will host a picnic for all class members and their spouses at Liberty Fire Company in Bangor on Saturday, August 26th at 1:00 pm. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish to share. There will be a cash bar. Please put a comment on the "Class of 1970 Bangor High School" Facebook page and let us know if you'll be able to attend so we have an idea of how many to expect. If you aren't on facebook, you can send an email to [email protected]. August 14 Regular EventsBingo - Kunkletown Fire Co. Progressive Jackpot. 7pm
Blue Mountain Library - Open 10-12 & 6-8pm Bangor Public Library - Open 1-8 Slate Belt Senior Center - Open 8-4. Blue Valley Farm Show Bangor Borough Council - Meets Bee Hive Community Center, 7pm Upper Mount Bethel Supervisors - Meets 7:00pm Slate Belt AARP - Blue Valley Farm Show, 1:30pm Slate Belt YMCA - Open 5:00am - 9:00pm This is our calendar of regularly scheduled events. If you see any info that is incorrect or want to add a regularly scheduled event please send e-mail to [email protected].
CLICK HERE FOR 45-60 DAY CALENDARMonroe Animal League Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Monroe Animal League will be on Tuesday, August 29 at 7:00 PM at the Eastern Monroe County Library, Rt. 611/N. 9th Street, Stroudsburg. All Monroe County animal lovers are encouraged to attend. For more information, visit, join us on Facebook at League, email [email protected], or call 570-421-7775. East Bangor Safety Day Safety day will be held at East Bangor Park Satuday September 9 from 12 -4. Entertainment This Week
Nazareth Garden Club Show
The Nazareth Area Garden Club will hold it's 15th Annual Flower and Garden Show on Friday Sept. 8th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday the 9th, from 10:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. at the Schoeneck Moravian Church , 316 B Broad St. Ext in Nazareth. This year's theme is Jungle Fever and will feature Floral Arrangements in 10 categories. In addition, both annual and perennial specimens will be judged, as well as houseplants, fruits and vegetables. Special club projects include Rosemary and a beautiful red Geranium grown by members since May. A Container Garden in a re-purposed container will also be judged by the audience. Mosaic bird baths are also featured. Jack Jones will be there with his birdhouses made form recycled barn wood. Be sure to visit our raffle table and plant sale. The show room is air conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Admission is always free. For more information please contact Sandee Rinehart 610-865-5439 or [email protected] THIS DAY IN HISTORY - August 14Blackout hits Northeast United States 2003 On this day in 2003, a major outage knocked out power across the eastern United States and parts of Canada. Beginning at 4:10 p.m. ET, 21 power plants shut down in just three minutes. Fifty million people were affected, including residents of New York, Cleveland and Detroit, as well as Toronto and Ottawa, Canada. Although power companies were able to resume some service in as little as two hours, power remained off in other places for more than a day. The outage stopped trains and elevators, and disrupted everything from cellular telephone service to operations at hospitals to traffic at airports. In New York City, it took more than two hours for passengers to be evacuated from stalled subway trains. Small business owners were affected when they lost expensive refrigerated stock. The loss of use of electric water pumps interrupted water service in many areas. There were even some reports of people being stranded mid-ride on amusement park roller coasters. At the New York Stock Exchange and bond market, though, trading was able to continue thanks to backup generators. Authorities soon calmed the fears of jittery Americans that terrorists may have been responsible for the blackout, but they were initially unable to determine the cause of the massive outage. American and Canadian representatives pointed figures at each other, while politicians took the opportunity to point out major flaws in the region’s outdated power grid. Finally, an investigation by a joint U.S.-Canada task force traced the problem back to an Ohio company, FirstEnergy Corporation. When the company’s EastLake plant shut down unexpectedly after overgrown trees came into contact with a power line, it triggered a series of problems that led to a chain reaction of outages. FirstEnergy was criticized for poor line maintenance, and more importantly, for failing to notice and address the problem in a timely manner–before it affected other areas. Despite concerns, there were very few reports of looting or other blackout-inspired crime. In New York City, the police department, out in full force, actually recorded about 100 fewer arrests than average. In some places, citizens even took it upon themselves to mitigate the effects of the outage, by assisting elderly neighbors or helping to direct traffic in the absence of working traffic lights. Fall Festival
The Upper Mount Bethel Park Committee is hosting its 1st annual Craft Show on September 9 from 8 to 4. The event will be held at the Upper Mount Bethel Park on Potomac Street. It is all outside so bring your tents, tables and chairs. A 10 X 10 space is $25.00 or a double space is $40.00. Electric will not be available but you may bring a generator. For more information, contact Sharon Cerny at 570-801-2411. Pocono Arts Wednesday Evening Workshop Pocono Arts will begin a Wednesday evening workshop “Painting Alla Prima” (all at one go) with artist/instructor John McAllister. Workshops will begin in September and be ongoing each Wednesday evening, 6:30-8:30pm. Tuition: $10.00 per workshop All painting mediums welcome, watercolor, tempera, acrylic, oil, whatever you’re comfortable with. Bring your own materials and instructor John McAllister will help you with composition, color, value and basic techniques. The focus of the workshop is to complete or nearly complete a painting in one 2 hour sitting. First session subject: tea pot with flowers, second session subject: fruit in a basket. You may also bring your own choice of subject. To register please call PoconoArts, 570-476-4460. Bangor Public Library Fundraiser The Bangor Public Library is selling shopping passes for the Boscov's "Friends Helping Friends" one-day sale event. The sale will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 9:00am-7:00pm Stop by the library to purchase your shopping pass. Bangor Public Library is located at 39 S Main St, Bangor, PA. Print Edition Copy E-mailed FREE To You
Our Slate Belt Town Topics Print Edition is now available online and free for everyone. The copy appears perfectly on computer, tablet or smartphone. If you would like a copy e-mailed to you each time we print all you need to do is send your e-mail address to [email protected] We will not sell or distribute copies of your e-mail addresses to anyone. We also hide your email addresses from other people on the list using blind carbon copies. In Case You Missed It......
Bangor Public Library Fundraiser
The Bangor Public Library is selling shopping passes for the Boscov's "Friends Helping Friends" one-day sale event. The sale will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 9:00am-7:00pm Stop by the library to purchase your shopping pass. Bangor Public Library is located at 39 S Main St, Bangor, PA. NYC Trip to San Genaro Festival
Merchants Bank Walkers are sponsoring a bus trip to New York on Sept. 16,2017. Little Italy will be the one and only drop off and pick up location. The San Genaro Festival will be taking place for anyone to enjoy but there are many other places of interest nearby in walking distance or by taxi. The bus will leave from the 191 branch at 8:30 and leave NY at 4:30. All proceeds will be donated to The American Cancer Society thru Relay For Life/Slate Belt. For information contact Karen at 484-390-0743 or any branch of Merchants Bank. Bangor Class of 1967 Reunion
The Bangor High School Class of 1967 will hold their 50th Reunion on Saturday, October 28, 2017 at the Shawnee Inn Resort. Addresses are needed of the following classmates: Susan Dennis, Joseph Duvo, Linda Engler, William Fisher, Harvey Frable, Susan Horn, Kathryn Jewell, Stephen Lamson, Paul Meyers, Carol Sagan, Allison Smith, Roberta Stull, John Sullivan and Mortimer Wells III. Anyone with information can contact: Ken Brewer @ 484-515-3052. Bangor Park 2017 Summer Events:
. August 20: Pooch Plunge at Pool 11am - 1pm The last day of the pool season is one for our furry friends. Come out with man’s (or women’s) best friend and enjoy one of the last days of summer with a doggie swim day! Anyone interested in volunteering for the Park Board or any of these events can contact Debbie Smith at [email protected] or 610-751-7692 Pen Argyl Park Yoga: Mondays and Thursdays at the Weona Park Community Center at 6 P.M. Please contact Janelle Connolly at 484-707-5961 or Weona Park community center building. All levels welcome. Beginners encouraged to attend. Class fee will be $10 Please bring a mat, towel and small blanket. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to class start. Dress in clothing that you can easily move in and feel comfortable in. Recommend dressing in light layers
Pen Argyl Golf Course and Carousel open Wed - Fri. - 3 P.M -9 P.M., Saturday & Sunday 12 P.M.-9 P.M. Bangor park pool is open 11AM-7PM Saturday and Sunday and Noon -7PM weekdays.
Friends of the Bangor Public Library Events
The Friends of the Bangor Public Library announce the following Save-the-Date” events:
New members are always welcome. For additional information contact: Karen Brewer @ 610-588-8615 Totts Gap Arts Events ScheduleSeptember 8 Totts Gap Dance at COTA September 11 Children & Adult Fall Classes Begin September 16 & 17 Totts Gap Arts @ Riverside Festival of the Arts. September 23 Mural Dedication Day October Wine & Good Will @ Tolino’s. October 23 New Adult Classes Begin November 11 Annual Scholarship Dinner December 10 Community Open House
Heritage Center Calendar of EventsSlate Belt Heritage Center Calendar of Events for 2017
Bus Trip to National Civil War Museum
Join the Slate Belt Heritage Center for their bus trip to the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, PA, on Saturday, September 16, 2017. The bus will leave at 8:00 AM from Weiss Market, Route 512 in Bangor, and will return at 5:00 PM. Cost per individual is $95.00 which includes bus ticket and admission ticket into the museum. This is the only museum that tells the entire Civil War story. Local Civil War expert and the National Civil War Museum educator Dane DiFebo will host a special presentation for the tour. See exhibits, visit with re-enactors on the museum grounds, attend Hari Jones program on the United State Colored Troops in the South from 1865-1870 and much more. Reservations are required and a light lunch will be provided. Tickets are available at Bray’s News, 36 Broadway and Heard’s Market, 501 South Main Street, both in Bangor, PA. For additional information contact: Cathy Heard @ 610-588-0735. Civil Air Patrol Meets Every Monday
The Civil Air Patrol 807th Braden Squadron meets every Monday Night from 6:30 to 8:30 at the Bangor VFW or Braden Airpark, Easton Call for meeting location on given night: 610-588-1459 Hope UCC Trip to Sight & Sound
Hope UCC of Wind Gap is sponsoring a trip to Sight & Sound Theatres to see JONAH on Sat, Oct 14, 2017. For further info or to reserve your package(s) please call or email Jen at 908-727-0090 or [email protected]. $125/adults or $ 80/child includes bus, lunch, and show ticket. Money due no later than 08/03/17(No refunds). Letters To The Homefront Book Sold Out
The Slate Belt Heritage Center has announced that it has sold out all 500 copies of it’s very popular book: Letters To Homefront:” A Love Story Between a Community and its World War II Soldiers”. The Center is considering a second printing and would like to know how many more books to order. If you would like to order a copy, please contact the Center at: [email protected], or call the Center @: 610-599-4993. Please leave your name, contact information and number of books you would like. You may also call: Karen Brewer @ 610-588-8615 to re-order. Please DO NOT send money at this time. You will receive a return call when the books are in. Thank you for your continued support of the project. DiscoverE Adventure Backpacks Available
When: Monday thru Saturday, 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM Where: Jacobsburg Visitor Center, 400 Belfast Road, Nazareth Borrow a backpack full of kid-friendly tools to explore Jacobsburg! These backpacks are best for families with young children. Each backpack includes binoculars, notepad, colored pencils, magnifying lens, bug box, dip net, and five field guides for exploring the pond, insects, birds, trees, butterflies and moths. For more information call 610-746-2801 or email [email protected]. Fishing Rods and Tackle Available When: Monday thru Saturday, 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM Where: Jacobsburg Visitor Center, 400 Belfast Road, Nazareth Borrow fishing poles and tackle to use in Jacobsburg’s creeks! To borrow equipment you must provide a driver’s license or other form of state issued identification. Persons age 16 and older must possess a current fishing license to fish. Adults can help children under 16 fish without a license. Bait is not provided. For more information call 610-746-2801 or email [email protected].
![]() August 12Columcille’s Overnight Men's Retreat
Please join for an overnight men's retreat August 12-13 for an opportunity to connect to yourself and the land of Columcille Megalith Park in Bangor, PA. The intention for the retreat is for us to examine and deepen our relationship with the land and our own spiritual path. We will discuss personal accountability and the different ways we as men can bring balance by walking our soul's path in today’s world. They will be exploring this work through various shamanic rituals and ceremonies. One of the events that will continue throughout the retreat will be tending the sacred fire. As Firekeepers, each participant will have the opportunity to take a turn tending the fire in a sacred way with scheduled shifts throughout the retreat. This time will also allow us to honor the oral tradition of storytelling around the fire. It is a rare opportunity to camp on the land for this retreat which is normally not allowed. You are welcome to make other arrangements for sleeping if you do not wish to camp. All of the money collected will be donated to Collumcille Park. We are asking for a donation with a sliding scale of $175 to $125. We understand the need to be flexible with the rate. We also need to get a very accurate head count. We are asking for you to pay with paypal directly through the park website. You can donate through the membership area here: make a note that the funds are for the men’s retreat. Or you can send a check written out to Columcille. Email with questions and to reserve your spot: [email protected]
Faith Church's Blueberry Festival our sweetest event is now in its 3rd year. The Blueberry Festival will be held in the Fellowship Hall at 218 W. Pennsylvania Ave Pen Argyl, PA on August 12, 2017 from 4:00pm to 7:00pm, rain or shine. This community fun event will also feature our favorite summer menu items. Real Faith church cheese-steak and sausage and pepper sandwiches will be on the menu. Cool blueberry treats include Blueberry Ice Cream, Blueberry Pie, Blueberry Cheesecake, Blueberry Cakes, Blueberry Bars, Blueberry Muffins and lots of great food also. You have to try the ultimate homemade Blueberry Pie and Cheesecake these are two treats that come recommended by our Faith Church dessert tasting experts. The Blueberry Festival menu includes all of those popular items from last year’s Festival as well. Grilled chicken sandwiches as well as the savory grilled chicken and berry salad will be available. Come join the fun and taste their sweetest festival and then decide for yourself which Blueberry treat is the best in the Slate Belt Area. Directions to Faith United for the Blueberry Festival are available on the website: also, follow Faith United Presbyterian Church on Facebook and like us. August 13Calliope at Presbyterian Church of the Mountain
On Sunday, August 13, the classical trio, Calliope, will perform at the Presbyterian Church of the Mountain on Route 611 in Delaware Water Gap as part of its Summer Gazebo Concert Series. Members of Calliope include Gina Bertucci, flute, Barbara McMahon, flute, and Laura Goss, bassoon. The concert will include classical selections by J.S. Bach, Lolliet, Handel and Mozart, as well as some contemporary composers. The concert is free and held rain or shine, beginning at 6 PM, on the lawn of the church. Bring a picnic, or purchase light fare in support of the concert series. In case of bad weather, the concert is moved into the sanctuary. For further information call 570-350-3404 or visit August 15Friends of the Bangor Public Library Events
The Friends of the Bangor Public Library announce the following Save-the-Date” events:
New members are always welcome. For additional information contact: Karen Brewer @ 610-588-8615 Summer Book Sale The Friends of the Bangor Public Library will hold their Annual Summer Book Sale at the Blue Valley Farm Show the week of August 15th – 19th. The event will be in the gray display barn on the upper grounds of the fair. Tues-Fri: 6:00- 10:00 PM Sat. Noon-10:00 PM ($5.00 bag day). Like new and gently used books in all genres will be available for adults and children. Donations are now being accepted at the Bangor library during hours and must be in good condition. Soiled, torn, and college textbooks will not be accepted. For additional information contact Karen Brewer @ 610-588-8615. Sixth Annual Mass in honor of St. Roch The Sixth Annual Mass in honor of St. Roch will be celebrated on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., in the closed church on Second Street, West Bangor. The Rev. Msgr. VincentP. York, pastor of St. Elizabeth Catholic Parish will be the celebrant. Parishioners and friends of the former St. Roch Church are invited to participate in this Annual Mass. Each year since 2012, the Diocese of Allentown has granted permission to celebrate the Mass in honor of St. Roch, the Patron Saint. Included in the Mass will be the liturgy, music and readings in honor St. Roch. Community Library Fund Raiser On Tuesday, August 15, the Blue Mountain Community Library of Pen Argyl will hold a fundraiser at Emmy Lou’s Ice Cream Café, located at 492 East Main St., Pen Argyl. Dine and/or enjoy dessert between 5 and 10 PM, and a portion of your purchase price will be donated to benefit the library. Menus are available at the Café and the library, or visit Emmy Lou’s on Facebook. The BMCL Summer Reading program “High 5 Your Reading Drive” will end on August 12. The library will begin collecting nonperishable food items for the Hope UCC Food Bank in Wind Gap on August 14. Please drop off your food donations now through September 30. Call 610-863-3029 or visit for information. Find us on Facebook at August 17Young at Heart Club Meeting
The Slate Belt Young at Heart Club will be meeting on Thursday, August 17 at 1:00pm in the St. Elizabeth's Church Hall in Pen Argyl. A representative from the Chamber of Commerce will present the program. Also, please note: Our September meeting will be on Friday, September 15th, at 12:00noon; please note...this is a change of date and time. We will feature the Hinkel family which is a Christian musical group from Texas that tour the United States. Please feel free to stop in and enjoy their music. For more information, please call Mary Lou DeRea-Lohman at 610-863-4846 or 610-844-4630. August 19East Bangor Large Yard Sale
The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church is holding a LARGE "Yard Sale" in conjunction with their "Used Book Sale" on Saturday only, August 19th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It will be held in the church parking lot. The church is located at 136 W. Central Ave. (Rt. 512), East Bangor, PA. For more info., call 610-588-4453 or visit August 20East Bangor UMC Special Music
The East Bangor United Methodist Community Church welcomes Laura Goss and Lisa Schwartz, instrumentalists, who will offer special music at the 9:15 a.m. worship service on Sunday, August 20th. The church is located at 136 W. Central Ave. (Rt. 512), East Bangor, PA. For more info., call 610-588-4453 or visit August 25Columcille Autumn Women's Retreat
Join the Women of Columcille .at the Autumn Women's Retreat Friday, August 25th through Sunday the 27th at the Kirkridge Farmhouse. For full information, Program, Registration and Meal information, click HERE for a PDF to download, fill out and print. If you wish to charge your registration fee to your credit or debit card please contact Beth Guida. Her email is:[email protected]. Registration deadline is August 22nd. There are a limited number of partial scholarships available. Email Beth at [email protected] for further information on availability. August 26Movie Night at UMBT Community Park
John Bermingham, Chairman, UMBT Supervisors is happy to announce that Upper Mount Bethel will be having its first “Movie Night in the Park,” sponsored by LamTec Corporation and Custom Laminating Corporation! Admission is free and ALL are welcome, including the neighboring communities. On Saturday, August 26th they will be showing a movie in the Community Park located off Potomac Street. There will be vendors selling food, ice cream, refreshments, music and even free popcorn. This is another great way to bring our community together. The Park will be open all day and the movie will begin at dusk around 8pm. The movie will be "UP". August 29Monroe Animal League Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Monroe Animal League will be on Tuesday, August 29 at 7:00 PM at the Eastern Monroe County Library, Rt. 611/N. 9th Street, Stroudsburg. All Monroe County animal lovers are encouraged to attend. For more information, visit, join us on Facebook at League, email [email protected], or call 570-421-7775. September 2Slate Belt Sprint 5K Run/Walk & Kids Fun Run
Kick-off your Labor Day celebrations with yhe Slate Belt YMCA This is a family event, as well as an event for competitive runners. Saturday, September 2nd, 2017 at Slate Belt YMCA, 7:00 AM Registration Opens, 8:15 AM 5K Run, 8:20 AM 5K Walk, 9:15 AM Kids Fun Run Awards: First Place Overall, Male & Female, First Place Walker, Male & Female, Top 3 Male & Female by Age Group REGISTRATION:
ReStore Recyclable Latex Paint September 2 Upper Mt. Bethel Township, Municipal Building, 387 Ye Olde Highway, Mt. Bethel, PA 18343 October 7, Tatamy Borough, Hope Lutheran Church, 240 S 8Th St.,Tatamy, PA 18085 September 8Nazareth Garden Club Show
The Nazareth Area Garden Club will hold it's 15th Annual Flower and Garden Show on Friday Sept. 8th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday the 9th, from 10:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. at the Schoeneck Moravian Church , 316 B Broad St. Ext in Nazareth. This year's theme is Jungle Fever and will feature Floral Arrangements in 10 categories. In addition, both annual and perennial specimens will be judged, as well as houseplants, fruits and vegetables. Special club projects include Rosemary and a beautiful red Geranium grown by members since May. A Container Garden in a re-purposed container will also be judged by the audience. Mosaic bird baths are also featured. Jack Jones will be there with his birdhouses made form recycled barn wood. Be sure to visit our raffle table and plant sale. The show room is air conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Admission is always free. For more information please contact Sandee Rinehart 610-865-5439 or [email protected] September 9Lehigh Valley Collection Events
Bethlehem will be hosting an Electronics Collection Event on Saturday, September 9th at the Recycling Center, 345 Illicks Mill Rd., Bethlehem, 18017, event time is 9am-12pm. Please see the attached flyer with AERC material pricing. UMBT First Annual Craft Show Upper Mount Bethel is holding its FIRST ANNUAL MT. BETHEL CRAFT SHOW on September 9 2017 from 8 am to 4 pm. This event is for CRAFTERS ONLY. If you are interested please message UMBT on Facebook for an application. This event is in support of their community park in Upper Mount Bethel Township. East Bangor Safety Day Safety day will be held at East Bangor Park Satuday September 9 from 12 -4. September 16Bus Trip to National Civil War Museum
Join the Slate Belt Heritage Center for their bus trip to the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, PA, on Saturday, September 16, 2017. The bus will leave at 8:00 AM from Weiss Market, Route 512 in Bangor, and will return at 5:00 PM. Cost per individual is $95.00 which includes bus ticket and admission ticket into the museum. This is the only museum that tells the entire Civil War story. Local Civil War expert and the National Civil War Museum educator Dane DiFebo will host a special presentation for the tour. See exhibits, visit with re-enactors on the museum grounds, attend Hari Jones program on the United State Colored Troops in the South from 1865-1870 and much more. Reservations are required and a light lunch will be provided. Tickets are available at Bray’s News, 36 Broadway and Heard’s Market, 501 South Main Street, both in Bangor, PA. For additional information contact: Cathy Heard @ 610-588-0735. September 17Trail To Town Jamboree
The Trail To Town Jamboree hosted by Slate Belt Rising, Boy Scout Troop 33 and Wind Gap Borough will be held at Wind Gap Park, September 17, 2016 8:00 a.m. to 4:00. The event will celebrate Wind Gap’s designation as an Appalachian Trail community and the Slate Belt Rising’s commitment to conserve our natural assets. The Jamboree will feature: • Food Stand by Wind Gap Rire Co. • Music by Local Performers • Outdoor Skills Demos by Local Scouts Lashing & Knots - Fire Building • Information tables from the ATC, EcoTourism and Conservation organizations and local officials. • Yoga Demo • Aromatherapy - making your own non toxic bug spray • Waste Managementt - Environmental education • Minsi Trails Council - The role of the scouts in our communities • Anytime Fitness - Exercise for hikers. • Realistic First Aid - Members of National Youth Leadership Training Course • Hunting and Photography • Genesis Bicycles - Biking and safety.• Civil War Re-enactors • Planting a Pollinator Garden -Master Gardener Parking at Wind Gap Middle School (1620 Teels Rd. Pen Argyl Pa.). FREE Van Service Available throughout the day from Wind Gap Middle School to Wind Gap Park and the Appalachian Trail Head. Contact: Slate Belt Rising Director, Stephen Reider, at 484-523-0900 or by email at [email protected] or Eily Leicht Scout Master Troop 33 610-442-4973 email [email protected] September 22District 10 Trappers Convention
District 10 Trappers 2017 Fall Trapping Convention, September 22nd 12-6pm and 23rd 8am-6pm at the Northampton County 4-H Center (777 Bushkill Center Rd. Nazareth, PA 18064). Free Admission, Free Demos, Food on premises, Tailgaters welcome. Contact Bob Counterman 610-759-9203. September 30Families First 5K/Walk
Families First is celebrating its 15th Anniversary serving residents in the Pen Argyl Area School District. Join their 15th Annual 5-K Race & 1 Mile Fun Walk on Saturday, September 30, 2017, rain or shine. Registration for the race/walk will begin at the Wind Gap Borough Park at 7:45 a.m. with the race starting at 9:00 a.m. Pre-registration is open until 2 pm on Friday, September 29th at a fee of $20.00 per person or $40.00 for a family with three or more registrants. On Race day Saturday, September 30th Registration fee will be $25.00 per person and $50.00 for a family with three or more registrants. There is a special discount registration for students only $15.00. The Largest Youth Group/Team/Organization pre-registered for the 5-K Race or Walk will receive a Pizza Party. Awards will be presented to the overall top Male and Female, top Masters Male and Female, and top 3 finishers in each of the eight age categories. Entry includes a quality T-shirt for the first 100 registered, bagels, water, door prizes, and the opportunity to support a worthwhile cause. The one-mile fun walk is non-competitive. To register, contact Race Chairperson Phil Giaquinto at 610-746-4436 or via email to [email protected]. Sponsorship opportunities are still available at all levels from $100.00 to $1,000.00. Partial Sponsors List as of this date: Premier Sponsors: Thrivent Financial; Corporate Sponsors: Wind Gap Chevrolet-Buick; Logo Sponsors: Methodist Services, Lucy Flinn-State Farm ; Name Sponsors: Grand Central Landfill, Huth Insurance, Merchants Bank, Reimer Brothers, Sabatino Insurance Agency, The Scorecard Sports Bar & Grill, State Representative Marcia M. Hahn All levels of sponsorship includes: publicity, listing of corporate logo or Name on the event T-Shirts, and the opportunity to present informational material at the Race. For sponsorship information, contact the Families First Director, Frank Jones at 610-863-3688 or via email to [email protected]. October 1Portland Lodge No.311 MASONIC Motorama
The Portland Lodge No.311 MASONIC Motorama will be held October 1 at 12 PM New this year TRUCK and BIG RIG PULLS. Monster truck rides will be happening this year. Miller memorial blood center on site. Donors will be needed! Contact Shilo Thomas for available times. All proceeds donated to local charities. Exclusive R/C is back again this year with their monster display of R/C cars ,trucks and equipment. Show open to anything with a motor. Cars, trucks, low riders, high rollers, helicopters, power wheels, golf carts, big rigs, firetrucks/rescue vehicles, ATVs, boats, Snowmobiles, new, OLD, street rods, race cars, R/c cars trucks, tow trucks, wresckers etc. You know what we do and how we do it! We are going to be bigger, better, faster, stronger! A day of speed, horsepower and motor mayhem at the Plainfield Farmers grove, route 191 and Kesslersville road, Nazareth pa. Sponsors and vendors wanted. First come first serve, spaces open May 1st. Info posted soon. Coach Bag Bingo Please join with Guardians of the Ribbon to support women of all ages battling cancer - Slate Belt PA Chapter 12:00 noon Sunday, October 1 at Charter's Banquet Facility at Plainfield Township Volunteer Fire Company in Wind Gap. The afternoon will feature 15 games of bingo and 1 Buy in game grand finale. An authentic Coach handbag will be going to the individual winner of each game. All participants will have an opportunity to purchase 50/50, Raffle tickets and extra sets of bingo packs. All tickets will most likely sell out in pre sales. Admission is $30 per person pre-sale . 35.00 st door. Space is limited to 200 guests. Tickets can be purchased in advance and are non-refundable – which includes 15 games. Additional Bingo books will be sold 1 for $15 at the door. This is a great way to spend time with friends and family while supporting Guardians of the Ribbon - Slate Belt PA Chapter . So don't delay in getting your tickets....they're going fast! Tickets are non refundable. Doors open at 12.00 pm – Bingo starts at 1 pm. Please feel free to invite your friends too!!!! Vendors and exhibitors will be on site as well. Please note: This is an adult Bingo. If you are bringing a teen with you. They must have a ticket and be seated with you. Ok, just a few fun facts. You can buy additional bingo books for 15.00. Lets not forget about the Buy in Game. Game 16. You can buy into this game for 5.00 for a chance to win a great bag and who knows what else. Raffle tickets will be 3 for 5.00 or 7 for 10.00. Lottery Apron tickets 3 for 5.00 or 7 for 10.00. 50/50 tickets 3 for 5.00 or 7 for 10.00.. . Who is ready for some fun October 14Lehigh Valley Collection Events
Northampton will be hosting the second HHW Collection at Northampton Community College on Saturday, October 14th, 3835 Green Pond Rd., Bethlehem, 18020, event time is 8:30am-2pm. Please see the attached flyer for accepted material. October 17Bangor Public Library Fundraiser
The Bangor Public Library is selling shopping passes for the Boscov's "Friends Helping Friends" one-day sale event. The sale will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 9:00am-7:00pm Stop by the library to purchase your shopping pass. Bangor Public Library is located at 39 S Main St, Bangor, PA. October 28Bangor Class of 1967 Reunion
The Bangor High School Class of 1967 will hold their 50th Reunion on Saturday, October 28, 2017 at the Shawnee Inn Resort. Addresses are needed of the following classmates: Susan Dennis, Joseph Duvo, Linda Engler, William Fisher, Harvey Frable, Susan Horn, Kathryn Jewell, Stephen Lamson, Paul Meyers, Carol Sagan, Allison Smith, Roberta Stull, John Sullivan and Mortimer Wells III. Anyone with information can contact: Ken Brewer @ 484-515-3052. Jacobsburg Market Faire & Rendezvous Jacobsburg Market Faire & Rendezvous will be held October 27–29, 2017 and is open to the public Saturday 10 am – 4 pm Sunday 10 am – 3 pm. “Dancin’ with the Honeybees” program on Saturday and Sunday, October 28 & 29 at 1:00 pm for the public near the Children’s Activity tent. |
![]() Donations For St. John's St. John's Cemetary on South Sixth Street in Bangor seeks donations for lawn maintenance services. Please send donations to: St. John's Cemetary, c/o Carol Hummel, 136 Messinger Street, Bangor, PA 18013. Slate Belt Senior CenterSlate Belt Senior Center
Blue Valley Farm Show Complex 700 American Bangor Road Bangor, ph 610-588-1224
Morning Stretch, Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, 9:15 AM Walking Club, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 9:30 AM Crafts, Tuesdays, 9:00 AM Zumba Gold, Tuesdays, 10:00 AM Card, Quoits, and Board Games, Tuesdays, 12:15-3:00 PM Brush Away with Senior Artists, Wednesdays, 8:30-11:00 AM Quoits, Thursday, August 10, 10:00 A.M. Nickle-Nickle, Thursday, August 10. 12:15 PM CENTER CLOSES AT 12:30, Friday, August 11 CENTER CLOSED, for Blue Valley Farm Show, August 14-18 Thursday, August 24, Brain Games, 10:00 AM CLR, Thursday, August 24, 12:15 PM DANCE, Gary Dee, August 25, 12:30 PM Say goodbye to summer, Ice cream bash Thursday, August 31, 12:15 PM COMING IN SEPTEMBER Arthritis Foundation exercise class with certified instructor Tuesday and Thursday, 12:15-1:00 PM The Senior Center is looking for a choir director Pen Argyl -August 2017
MTD: 4.26 YTD: 34.10 Normal: 3.90
Blue Mt. Library New BooksNew Adult Fiction:
Bangor Library New Books
August 3 -9 Adult Non Fiction
Adult Fiction
Large Print Fiction
Young Adult Fiction
Junior Fiction
Slate Belt Area